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编号 1 (2024)



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The April 11, 2023 Catastrophic Explosive Eruption of Sheveluch Volcano (Kamchatka)

Zharinov N., Demyanchuk Y.


The paper presents the data on the April 11, 2023 Sheveluch Volcano eruption. We conducted post-eruption impact assessment. The directed blast resulted in the collapse of the lava dome which had been forming for more than 42 years. The data obtained just before the eruption evidence that the total volume of the lava dome comprised about 0.53 km3. The volcanic explosion resulted in the formation of the field of pyroclastic deposits ~70 km2 in size and 0.49 km3 in volume. The directed blast was accompanied by the 25–30 km long pyroclastic flows and the ashfall more than 200 km away from the volcano. The weight of the ash deposits samples was ranging from 1.2 to 43.9 kg/m2, depending on the distance from the volcano. The area of ash deposits (ash samples of more than 50 g/m2 in weight) covered the area of 17000 m2 and comprised the volume of 0.09 km3. Taking into account the total volume of erupted products (0.6 km3), the April 11, 2023 Sheveluch Volcano eruption can be referred to the largest catastrophic eruption of this century.

Vulkanologiâ i sejsmologiâ. 2024;(1):3-12
pages 3-12 views

Seismotectonic Movements in the Minute Range of Periods Before the Catastrophic Earthquake in Japan March 11, 2011

Sobolev G., Migunov I.


The vertical movements measured by a broadband seismic stations located around Tohoku earthquake 11.03. 2011 with magnitude 9 are calculated. It is shown that during the 15 years before the earthquake the closest to epicenter MAJO station located 386 km from the epicenter the quiet daily variations was demonstrated. Seismic pulses with the durations of a few minutes and amplitudes bigger 10% of the diurnal variations of tidal velocities were revealed in 2009 year. They appeared under quiet meteorological and geomagnetic conditions. These pulses are not found on the records of the stations remoted more 700 km from epicenter. It is hypothesized that sharp changes in the low frequency seismic noise reflect the tectonic deformations in the lithosphere of Japan and adjoin part of Pacific Ocean.

Vulkanologiâ i sejsmologiâ. 2024;(1):13-21
pages 13-21 views

Heterogeneities of Short-Period S-Waves Attenuation Field in the Kuril-Kamchatka Region and their Relation to Large and Great Earthquakes

Kopnichev Y., Sokolova I.


We study characteristics of short-period shear wave attenuation field in the lithosphere to pick out areas of possible preparation for large and great shallow earthquakes. We have processed more than 360 seismograms of events with source depths of 0–33 km recorded by station PET from two areas limited by coordinates of 45.0˚–50.5˚ N and 54.0˚–56.5˚ N, respectively (for brevity, we will call the areas as the southern and the northern ones). Besides, for the purposes of comparison we have analyzed seismograms by station KGB that recorded earthquakes from the area located between 52˚ и 54˚ N. We used the method based on analysis of Sn and Pn maximum amplitude ratio. We find that attenuation in the lithosphere of the northern area is generally much higher than in the southern one. At the same time attenuation in both areas is weaker than in the region of north-eastern Japan. Relatively lower attenuation corresponds to rupture zones of the great earthquakes of 1952 (Mw = 9.0) and 1963 (Mw = 8.6) occurred in the southern area more than 50 years ago. Higher attenuation is observed in the rupture zones of the recent events dated 1997 (Mw = 7.8), 2006 (Mw = 8.3) and 2018 (Mw = 7.3). The obtained data are in agreement with earlier conclusions stating that typical large subduction type earthquakes occur in the areas characterized by higher fluid content in the uppermost mantle; and large and great earthquakes are followed by deep fluids ascent during a few decades, which leads to attenuation decrease in the uppermost mantle. We also pick out the high attenuation zones where no large and great earthquakes (Mw ≥7.8) have occurred for quite a long time. We suggest that active processes of preparation for large earthquakes can be observed in these zones (first of all in the area of the Avacha Bay and to the east of it).

Vulkanologiâ i sejsmologiâ. 2024;(1):22-35
pages 22-35 views

Mineral and Geochemical Features of Zeolite-Silica Deposits of the Pauzhetka Geothermal Field (Southern Kamchatka)

Sergeyeva A., Rychagov S., Kravchenko O., Sandimirova E., Nazarova M., Kartasheva E., Kuzmina A.


On the Pauzhetka geothermal field the mineral deposits which are formed, when dumping thermal water of separators of wells, are allocated. Compositions, structure and geochemical properties of this precipitation on pro-deleting and in vertical slits of “raincoats” are studied. It is established that they are put X-ray amorphous mordenite – opal mixes (in the beginning dumping of thermal waters), further precipitation becomes completely siliceous. The zeolitic component of mineral deposits defines their high sorption properties in the relation of Au, Ag, Hg, As, Rb, Sr, Ba, Cs, etc. elements; in a mordenitovy matrix sulfides of iron, silver, copper are formed. It is shown that the mineral deposits which are formed on the day surface of the Pauzhetka geothermal field are the indicator of alkaline mineral- and the ore-forming processes on the lower horizons of the Pauzhetka hydrothermal system.

Vulkanologiâ i sejsmologiâ. 2024;(1):36-53
pages 36-53 views

The Underwater Esmeralda Volcano (Mariana Island Arch) and some Features of the Composition of its Composition Rocks

Ananyev V., Petrova V., Rashidov V.


A generalization of the available original data and literature data on the geological and geophysical knowledge of the underwater volcano Esmeralda, located in the Mariana Island Arc, has been carried out. As a result of studying the rocks dredged during the 4th and 5th cruises of the R/V Vulkanolog at the present level, new data were obtained on the silicate and rare-element composition of the rock samples that make up this underwater volcano. It has been established that the studied volcanic edifice is composed of five types of rocks: basalts, basaltic andesites, dacites, gabbro, and basanites. For the first time, samples of dacite and basanite have been discovered, indicating that the petrochemical diversity of the underwater volcano Esmeralda is wider than previously thought. All dredged rocks are characterized by a slightly increased content of incoherent elements LILE and HFSE. The studies carried out made it possible to attribute the main part of the dredged rocks to the association of island-arc ferruginous tholeiites (IAB, IAT) and only the composition of a single sample of alkaline basalt (basanite) falls into the field of alkaline basalts of oceanic islands (OIB, OIA). The increased content of iron in plagioclase phenocrysts confirms that the rocks belong to the high-iron tholeiite association.

Vulkanologiâ i sejsmologiâ. 2024;(1):54-72
pages 54-72 views

Neotectonics of the Barents Sea shelf eastern part: seismicity, faults and impact of the Atlantic-Arctic Rift System

Sokolov S., Abramova A., Shkarubo S., Ananiev R., Moroz Е., Zaraiskaya Y.


distribution with the fault network defined from seismic data, and kinematic characteristics of seismic activity spatial migration are obtained. It is shown that seismic events recorded by the Norwegian NORSAR regional network within the Russian part of the Barents Sea shelf are grouped into linear clusters along shear kinematics faults. The fault network displaces Mesozoic seismic complexes and reaches the bottom surface, displacing quaternary deposits, which clearly indicates the modern age of displacements along which linear clusters of weak seismicity are grouped. The calculation of the total seismic moment in the space-time dimension showed the presence of seismic activity migration along short fragments of faults on the shelf with velocities from 10.5 to 25.7 km/year. There has been a surge in general activity in the shelf area since 2012. A comparison of the temporal evolution of seismic activity on the shelf with fragments of the Atlantic-Arctic Rift system suggests that it is the effect of tectonic deformation waves triggered along the geodynamically active intraplate boundary and propagating to the shelf at a speed of 20–22 km/year. Migration rates with speeds up to 77 km/year are less likely. There is a possibility that the increase in the intensity of seismic activity on the shelf after 2012 is not an emission from the effects of a slow deformation wave, but the result of a direct trigger effect on the shelf from the structures of the Knipovich and Gakkel ridges.

Vulkanologiâ i sejsmologiâ. 2024;(1):73-89
pages 73-89 views

Negative Anomalies in the Atmospheric Electric Field near the Earth's Surface in Seismically Active Regions

Rulenko O.


The paper examines poorly-studied negative bay-like anomalies in the near-earth atmospheric electric field in seismically active regions at fair weather suitable for atmospheric electric observations. Observation data analysis revealed characteristic features of anomalies formation that allow us to conclude that the anomalies are associated with the deformation of near-surface rocks at tectonoseismic process. On the basis of the concept of atmospheric electricity, the source of anomalies in the electric field is a local negative space charge of small ions in the near-earth air emerged at a negative vertical gradient of electrical conductivity. It was revealed that the charge and produced negative anomalies in the electric field have deformation and emanation processes in their origin. We propose a scheme of anomalies formation and consider the role of radon and thoron in their emergence. It was found that thoron plays a more important role in some cases.

Vulkanologiâ i sejsmologiâ. 2024;(1):90-106
pages 90-106 views

Ionospheric Perturbations after Stromboli Volcano Eruptions

Riabova S., Shalimov S.


Based on data from ground-based vertical sounding of the ionosphere, we analyze disturbances in the region of the maximum of the ionospheric F2-layer during the period of a strong eruption of the Stromboli volcano (Italy) in the form of two explosions in July and August 2019, as well as after the resumption of volcanic activity on October 9, 2022. As characteristics of the ionospheric response to these events, we research variations in the critical frequency of the F2-layer at the Giebilmann, Rome, and San Vito stations located near (no further than 450 km) the volcano. The measurement results indicate the influence on the ionosphere of atmospheric acoustic-gravity waves generated by volcanic activity and causing the appearance of long-lived disturbances in the ionosphere.

Vulkanologiâ i sejsmologiâ. 2024;(1):107-116
pages 107-116 views


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