Formation of Soviet-French Scientific Cooperation in the Field of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry in the 1960s (Based on the Materials of the V. A. Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology of the Russian Academy of Sciences)

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The article analyzes the development of scientific links between the Soviet and French molecular biologists and biochemists in the 1960s. The author explores the Soviet-French cooperation in the context of the international political situation and overall state of the Academy of Sciences’ international communications in this period. The article cites a large volume of sources that are introduced for scientific use for the first time. Drawing on the example of the Institute of Radiation and Physicochemical Biology – Institute of Molecular Biology of the USSR Academy of Sciences, the forms of the Soviet researchers’ interactions with their French colleagues are looked into. The plans for cooperation, the results of joint work, and the shortfalls that hindered the international links are analyzed. It is concluded that the difficulties in the development of Soviet-French cooperation were common for both the Soviet science in general and its international communications.

About the authors

Sergei Viktorovich Shalimov

S. I. Vavilov Institute for the History of Science and Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences

Ul. Baltiyskaya, 14, Moscow, 125315, Russia


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