卷 39, 编号 6 (2023)

Thermohydrodynamics of the ocean and the atmosphere

Vertical turbulent exchange in the Black Sea: experimental studies and modeling

Samodurov A., Chukharev A., Kazakov D., Pavlov M., Korzhuev V.


Purpose. The paper is purposed at summarizing the main results of experimental and theoretical studies of vertical turbulent exchange in the upper mixed and stratified layers of the Black Sea carried out in recent years.

Methods and Results. The equations for semi-empirical dependences of turbulence intensity on the governing parameters are proposed, based on a large amount of experimental data on the turbulent structure obtained at the research vessels and the stationary oceanographic platform using modern high-frequency equipment combined with the conventional measurements of main hydrophysical characteristics. The experimental data obtained were used to verify the theoretical models and to specify the empirical coefficients in the proposed equations. A multiscale model was applied additionally to the Kraus – Turner model to forecast reliably the upper mixed lay deepening after a storm has passed. The turbulent energy dissipation rate and the turbulent diffusion coefficient in the stratified layers were found using the data on microstructure of the hydrophysical fields. The coefficient dependences on buoyancy frequency in different layers are expressed by a power function with different degree indices.

Conclusions. Having been examined in detail, the stratification conditions as well as the large array of sounding data made it possible to identify five layers with different density gradients and different mechanisms dominant in generating turbulence. Such a differentiation specifies the expressions describing the turbulent diffusion intensity depending on the layer depth and the physical and geographical conditions affecting vertical exchange. On the whole, the resulting power-law dependences agree well with the earlier developed 1.5D model of vertical turbulent exchange for the Black Sea. The proposed way of considering the effect of the turbulence generation mechanisms in the upper mixed layer improves the correspondence between the model calculations and the experimental data. The Kraus – Turner model supplemented with the multiscale turbulence model permits to forecast deepening of the mixed layer resulting from storm conditions.

Morskoj gidrofizičeskij žurnal. 2023;39(6):735-759
pages 735-759 views

Analysis of observations and methods of calculating Hydrophysical fields in the ocean

Reasons for rapid increase of water salinity in the Sea of Azov in the 21st century

Berdnikov S., Kulygin V., Dashkevich L.


Purpose. When discussing the Sea of Azov salinization both in the 1970s and in the current period, the reduction of river runoff (primarily in the Don River) is indicated as the main reason for this phenomenon that results in the increased advection of the Black Sea waters. However, this factor alone is not enough to explain salinity decrease in the last quarter of the 20th century as well as its rapid growth in 2007–2020. The paper is purposed at assessing the contribution of water balance components to the change in the Azov Sea salinity for more than 50 years (1966–2020).

Methods and Results. A mathematical model of water-salt balance is used to assess the annual average salinity of the Sea of Azov. The variability of all the water balance components and the sources of its uncertainty are considered. It is shown that the model applied is resistant to variation of the input data. Based on the correlation analysis, it is found that during the salinization period, evaporation plays an important role along with the river runoff. At that in the 1970s, a decisive impact upon evaporation was exerted by the wind speed, whereas at the beginning of the 21st century – by the temperature and humidity regimes.

Conclusions. At the beginning of the 21st century, the reason for rapid salinity increase in the Azov Sea waters consisted in the prolonged period of low-water in rivers coinciding with the period of high water and air temperatures that resulted in an increase of evaporation from the sea surface. The obtained results permit to conclude that at the changed atmospheric processes in the region, the only factor consisting in transition from the low river inflows to the Azov Sea basin to the high ones may be not enough to provide significant decrease of seawater salinity. This circumstance should be taken into account when preparing the plans for adapting the economic activities to the climate changes.

Morskoj gidrofizičeskij žurnal. 2023;39(6):760-778
pages 760-778 views

Regional features of water density stratification and internal wave characteristics in the Arctic seas

Bukatov А., Solovei N., Pavlenko Е.


Purpose. The work is purposed at summarizing the results of studies both of the spatio-temporal variability of water density stratification and the internal wave characteristics in the Barents, Kara, Laptev, East Siberian, Chukchi and Beaufort seas.

Methods and Results. Based on the World Ocean Atlas data, the average monthly profiles of buoyancy frequency were calculated at the 0.25° × 0.25° grid points for 1959–2020. To study the vertical structure and dispersion characteristics of internal waves, the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the main boundary value problem of the Sturm – Liouville type were found at the fixed values of a wave number. The regional features of vertical structure and intra-annual variability of the Väisälä – Brunt frequency were revealed. The relationship between the water density vertical structure and the free internal wave characteristics in the seas under consideration was analyzed.

Conclusions. It is shown that maximum water stability in the Barents Sea takes place in July – August, in the Kara Sea – in September and November, in the Laptev Sea – from June to November, in the East Siberian and Chukchi seas – in July, and in the Beaufort Sea – in June. In the same months, the smallest values of the amplitude of vertical velocity component as well as the smallest own periods of internal waves are noted. The depth of maximum values of the vertical component amplitude of internal wave velocities exceeds that of the density gradient maximum values by about 10–20 m.

Morskoj gidrofizičeskij žurnal. 2023;39(6):779-796
pages 779-796 views

Experimental and field research

Variability of upwelling characteristics in the southeastern Baltic Sea in the first two decades of the 21st century

Kapustina M., Zimin А.


Purpose. The study is purposed at systematizing the regional features of coastal upwelling in the southeastern part of the Baltic Sea (SEB) during the summer seasons of 2000–2019 in a changing climate.

Methods and Results. The results of the identification of upwelling events in the southeastern Baltic Sea are presented as a negative anomaly of the coastal sea surface temperature relative to the selected area of the open sea. The estimates of influence of the local and global atmospheric processes (based on the data on wind characteristics and SCAND and NAO teleconnection indices) upon the upwelling event characteristics, (frequency, duration and area) were obtained. On average, 4 upwelling events with a total duration exceeding 20 days were observed, at the upwelling zone average area of about 620 km2. The upwelling frequency in the area under study was the highest along the northern part of the Curonian Spit and the Sambia Peninsula western coast. In comparison to 2000–2009, the upwelling durations in the summer seasons of 2010–2019 were recorded to decrease by about 8 days at the decline of frequency of the winds favorable for their development by 4–5%. The correlation between the number of upwelling days in southeastern Baltic Sea and the SCAND index is established (the correlation coefficient was 0.65), that allows further attempts on obtaining the long-term forecasts of the probability of coastal upwelling development in the southeastern Baltic Sea.

Conclusions. It is shown that a steady decrease in the upwelling frequency in SEB during the recent decades is related to a declining frequency of the upwelling-favorable winds largely conditioned by the anticyclogenesis development over the Scandinavian Peninsula.

Morskoj gidrofizičeskij žurnal. 2023;39(6):797-813
pages 797-813 views

Field investigations of the geometric features of wind wave breaking

Korinenko А., Malinovsky V.


Purpose. The paper is purposed at studying temporal variability of the geometric dimensions of wind wave breaking under natural conditions, and at assessing the fraction of the sea surface covered with foam using the distribution of the breaking wave crest lengths.

Methods and Results. Field studies of the wave breaking characteristics were carried out from the stationary oceanographic platform located at 500 m off the Katsiveli coast (Black Sea hydrophysical subsatellite polygon). The geometric dimensions of wave breaking in the active phase and the velocity of wave movement were determined using the video records of sea surface. Processing of video frame sequences has resulted in formation of the array of crest lengths, and the array of widths and areas of the varying in time foam structures. Meteorological information was obtained simultaneously with video records.

Conclusions. The connection independent of wind and wave conditions was established experimentally between the wave breaking geometric dimensions and the breaking wave length: the average width of breaking is proportional to the length of a breaking wave, the average area – to the squared length of a carrier wave. The values of these ratios are 0.03 and 0.002, respectively, that confirms the geometric similarity of wave breaking. It is shown that the length and width of an individual wave breaking increase at a constant rate, the value of which is conditioned by the scale of a breaking wave. The geometric characteristics of wave breaking normalized to the length of a breaking wave are linearly dependent on dimensionless time and independent of the scales and velocities of breaking waves. To calculate the fraction of sea surface covered with foam, the distributions of the wave breaking lengths were used. The field data values are shown to be adequately corresponding to the calculations by the model proposed by O. M. Phillips.

Morskoj gidrofizičeskij žurnal. 2023;39(6):814-830
pages 814-830 views

Distribution of 228Ra and 226Ra in the surface layer of the Black Sea waters

Kozlovskaia O., Kremenchutskii D., Shibetskaia I., Razina V., Bezhin N.


Purpose. The purpose of the work is to summarize information on the features of spatial variability of the 226Ra and 228Ra concentration fields and the factors influencing these features in the surface water layer of the Black Sea.

Methods and Results. The data on spatial variability of the 228Ra and 226Ra concentrations in the surface (0.3–3.0 m) layer of the Black Sea obtained during four expeditions were used. The 228Ra and 226Ra isotopes were extracted from the seawater samples using the MnO2-based fiber. Their activity was measured by a UMF-2000 alpha-beta radiometer. The data on the content of main elements of the basic biogenic cycle were obtained photometrically.

Conclusions. The concentrations of 228Ra and 226Ra varied in a range of 17.2 to 172.2 dpm/m3 and from 38.0 to 270.1 dpm/m3, respectively. It is shown that in the region under study, the influence of submarine sources and, presumably, sewage is of a local character and is manifested in an increase of the concentrations of these radionuclides or one of them by 1.5–2.3 times. The mesoscale eddies observed in the region of the Southern Coast of Crimea are assumed to affect spatial variability of the radium isotope concentration fields that results in a local decrease or increase in their concentrations by 2.3–2.8 times. It is shown that propagation of the Azov Sea waters in the Black Sea is traced by the 228Ra and 226Ra concentration fields: the increased (by 2.3–2.6 times) values of the contents of both isotopes are observed in these areas. It is established that in the areas subjected to the affect of river runoff, the concentration of long-lived radium isotopes is observed to increase with distance from the coast. The spatial scales, on which the influence of a particular source is manifested, are expected to be proportional to its power (flow rate and radionuclides concentration): the higher the power, the greater the distance at which its influence is monitored.

Morskoj gidrofizičeskij žurnal. 2023;39(6):831-850
pages 831-850 views

Synoptic variability of water temperature off the Crimea coast in summer 2022 based on the contact and satellite data

Artamonov Y., Skripaleva E., Fedirko A., Nikolsky N.


Purpose. The aim of the study is to specify the features in changes of the Black Sea surface water temperature off the Crimea coast on a synoptic scale in summer 2022 based on the contact and satellite measurements of water temperature and surface wind.

Methods and Results. The data of hydrological measurements carried out during the 122nd (June 7–23, 2022) and 123rd (August 16–31, 2022) cruises of the R/V Professor Vodyanitsky in the northern part of the Black Sea were used. Sea water temperature was measured by the CTD complex IDRONAUT OCEAN SEVEN 320 PlusM, and the wind speed and direction – by the AIRMAR-220WX ship meteorological station. The study also included the daily averaged satellite-derived data on sea surface temperature taken from the Black Sea – High Resolution L4 Sea Surface Temperature Reprocessed with the 0.01° × 0.01° spatial resolution, as well as the data on wind speed taken from the Global Ocean Hourly Sea Surface Wind and Stress from Scatterometer and Model with the 0.125° × × 0.125° spatial resolution (Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service). Based on the contact and satellite measurements, statistical characteristics of the water temperature and wind speed distributions were calculated. It was shown that the differences in temperature distributions revealed from the data of the two-stage surveys in the above-mentioned cruises had been conditioned by the features of a temperature seasonal cycle and by the synoptic variations of surface wind. A significant inverse correlation was found between the wind speed modulus and the temperature, the maximum level of which was observed in the western part of the survey area, approximately between the Cape Aiya and the Cape Sarych.

Conclusions. It is shown that based on the contact and satellite measurement, in summer 2022, the values of synoptic temperature anomalies on the sea surface were the highest in the area of noticeable coastal shelf expansion, i. e., in the Feodosiya Bay and between the Sarych and Ayu-Dag capes. The temperature synoptic changes were conditioned mainly by the variations in the local wind speed.

Morskoj gidrofizičeskij žurnal. 2023;39(6):851-866
pages 851-866 views

Characteristics of state and evolution of the Black Sea hydrochemical structure

Varenik A., Kondratyev S., Medvedev E., Khoruzhiy D., Orekhova N.


Purpose. The purpose of the study is to analyze the features of spatial-temporal and vertical distribution of oxygen, hydrogen sulfide and main nutrients (phosphates, nitrates, ammonium and silica acid), as well as the characteristics of carbonate system in the Black Sea in the modern period.

Methods and Results. The data used in the study were obtained by the scientists of Marine Hydrophysical Institute in the scientific cruises in the Black Sea in 2013–2021 within the economic zone of Russia. During these cruises, more than 200 deep-sea stations were carried out, samples were taken using a cassette of 12 bathometers of the Sea-Bird 911 plus CTD Seabird-Electronics INC device at certain isopycnic surfaces. At the coastal shallow-water stations, samples were taken from the surface and near-bottom horizons. Precipitations were sampled by the automatic precipitation collectors at the meteorological stations located on the Pavlovsky Cape in Sevastopol and at the Black Sea hydrophysical subsatellite polygon (the Southern coast of Crimea).

Conclusions. The location of upper boundary of the suboxic zone varies from st = 15.7 kg/m3 to st = = 15.9 kg/m3, that in the depth scale corresponds to the interval of ⁓ 40 m. The vertical distribution of hydrogen sulfide is more of isopycnic character, the boundary of isosulfide 3 µM appearing is located within st = 16.10–16.15 kg/m3. On the vertical profile of nitrates, their maximum concentration not exceeding 4 µM, is observed within the range st = 15.2–15.5 kg/m3. It is shown that the content of oxidized nitrogen forms has almost returned to the pre-eutrophication level. The concentration of ammonium ions in the aerobic and suboxic zones predominantly does not exceed 0.5 µM, the ammonium concentration starts to increase at the depth of isopycne st = 16.10–16.15 kg/m3, at which hydrogen sulfide appears. The maximum concentrations of ammonium ions (96 ± 5 µM) were noted at the depth 1800 m and below that corresponded to the earlier obtained data. The phosphates vertical distribution is characterized by their minimum (˂ 0.5 µM) content at st = 15.8 kg/m3, and by their maximum (not more than 8 µM) one at st = 16.2 kg /m3. The hydrogen sulfide content at the depths exceeding 1750 m in the Black Sea is currently 383 ± 2 µM. The pH value of surface waters was 8.29–8.38 decreasing to 7.67 below ~ 50 m. Total alkalinity varied within the range 3268–3335 µM, below st = 16 kg/m3 it increased sharply reaching its maximum value ~ 4364 µM in the bottom layer. The results obtained confirm the immutability of the previously established features of the vertical distribution of hydrochemical components and the ranges of their concentration variations.

The spatial distribution of nutrients clearly shows a decrease in their concentrations from the coastal areas to the deep-sea ones. One of the largest external sources of nutrients in the Black Sea waters is the atmospheric precipitations. On the synoptic spatial-temporal scales, they can become the main source of inorganic nitrogen, phosphate and silica entering the sea surface layer.

Morskoj gidrofizičeskij žurnal. 2023;39(6):867-892
pages 867-892 views

Mathematical modeling of marine systems

Mechanisms of variability of the Black and Marmara seas circulation based on numerical energy analysis

Demyshev S., Dymova O., Markova N.


Purpose. The study is purposed at analyzing the physical mechanisms of formation of the Black and Marmara seas circulation structures based on the numerical experiments with climatic boundary conditions.

Methods and Results. To investigate the reasons for formation of the circulation features, the energetic approach was applied that permitted to calculate the work of the forces affecting the marine environment. Location in the same geographical region determines similarity of the atmospheric conditions for the Black and Marmara seas, and the clearly pronounced two-layer water stratification in both basins is related to a significant difference in salinity of the Black Sea and Mediterranean waters. To analyze the mechanisms of circulation variability, the mean and eddy fields formed under the impact of climatic atmospheric forcing and calculated using a numerical model of sea dynamics were considered. Wind influence, thermohaline fluxes on the sea surface, buoyancy work, friction, and diffusion were quantitatively assessed based on calculation of the Lorenz energy cycle components. The common features were found in the mechanisms of mesoscale variability, and the differences – in the mechanisms of large-scale circulation variability.

Conclusions. It is shown that the main source of energy for the Black Sea mean circulation is the wind stress work, and as for the Marmara Sea, the dominant factor is the buoyancy work. For both basins, variability of the eddy kinetic energy characterizing the mesoscale dynamics is conditioned by baroclinic instability. At that, about a quarter of the available potential energy in the Black Sea, and about a half of it in the Marmara Sea is transformed into the eddy kinetic energy.

Morskoj gidrofizičeskij žurnal. 2023;39(6):893-908
pages 893-908 views