Economic Behavior of Russian Social Entrepreneurs during the Global Financial and Economic Crisis



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The discussion of the global financial and economic crisis has intensified in the scientific community against the background of global shocks, such as the reduction of exports and the closure of state borders in the context of COVID-19; the political and economic difficulties of the European Union; trade wars between the United States and China; the collapse in energy prices, the exorbitant public debt of some developed nations; swift changes in the geopolitical situation; political tensions between Western countries and Russia, economic sanctions, etc. At the same time, a new type of entrepreneurial activity is emerging as a part of Russian economy: social entrepreneurship. The author maintains that economic behavior models and attitudes of Russian social entrepreneurs and the growth in the number of social enterprises in the Russian Federation can become an important tool for implementing social policy and mitigating socio-economic contradictions in a difficult time for the Russian economy. The article is devoted to the study of the above phenomenon.


Nikolay Fedorinin

Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation

Moscow, Russian Federation


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