Effect of Obstructed Space on the Parameters of Shock Waves from the Deflagration of Hydrogen–Air Clouds

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This article considers the generation of pressure waves during the combustion of hydrogen–air clouds in various modes. The problem of the combustion of spherical clouds, in which the inner spherical volume burns with an apparent velocity of 240 m/s, and the remaining outer layer with an apparent velocity of 100 m/s, is considered. Also, for comparison, two limiting cases are considered: the combustion of the entire cloud with constant velocities of 100 and 240 m/s. The problem is solved numerically in a one-dimensional formulation, with the combustion front clearly identified. As a result, using precise numerical simulation, it is shown that the deflagration of secondary volumes of hydrogen–air mixtures in an open space at a slow speed (up to 100 m/s) does not lead to an increase in pressure in the waves generated earlier during the deflagration of the primary volume at a fast speed corresponding to deflagration in an obstructed space. Such a situation is observed for the inner region of various sizes (the portion of the cloud that burns at a high rate).

About the authors

S. I. Sumskoi

National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute), Moscow, Russia

Email: sumskoi@mail.ru
Россия, Москва

A. S. Sof’in

ZAO Scientific and Technical Center of Industrial Safety, Moscow, Russia

Email: sumskoi@mail.ru
России, Москва

S. Kh. Zainetdinov

ZAO Scientific and Technical Center of Industrial Safety, Moscow, Russia

Email: sumskoi@mail.ru
России, Москва

M. V. Lisanov

ZAO Scientific and Technical Center of Industrial Safety, Moscow, Russia

Email: sumskoi@mail.ru
России, Москва

A. A. Agapov

ZAO Scientific and Technical Center of Industrial Safety, Moscow, Russia

Author for correspondence.
Email: sumskoi@mail.ru
России, Москва


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Copyright (c) 2023 С.И. Сумской, А.С. Софьин, С.Х. Зайнетдинов, М.В. Лисанов, А.А. Агапов

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