Effect of Femoklim on the state of blood vessels in hypoestrogenemia and arterial hypertension

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The article presents the results of duplex scanning of the common carotid arteries (CCA) and assessment of the structural and functional state of the vascular bed of 57 women with arterial hypertension (AH) with hypoestrogenemia. It was found that with hypertension with a reduced level of estradiol, the lumen of the OCA increases, the speed of blood flow in the carotid arteries decreases, which indicates vascular remodeling. In the studied patients, in every third case, an inertial type of vasomotor reaction is detected before treatment, which indicates the contribution of dishormonosis to the progression of hypertension due to the development of endothelial dysfunction. Combined therapy with phytoestrogens and ACE inhibitors improves the structural and functional characteristics of the vascular wall, reduces arterial stiffness. The drug Femoklim is a source of phytohormones, hormones of entomological origin and natural antioxidants, has a positive effect on the state of the vascular system, improves blood microcirculation, is a capillary protector, has a complex harmonizing effect on the body.

About the authors

M. M. Khabibulina

Ural State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
Email: m.xabibulina@mail.ru

Candidate of Medical Sciences

Russian Federation, Yekaterinburg

M. D. Shamilov

Ural State Medical University

Email: m.xabibulina@mail.ru
Russian Federation, Yekaterinburg


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