Gelʼmintologicheskie issledovaniia zubrov Belovezhskoi pushchi v kontse XIX – nachale XX v.

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The helminthofauna of the European bison, the iconic species for nature protection in Europe, is the object of close attention for zoologists because of the threatening changes occurring in this fauna in recent decades. Nowadays, researchers are more or less familiar with the works conducted in the early 20ʰᵗ century, i. e. before the European bison went extinct in the wild (1919), and the specialists involved in the European bison restitution in the Białowieża Primeval Forest and other nature reserves have been also aware of these studies. In addition to the published works on the European bison parasites, however, there exists a wide range of archival documents relating to the helminthoses of the Białowieża bison, including reliable information about parasitic worms as an important cause of death in the European bison, in particular, the trematode Fasciola hepatica. Apart from the literature analysis, our research focuses on the archival documents relating to helminthological studies conducted between the 1880s, when the European bison mortality caused by fascioliasis was reliably documented in the Białowieża Forest for the first time, and the 1910s, when an attending veterinarian was hired by the Białowieża administration to hold a permanent position for the first time. The most significant event in the history of the studies of the European bison helminthofauna before 1919 was the expedition to the Białowieża Primeval Forest, led by professor Nikolay Kulagin (1906–1908). The expedition’s permanent members were the entomologist Alexander Mordvilko and the veterinarian Konrad Wróblewski. They amassed an impressive amount of material that formed the basis for two monographs about the Białowieża bison (1919 and 1927, respectively). This expedition established that the main cause of the bison’s high mortality were the external factors including helminthoses rather than the degeneration of the species caused by the “laws of nature” (as was assumed for most of the 19ʰᵗ century).

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About the authors

Anastasia A. Fedotova

St. Petersburg Branch of S. I. Vavilov Institute for the History of Science and Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, Universitetskaia nab., 5, lit. B, St. Petersburg, 199034

Ekaterina Yu. Zharova

St. Petersburg Branch of S. I. Vavilov Institute for the History of Science and Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences

Russian Federation, Universitetskaia nab., 5, lit. B, St. Petersburg, 199034


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