Neotectonics of the Barents Sea shelf eastern part: seismicity, faults and impact of the Atlantic-Arctic Rift System


Дәйексөз келтіру

Толық мәтін

Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат
Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді
Рұқсат жабық Тек жазылушылар үшін


distribution with the fault network defined from seismic data, and kinematic characteristics of seismic activity spatial migration are obtained. It is shown that seismic events recorded by the Norwegian NORSAR regional network within the Russian part of the Barents Sea shelf are grouped into linear clusters along shear kinematics faults. The fault network displaces Mesozoic seismic complexes and reaches the bottom surface, displacing quaternary deposits, which clearly indicates the modern age of displacements along which linear clusters of weak seismicity are grouped. The calculation of the total seismic moment in the space-time dimension showed the presence of seismic activity migration along short fragments of faults on the shelf with velocities from 10.5 to 25.7 km/year. There has been a surge in general activity in the shelf area since 2012. A comparison of the temporal evolution of seismic activity on the shelf with fragments of the Atlantic-Arctic Rift system suggests that it is the effect of tectonic deformation waves triggered along the geodynamically active intraplate boundary and propagating to the shelf at a speed of 20–22 km/year. Migration rates with speeds up to 77 km/year are less likely. There is a possibility that the increase in the intensity of seismic activity on the shelf after 2012 is not an emission from the effects of a slow deformation wave, but the result of a direct trigger effect on the shelf from the structures of the Knipovich and Gakkel ridges.

Толық мәтін

Рұқсат жабық

Авторлар туралы

S. Sokolov

Geological Institute Russian Academy of Sciences

Хат алмасуға жауапты Автор.
Ресей, Pyzhevsky lane, 7, bld. 1, Moscow, 119017

A. Abramova

Geological Institute Russian Academy of Sciences

Ресей, Pyzhevsky lane, 7, bld. 1, Moscow, 119017

S. Shkarubo

JSC Marine Arctic Geological Expedition

Ресей, Sophia Perovskaya str., 26, Murmansk, 183038

R. Ananiev

Shirshov Institute of Oceanology Russian Academy of Sciences

Ресей, Nakhimovsky prosp., 36, Moscow, 117218

Е. Moroz

Geological Institute Russian Academy of Sciences

Ресей, Pyzhevsky lane, 7, bld. 1, Moscow, 119017

Yu. Zaraiskaya

Geological Institute Russian Academy of Sciences

Ресей, Pyzhevsky lane, 7, bld. 1, Moscow, 119017

Әдебиет тізімі

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Қосымша файлдар

Қосымша файлдар
2. Fig. 1. Seismicity of the northwestern framing of the Barents Sea shelf according to (USGS, 2022) for events with a magnitude of >2.5 separately for depth intervals of 0‒13 and 13‒40 km, fault network according to [Harrison et al., 2008], Quaternary volcanoes according to [Sirotkin, Sharin, 2000] and motion parameters of the GPS NYA1 station according to [Heflin et al., 2020; GPS …, 2022]. Shown are: the calculation area of ​​the spatio-temporal evolution of the total moment of weak seismic events according to [NORSAR..., 2022] for the period 2001‒2020 (blue rectangle) and the position of section fragments (red lines). The topographic basis is given according to IBCAO data [Jakobsson et al., 2020].

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3. Fig. 2. Seismicity of the Barents Sea shelf according to [NORSAR …, 2022] for the period from 2008 to 2012 for events with a magnitude of >2.5, fault network according to GIS data of the State Geological Map of the Russian Federation at a scale of 1:1,000,000 (new series) with differentiation of faults by kinematic type according to [Map …, 2004].

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4. Fig. 3. A fragment of the 4-AP reference seismic section in the northern part of the Barents Sea, intersecting the zone of northwest-oriented strike-slip dislocations (see Figs. 1 and 2). Solid red lines show confidently distinguished faults and the plumage of negative and positive flower structures reaching the seafloor surface. Dotted red lines show the main strike-slip dislocations. The purple line shows the reference Triassic horizon A2(T2). The position of the fragment is shown in Fig. 1.

Жүктеу (1MB)
5. Fig. 4. A fragment of the seismoacoustic section ABP51_2209212244 obtained by the high-frequency profiler ParaSound P-35 during the 51st cruise of the R/V Akademik Boris Petrov (October-November 2022, IO RAS, GIN RAS) in the central part of the Barents Sea, crossing the zone of strike-slip dislocations of northwestern orientation. The red lines show normal and reverse faults that disturb the upper part of the section and reach the bottom surface. The position of the fragment is shown in Fig. 1.

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6. Fig. 5. Total seismic moment (from 0 to 155×1013J) in the eastern Barents Sea by cells (10×10 km)×(1 year) based on NORSAR data [NORSAR …, 2022] for the period 2001‒2020. Events with a magnitude of –2 were taken into account. Fault network 1:1000000 based on sheet T-37-40 [Map …, 2004]. Arrows show trends in the spatio-temporal shift of energy release with apparent velocities along the planes of the vertical section of the three-dimensional array. a – view from south to north on the sublatitudinal section of the total seismic moment, b – view from east to west on the submeridional section of the total seismic moment.

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7. Fig. 6. The area of ​​seismicity analysis according to [NORSAR …, 2022] data along the zone with linear grouping of epicenters (see Fig. 2) along the fault network of the State Geological Map of the Russian Federation at a scale of 1:1,000,000 (new series) with differentiation of faults by kinematic type according to [Map …, 2004]. The positions of epicenters are shown for magnitudes >3.8.

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8. Fig. 7. The spatio-temporal structure of seismicity according to [NORSAR …, 2022] data along the analysis area (see Fig. 6) in the strip near the fault with linear grouping of epicenters. The horizontal longitude scale is supplemented with the distance along the area in kilometers. Arrows and numbers indicate trend lines and energy release displacement rates along them.

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9. Fig. 8. Geodynamic scheme of the study area with elements necessary for interpreting tectonics within the Barents Sea shelf. The sizes of the vectors of influence on the plate are conditional.

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10. Fig. 9. Time structure of the total seismic moment of the Gakkel (a) and Knipovich (b) ridges according to [USGS, 2022], along the analysis area (see Fig. 6) in the strip near the fault with linear grouping of epicenters (c) according to [NORSAR …, 2022] and in the shelf area south of the Spitsbergen archipelago (d) according to [ISC …, 2023]. Blue lines show the graphs of the total moment by year. Red lines show the graphs smoothed in a 3-year window. The distance from the ridges and intraplate seismicity is indicated to the middle of the fault area perpendicular to the spreading axes. The numbers near the inclined curves give an estimate of the speed of displacement of the moment extrema in space. The gray areas show some zones of synchronous extrema with different amplitudes.

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