The early international physiological congresses (1889–1913) as a new form of communication between physiologists



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The article reviews the opportunities for scientific communication, provided by the early international physiological congresses and also touches on the history of their organization and conduct. The advancement of physiological science in the 19th century necessitated a new form of communication between physiologists that could promote both the dissemination of achievements in this field and the integration of physiologists from different nations. International physiological congresses the first of which was held in Basel (Switzerland) in 1889 provided a platform for such interaction. Eight more international physiological congresses were held before the outbreak of World War I, the last pre-war congress being held in 1913 in Groningen (the Netherlands). The source base for this study includes articles in the Russian and international periodicals published in the 1880s – 1910s, the researchers’ works reflecting the main events of the congresses as well as their scientific and cultural programs, and the participants’ reminiscences of the first physiological congresses that appeared in the periodicals later on. It is shown that the early international physiological congresses provided their participants an opportunity and a platform for communication within the framework of the events planned by the organizers. It is established that Russian scientists took part in all of the international physiological congresses that took place before World War I. It is concluded that the first international physiological congresses became an effective platform for exchanging knowledge and experiences and establishing scientific links, which enhanced the advancement of physiology as a science.




Anna Ivanova

Federal Research Center “Komi Scientific Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences”

俄罗斯联邦, Ul. Kommunisticheskaia, 24, Syktyvkar, Republic of Komi, 167982


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