Heterogeneities of Short-Period S-Waves Attenuation Field in the Kuril-Kamchatka Region and their Relation to Large and Great Earthquakes

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We study characteristics of short-period shear wave attenuation field in the lithosphere to pick out areas of possible preparation for large and great shallow earthquakes. We have processed more than 360 seismograms of events with source depths of 0–33 km recorded by station PET from two areas limited by coordinates of 45.0˚–50.5˚ N and 54.0˚–56.5˚ N, respectively (for brevity, we will call the areas as the southern and the northern ones). Besides, for the purposes of comparison we have analyzed seismograms by station KGB that recorded earthquakes from the area located between 52˚ и 54˚ N. We used the method based on analysis of Sn and Pn maximum amplitude ratio. We find that attenuation in the lithosphere of the northern area is generally much higher than in the southern one. At the same time attenuation in both areas is weaker than in the region of north-eastern Japan. Relatively lower attenuation corresponds to rupture zones of the great earthquakes of 1952 (Mw = 9.0) and 1963 (Mw = 8.6) occurred in the southern area more than 50 years ago. Higher attenuation is observed in the rupture zones of the recent events dated 1997 (Mw = 7.8), 2006 (Mw = 8.3) and 2018 (Mw = 7.3). The obtained data are in agreement with earlier conclusions stating that typical large subduction type earthquakes occur in the areas characterized by higher fluid content in the uppermost mantle; and large and great earthquakes are followed by deep fluids ascent during a few decades, which leads to attenuation decrease in the uppermost mantle. We also pick out the high attenuation zones where no large and great earthquakes (Mw ≥7.8) have occurred for quite a long time. We suggest that active processes of preparation for large earthquakes can be observed in these zones (first of all in the area of the Avacha Bay and to the east of it).

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About the authors

Yu. F. Kopnichev

Shmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth RAS

Author for correspondence.
Email: yufk777@mail.ru
Russian Federation, Bolshaya Gruzinskaya str., 10, bld. 1, Moscow, 123242

I. N. Sokolova

FRC Geophysical Survey RAS

Email: SokolovaIN@gsras.ru
Russian Federation, Obninsk, Kaluga region, 249035


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Map of the study area. 1 – focal zones of the strongest shallow earthquakes (Mw ≥7.8); 2 – epicenters of strong earthquakes (Mw = 7.2‒7.7); 3, 4 ‒ epicenters of the strongest deep (h >70 km) earthquakes (years of all events are indicated); 5 – seismic stations; 6 – deep-sea trench.

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3. Fig. 2. Examples of earthquake seismograms obtained by the PET station. a – upper trace – event from the source zone of the 1997 earthquake (Mw = 7.8). 13.11.1995, 55.03˚ N, 161.94˚ Е, h = 33 km, Δ = 311 km, lower trace – event from the source zone of the 1952 earthquake (Mw = 9.0). 22.04.2013, 50.06˚ N, 157.51˚ Е, h = 18 km, Δ = 339 km; b – upper trace – event from the focal zone of the 1997 earthquake 03.02.2004, 55.35˚ N, 162.96˚ E, h = 4 km, Δ = 382 km, lower trace – event from the focal zone of the 1952 earthquake 11.12.1993, 49.73˚ N, 157.25˚ E, h = 31 km, Δ = 379 km; c – upper trace – aftershock of the 2006 earthquake (Mw = 8.3). 11/15/2006, 46.72˚ N, 153.30˚ Е, h = 10 km, Δ = 800 km, the lower trace is an event from the focal zone of the 1963 earthquake (Mw = 8.6). 09/11/2001, 45.45˚ N, 150.68˚ Е, h = 33 km, Δ = 1022 km. The arrival times of Pn and Sn waves are indicated everywhere.

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4. Fig. 3. Correlation dependence of the Sn/Pn parameter on the distance for the southern region. Straight line is the regression line.

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5. Fig. 4. Absorption field map for the southern region. 1–3 – absorption: 1 – high, 2 – intermediate, 3 – low. For other legend, see Fig. 1.

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6. Fig. 5. Correlation dependence of the Sn/Pn parameter on the distance for the northern region. Regression lines are shown for the northern (solid line) and southern (dashed line) regions.

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7. Fig. 6. Correlation dependences of the Sn/Pn parameter on distance. 1 – northern region, 2 – southern region, 3 – northeastern Japan.

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8. Fig. 7. Earthquake epicenters recorded by the KGB station (1), epicenters of events near the KGB station recorded by the PET station (2). For other legend, see Fig. 1.

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9. Fig. 8. Sn/Pn parameter dependences on distance for the northern region. 1 – Sn/Pn parameter dependence on distance according to the KGB station data (upper symbol – epicenters between 53˚ and 54˚ N, lower – between 52˚ and 53˚ N); 2 – Sn/Pn parameter value according to the PET station data for epicenters close to the KGB station; 3 – regression line according to the PET station data for the northern region. Average values, standard deviations and data averaging intervals are shown.

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10. Fig. 9. Absorption field map for the northern region. For legend, see Fig. 1 and 4.

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