Application of Earth Remote Sensing Materials to Refine the Localization of Gold Deposits within the Novogodnenskoye Ore Field in the Polar Urals

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Interpretation of medium (Landsat-7) and high (Kanopus-PSS, Resurs-P) satellite imagery materials and the results of magnetic and gravimetric surveys in the Novogodnensky ore field (Q-42-VII) revealed uneven-aged linear, arc and ring lineaments of various ranks. The important role of disjunctives of northeastern and submeridional strike, which determine the block structure of the ore field and control gold mineralization, is shown.

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About the authors

G. A. Milovsky

Scientific Geoinformation Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (NGIC RAS)

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, Moscow

A. D. Aparin

Scientific Geoinformation Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (NGIC RAS)

Russian Federation, Moscow

A. R. Ibragimov

Scientific Geoinformation Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (NGIC RAS)

Russian Federation, Moscow

E. E. Tyukova

Scientific Geoinformation Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (NGIC RAS); Institute of Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy and Geochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Russian Federation, Moscow; Moscow


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. New Year's Eve district. Geological map at a scale of 1:200 000. a – symbols for Figure 1.

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3. Fig. 1. a

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4. Fig. 2. New Year's Eve district. The results of the decryption of the Landsat‑7 survey.

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5. Fig. 3. New Year's Eve district. A 1:500,000 scale map of the anomalous magnetic field.

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6. Fig. 4. New Year's Eve district. A 1:500,000 scale map of gravimetric anomalies.

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7. Fig. 5. The New Year's detail area. The results of the decoding of the Canopus-PSS route survey No. 24068_04 (June 5, 2022)

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8. Fig. 6. New Year's ore field. Space survey of Canopus-PSS route No. 22059_04 (July 6, 2021).

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9. Fig. 7. New Year's ore field. Space survey Resource-P route No. 2075_2 (August 19, 2015).

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