Drilling in a Productive Stratum within a Borehole Using a Network of Perforated Waveguide Channels

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The pressure amplitude in a wave with the energy accumulated in the waveguide channels depending on the fluid characteristics of the rock and the reservoir is determined. A technology and a device for the secondary opening of the productive stratum in a well by making perforation waveguide channels, as well as a device for lowering the filtering shank into the borehole perforation channels, are presented.

About the authors

R. F. Ganiev

Mechanical Engineering Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: shamov.na@mail.ru
101990, Moscow, Russia

N. A. Shamov

Mechanical Engineering Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.
Email: shamov.na@mail.ru
101990, Moscow, Russia


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Copyright (c) 2023 Р.Ф. Ганиев, Н.А. Шамов

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