Mineralization of the Evevpenta Epithermal Silver-gold ore Occurrence (Kamchatka, Russia)



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The Evevpenta epithermal low-sulfidation ore occurrence is located in the northeastern part of the Central Kamchatka volcanic belt (Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia). It is hosted by andesitic lavas and pyroclastic rocks of the Middle Miocene-Early Pliocene. The ore bodies are comprised of quartz and adularia-quartz veins and stockworks, as well as hydrothermal breccias. Ore bodies are accompanied by argillic wall-rock alteration and peripheral propylitic alteration. Gold-silver mineralization was formed as a result of hypogenic (hydrothermal) and supergen stages of ore-forming processes. Two hypogenic mineral assemblages were documented: gold-telluride-quartz in the Central flank and telluride-sulfide-quartz in the Northern flank. Supergenic mineral assemblage with native (mustard) gold is detected only within the Central flank. The Evevpenta ore occurrence is a typical member of the reducing-alkaline (low-sulfidation) epithermal deposits of Kamchatka, which is based on the study of the material composition of ores.

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Sobre autores

P. Zhegunov

Institute of Volcanology and Seismology, Far East Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences

Autor responsável pela correspondência
Email: pavel.zhegunov@bk.ru
Rússia, bul'var Piipa, 9, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, 683006

A. Kutyrev

Institute of Volcanology and Seismology, Far East Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: pavel.zhegunov@bk.ru
Rússia, bul'var Piipa, 9, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, 683006

E. Zhitova

Institute of Volcanology and Seismology, Far East Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: pavel.zhegunov@bk.ru
Rússia, bul'var Piipa, 9, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, 683006

S. Moskaleva

Institute of Volcanology and Seismology, Far East Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: pavel.zhegunov@bk.ru
Rússia, bul'var Piipa, 9, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, 683006

P. Schweigert

Institute of Volcanology and Seismology, Far East Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: pavel.zhegunov@bk.ru
Rússia, bul'var Piipa, 9, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, 683006


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Arquivos suplementares

Arquivos suplementares
2. Fig. 1. Schematic geological map of the Evevpent ore occurrence. Compiled according to unpublished data of JSC “North-Eastern PGO” with additions and simplifications. 1 – proluvial quaternary deposits (prQIV); 2 – cover formations of the Tolyatovayam volcanic complex (N1-2tl); 3 – cover formations of the Umuvayam volcanic complex (N1um); 4 – subvolcanic andesites of the Tolyatovayam complex (aN1‒2tl); 5 – dikes of basalts of the Tolyatovayam complex (βN1‒2tl); 6 – subvolcanic dacites of the Umuvayama complex (ζN1UM); 7 – mudstone zones; 8 – quartz veining zones; 9 – quartz veins; 10 – faults extending to the daytime surface; 11 – isohypses. In the inset: the location of the ore occurrence of Evevpent and other epithermal deposits, as well as the volcanic belts of Kamchatka Peninsula, according to [Tsukanov, 2015]. VKVP – East Kamchatka volcanic belt; CCVP – Central Kamchatka volcanic belt; WKVP - West Kamchatka volcanic belt.

Baixar (784KB)
3. Fig. 2. Adulyar-quartz vein in a surface mining, Central section (a) and vein textures: frame-plate, Central section (b), a combination of collomorphic-banded and druze, Northern section (c) and breccia texture with a thin sprinkling of oxidized sulfides, Central section (d). The author photo (2b, 2b) by A.S. Moskovsky.

Baixar (579KB)
4. Fig. 3. Mineral associations and the sequence of mineral formation at the ore occurrence of Evevpent. The thickness of the lines corresponds to the relative abundance of minerals.

Baixar (305KB)
5. Fig. 4. Relationships and typomorphic features of some ore minerals (images in backscattered electrons). a – coalescence of wulfenite (Wul) and ferrimolybdite (Fmub) with illite (Ilt); b – arsenic–containing pyrite (Py) with coarse oscillatory zonality and inclusion of sphalerite (Sp); c ‒ molybdenum (Mol) and an unnamed Mo‒Te-O phase (UN) in illite quartz (Qz) aggregate; g – chalcopyrite (Ccp) edged with spioncopite (?) (Spi); d – loose, flaky acanthite (Aca) in quartz; e – inclusion of arsenopyrite (Apy) in arsenic-containing pyrite.

Baixar (357KB)
6. Fig. 5. Tellurides and selenides of gold and silver in the Central (c, e) and Northern (a, b, d, e) sections, images in backscattered electrons. a, b – inclusions of hessian (Hes) and petzite (Ptz) in pyrite; c – inclusions of naumannite (Nau) in chalcopyrite; d – coalescence of hessian, petzite and pyrite; d – veins of native gold in hessian; e – krennerite (Knn) in association with native gold and hypergenic manganese minerals (Mng) in the adular quartz matrix (Adl).

Baixar (290KB)
7. Fig. 6. Diagrams of the chemical compositions of precious metal minerals of the Evevpent ore occurrence (in at. %). a – compositions of minerals of the Au‒Ag‒Te system (1 – minerals of the Northern section, 2 – minerals of the Central section, 3 – theoretical compositions of minerals corresponding to their ideal formulas); b – compositions of minerals of the Au system‒Ag‒S (1 – compositions of sulfides of the Central site, 2 – theoretical compositions of minerals corresponding to their ideal formulas).

Baixar (154KB)
8. Fig. 7. Morphological features of the native gold of the Central site and its relationship with other minerals (images in backscattered electrons). a – an aggregate of spherulites and poorly faceted crystals of native gold; b – a grain of native gold with a surface of a flowing appearance; c – a grain of native gold with kidney–shaped growths of gold on the surface; d - native gold covered with a “jacket” of iron hydroxides; d – inclusions of native gold in iron hydroxides and plumboyarosite (Pjrs); e – gold particles on the surface of jarosite (Jrs); g – grain of “mustard” gold (MG) in association with iron hydroxides (Gth) in a quartz-adular matrix, h – the same grain in the image in reflected light.

Baixar (407KB)

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