“Received no awards”: from the pages of the biography of a repressed scientist, G. L. Stadnikov (1880–1973)

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Georgy Leontievich Stadnikov (also spelled Stadnikoff and Stadnikow) (1880–1973) was a Russian / Soviet organic chemist, the author of fundamental works in the field of chemistry of fossil fuels, well-known in Russia and abroad. In 1957, he was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. In the Soviet era, he was twice subjected to repressions. In 1939–1955, he served in forced labor camps of the Komi Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.

Based on the publications about Stadnikov, his scientific works, and the memoirs of geological scientists B. L. Afanasyev and L. N. Belyakov, discovered by the author in the collections of the K. G. Voinovsky-Krieger Geological Museum (Vorkuta), Stadnikov’s scientific biography is reconstructed. Georgy Leontievich was a pupil of V. V. Markovnikov and N. D. Zelinsky, the founders of the foremost Russian school of organic chemistry. He conducted research in the field of origin and genetic classification of fossil fuels. During his incarceration, Stadnikov continued with his research work. At the labor camps located in the European North-East of the USSR, he tackled the problems arising in the course of commercial development of coal deposits in the Pechora coal basin. Stadnikov’s research had an important role in the development of fossil fuel chemistry and his work in the harsh conditions of the Arctic facilitated the coal industry formation in the Komi Republic.

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About the authors

Svetlana A. Simakova

Federal Research Center “Komi Scientific Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences”

Author for correspondence.
Email: simakova74@list.ru
Russian Federation, str. Kommunisticheskaia, 24, Syktyvkar, Republic of Komi, 167982


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