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Comparative Analysis of Reforestation Indicators on Abandoned Agricultural Lands in the Central Russian Forest-Steppe Based on Remote Sensing Data

Terekhin E.


Natural afforestation of abandoned agricultural lands due to postagrogenic successions leads to changes in the vegetation cover of landscapes in the Central Russian forest-steppe. The article presents a comparative analysis of natural afforestation indicators on abandoned lands, calculated using Landsat OLI, Sentinel-2 MSI and MODIS satellite data. The Sentinel-2-derived indicators are the most informative for assessing the forest cover of abandoned lands. For indicators extracted from Sentinel-2 data, the statistical significance of differences between gradations of forest cover of abandoned lands is highest. The indicators of long-term dynamics of the vegetation index, calculated based on MODIS data, are the most informative for comparing intra-zonal differences in the intensity of abandoned lands afforestation. At the same time, the distribution of abandoned lands by forest cover in the physical-geographical subzones is most pronounced in the histograms of SWIR-reflectance derived from Sentinel-2. Differences in the species composition of forests on abandoned agricultural lands most strongly affect the values of Landsat OLI vegetation index. Its values are more sensitive to differences in the species composition of forests on abandoned lands in comparison with the spectral reflectance.

Issledovanie Zemli iz Kosmosa. 2024;(1):29-39
pages 29-39 views

Application of Earth Remote Sensing Materials to Refine the Localization of Gold Deposits within the Novogodnenskoye Ore Field in the Polar Urals

Milovsky G., Aparin A., Ibragimov A., Tyukova E.


Interpretation of medium (Landsat-7) and high (Kanopus-PSS, Resurs-P) satellite imagery materials and the results of magnetic and gravimetric surveys in the Novogodnensky ore field (Q-42-VII) revealed uneven-aged linear, arc and ring lineaments of various ranks. The important role of disjunctives of northeastern and submeridional strike, which determine the block structure of the ore field and control gold mineralization, is shown.

Issledovanie Zemli iz Kosmosa. 2024;(1):40-51
pages 40-51 views

The Spatio-Temporal Variability of Sea Surface Temperature of Bering Sea from ERA5 Reanalysis Data Based on Satellite Information

Shevchenko G., Tshay Z., Lozhkin D.


Features of spatio-temporal variability of the Bering Sea surface temperature were studied by constructing long-term average distributions for different months and using the method of empirical orthogonal functions based on ERA5 reanalysis data based mainly on satellite information, for the period 1998–2020 (spatial resolution of the data is a quarter of a degree, the time interval is one month). In each spatial cell, for each month, the average long-term values of this parameter were calculated, which showed seasonal changes in thermal conditions in the studied water area. Linear trend coefficients have been determined, which showed a stable tendency to warming of the surface layer of sea waters, most pronounced in summer. Extreme deviations from the average long-term values (anomalies) of the surface temperature of the Bering Sea are considered.

Issledovanie Zemli iz Kosmosa. 2024;(1):52-64
pages 52-64 views

Relation of Changes in CO2 Concentration over Large Water Areas of the Boreal and Subarctic Zones of the Northern Hemisphere with Their Phenological Phases Determined from SMOS Satellite Data

Tikhonov V., Pashinov E., Ermakov D., Khvostov I., Romanov A.


The paper presents the results of comparing the atmospheric carbon dioxide reanalysis data and phenological phases of large freshwater areas located in the boreal and subarctic zone for 2012–2020. The data from the CAMS global greenhouse gas reanalysis, which are three-dimensional fields of aerosols and chemical constituents in the atmosphere, with full coverage of the globe, were used in this work. The data used in this study were the average CO2 content in the air column over the water areas. The phenological phases of freshwater bodies (water surface, ice cover, ice destruction) were determined using data from the MIRAS microwave radiometer of the SMOS satellite. The comparison and analysis showed that the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere over the studied water areas has a seasonal cyclic character. The minimum concentration corresponds to the summer period due to strong photosynthesis in water areas, as a result of which carbon dioxide is absorbed in the water column. The maximum concentration of CO2 over water areas corresponds to the period of destruction of the ice cover, leading to the release of carbon dioxide accumulated during the winter period, which is “sealed” in the ice and in the water column under the ice. In freezing lakes located in the boreal zone, in addition to the stable spring CO2 maximum, a strong short-term release of carbon dioxide is sometimes observed, also corresponding to the stage of ice cover destruction. This emission is explained by the higher bioproductivity of water bodies in the boreal zone compared to water areas in the subarctic zone.

Issledovanie Zemli iz Kosmosa. 2024;(1):65-77
pages 65-77 views


Forest Fire Risk Assessment and Mapping Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques: A Case Study in Nghe An Province, Vietnam

Doan T., Trinh L., Zablotskii V., Nguyen V., Tran X., Pham T., Le T., Le V.


This paper presents the results of modeling the risk of forest fires in the west of Nghe An Province (north-central Vietnam) using remote sensing and GIS data. The nine factors influencing the risk of forest fires, including vegetation cover (NDVI vegetation index), surface evapotranspiration, elevation (DEM), slope (slope), aspect, wind speed, ground surface temperature, average monthly precipitation and population density are used to build a forest fire risk mapping model based on machine learning methods, including Random Forest (RF), Suppor Vector Machine (SVM), and Classification and Regression Trees (CART). Various parameters are tested in the RF, SVM, CART algorithms to select the algorithm with the highest accuracy in forest fire risk prediction. The obtained results show that the RF algorithm with the value of the numberOfTrees parameter equal to 100 has the highest accuracy in predicting the risk of forest fires in the study area, expressed through the location of the distribution of forest fire points, as well as the AUC value on the ROC curve. The results obtained in the study can be effectively used for monitoring and early warning of forest fire danger in settlements, helping to reduce damage from forest fires.

Issledovanie Zemli iz Kosmosa. 2024;(1):3-15
pages 3-15 views

Informative Value of Spectral Vegetation Indices for the Meadow and Steppe Vegetation Monitoring of Khakassia by Ground and Satellite Data

Shevyrnogov A., Botvich I., Pisman T., Volkova A., Kononova N., Ivanov S.


The article presents the results of the assessment of the possibility to identify meadow and steppe vegetation of Khakassia using ground and MODIS and LANDSAT 8 satellite data during the 2017 growing season. According to the results of field geobotanical studies, it was shown that the productivity of meadow vegetation exceeded the productivity of steppe vegetation. As a result of ground-based spectral measurements, it was shown that monitoring of the spectral reflectivity of meadow and steppe vegetation can be used to identify them. The analysis of MODIS satellite data (based on the NDVI, the enhanced vegetation index EVI, the land surface water index LSWI, the leaf area index LAI, the fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation FPAR and net primary production NPP) revealed that the values of the studied indices for meadow vegetation significantly exceeded the values for steppe vegetation. The exception was the land surface temperature LST, which was higher for steppe vegetation than for meadow vegetation. High positive correlations between vegetation indices characterizing biomass (NDVI, EVI, LAI, NPP) and hydrothermal conditions (LSWI, FPAR) for meadow and steppe vegetation were determined. However, the correlation coefficients between NDVI and LST, EVI and LST for steppe vegetation were low. Based on the obtained maps of the spatial distribution of the NDVI index of meadow and steppe vegetation according to Landsat 8 data for July 29, it was shown that the NDVI index significantly differed for the studied vegetation types. For meadow vegetation, the NDVI value was significantly higher than for steppe vegetation.

Issledovanie Zemli iz Kosmosa. 2024;(1):16-28
pages 16-28 views


Preliminary Results of Searches for Long-Term Microwave Radiation of a Thunderstorm Atmosphere at a Wavelength of 1.35 cm

Bordonskiy G., Gurulev A., Orlov A.


Measurement of non-thermal radiation is currently one of the directions of remote sensing of the Earth. Powerful electromagnetic radiation of the atmosphere, initiated by cosmic rays, in the range from low frequencies to the gamma range, has recently been discovered here. Of particular interest is the study of such radiation in the microwave range, where the technique of aerospace research is well developed. This paper presents the results of joint measurements of microwave and gamma radiation of the atmosphere during thunderstorms in the summer of 2022 in Transbaikalia. The aim of the study was to search for relatively long (up to several minutes) electromagnetic radiation near the frequency of 22.2 GHz on the line of the rotational spectrum of water vapor molecules. It was assumed that such a feature could arise due to the appearance of avalanches of escaping electrons generated by cosmic rays. In this process, in addition to the braking gamma radiation, the gas medium is excited, which can cause its superradiance in the microwave range. In the case of strong electrification in fields with a voltage above 0.284 MV/m, a unique phenomenon may occur - a self-sustaining photonuclear reaction in the lower atmosphere in thunderclouds. In this process, the electromagnetic glow can last from units to tens of minutes. In the performed study, several episodes of increasing radiation intensity in the microwave range were detected, accompanied by gamma-ray pulses in a thunderstorm atmosphere. The glow detected in the experiment can be explained by local electrical discharges with increasing electrification of clouds. Another explanation is the occurrence of a self-sustaining photonuclear reaction that creates a large volume of excited gas. The ways of improving the microwave measurement technique for recording high-energy phenomena in the lower atmosphere at a great distance from the measuring equipment, where gamma rays are not recorded, using the satellite are discussed.

Issledovanie Zemli iz Kosmosa. 2024;(1):78-84
pages 78-84 views


First Russian Scientific Experiments on the Natural Environment Study Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Vedeshin L., Shapovalov D., Evstratova L.


The information received from remote sensing satellites for many years has been successfully used in various economic sectors of the Russian Federation. However, there are cases when it is impossible to promptly obtain satellite observations data of the natural and man-made environment state of country various regions (the cloud cover presence of the Earth, the non-passage of spacecraft orbits in a given area at shooting specified time, different spatial resolution of the equipment, etc.). In this case, the space survey customers have a need to obtain subsatellite information products in the form that specific users are dealing with (the state and volume of forest biomass, agricultural, ecological ecosystems, etc. at the shooting time). Therefore, for subsatellite operational observations, it was necessary to create a local monitoring system based on small aircraft: unmanned aerial vehicles with various onboard equipment minimum set (black-and-white and color panoramic cameras, IR radiometers, radars, lasers, etc.) depending on the task.

Issledovanie Zemli iz Kosmosa. 2024;(1):85-91
pages 85-91 views