Connection of BRICS and EAEU integration projects in the context of Russian economic development



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The ongoing transformation of the Russian economy under external sanctions pressure determines the development of integration projects in the post-Soviet space, which differ in the form and depth of economic cooperation. The expansion of BRICS, as well as the strengthening of mutual trade with Asia and the search for new trading partners, is of great relevance in the context of studying trade and economic connectivity between the BRICS members, Russia and the EAEU countries.

The article is devoted to the analysis of promising areas of cooperation between the BRICS countries and the EAEU. The purpose is to identify the most promising trading partners among the BRICS countries in the context of the expansion of the organization and the accession of five new members.

The study highlights optimal models of cooperation between the EAEU and BRICS countries in the context of reorientation of trade flows. The conclusion of the article is the need to strengthen horizontal interaction between companies of the EAEU and BRICS jurisdictions in the context of increasing the volume of parallel imports of high-tech products and developing infrastructure projects that affect the interests of Russia and partner countries.




Ilya Medvedev

Institute of Economics (RAS)


Junior Researcher, Center for Post-Soviet Studies

俄罗斯联邦, Moscow


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