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No 1 (2023)

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Crater Lake Kipyashchee of Volcan Golovnin Caldera: Geochemistry of Water and Gases, Output of Magmatic Volitatives (Kunashir Island)

Kalacheva E.G., Taran Y.A., Voloshina E.V., Tarasov K.V., Melnikov D.V., Kotenko T.A., Erdnieva D.M.


Lake Kipyashchee (Boiling) with an area of ~4.6 ha and a maximum depth of 25 m fills the explosion funnel near one of the extrusive domes of the Golovnin volcano caldera. The water of the lake is ultra-acid (рН = 2.2–2.5) of the chloride-sulfate type with a mineralization of 2.0–2.2 g/l. The water temperature on the surface varies from 30 to 100°C, the average is 37°C. The flow of the lake is carried out through the Protoka in the lake Goryachee (Hot) is 120 l/s (August 2021). The hydrothermal output of magmatic Cl and S (as SO4) from Lake Kipyashchee is 10 t/day and 5.4 t/day, respectively. For the first time, the total diffusive removal of carbon dioxide from the surface of Lake Kipyashchee was estimated as 5.4 tons/day. Obtained from the results of field work in 2020–2021 geochemical data indicate an increase (compared to 2015) in hydrothermal activity in the Golovnin volcano caldera.

Vulkanologiâ i sejsmologiâ. 2023;(1):3-20
pages 3-20 views

Mixing of High Alumina and Magnesium Magmas at Klyuchevskoy Volcano (Kamchatka)

Khubunaya S.A., Khubunaya V.S., Maksimov A.P.


Geochemical features of impurity elements and the analysis of mineral composition during crystallization allowed us to reveal traces of mixing of moderately potassic magnesium and high alumina magmas at Klyuchevskoy Volcano. Mineralogical features and distribution of Mg, Fe, Cr, Ni, Co, Al in olivines and clinopyroxenes in magnesium basalts and high alumina andesite basalts from the 1938, 1945, 1966 and 1994 flank and summit eruptions at Klyuchevskoy Volcano give evidence for injection of magnesium basaltic melts into high alumina magma.

Vulkanologiâ i sejsmologiâ. 2023;(1):21-31
pages 21-31 views

Avachinsky and Koryaksky Group of Volcanoes: Geophysical Inhomogeneity of the Lithosphere and Deep Processes (Kamchatka)

Loginov V.A., Gontovaya L.I., Senyukov S.L.


The article presents the results of our gravimetric, seismic and electromagnetic research, as well as the data on deep seismicity of the lithosphere in the area of the active Avachinsky and Koryaksky group of volcanoes, which is the part of the East Kamchatka volcanic belt. We managed to develop the comprehensive geophysical model of the Earth’s crust and lithospheric mantle of this area. Based on the distribution scheme of the Earth’s crust geophysical inhomogeneities in general, and particularly beneath Avachinsky Volcano, we revealed specific features for both intracrustal fluid saturation and conduits through which deep fluids rise to the upper part of the crust. According to the comprehensive model, stresses arising at the margins of zones with different defluidisation conditions, in particular, in the lower part of the crust, and characterizing by contrasting electrical conductivity values, are one of the most important reasons for active seismicity beneath active volcanoes. The general scheme of the deep lithospheric processes and the volcanoes magma feeding system specific features are based on the obtained results and the data on the local seismic tomography. It is assumed that Avachinsky Volcano, being a part of the active Avachinsky and Koryaksky group of volcanoes, is connected with the asthenospheric layer at a depth of ~70–120 km, from which fluid/melts enter into the magma chamber located in the lower crust and then, under the influence of the heat from the lower crustal source, the peripheral chamber is formed in the upper crust beneath the volcano’s cone.

Vulkanologiâ i sejsmologiâ. 2023;(1):32-43
pages 32-43 views

Textures of Volcanites as Indicators of Dangerous Impacts of Environment (on the Example of the Late Cenozoic Volcanics of the Caucasus)

Kurchavov A.M.


Textural features of lava and ignimbrite formations indicate the high role of volatile components in their formation and the rapid release of volatile from the solidifying melt. This creates a high level of danger to the environment. Therefore, it is important to study the textures of the formed volcanites to predict the degree of danger in the event of a possible resumption of magmatic activity.

Vulkanologiâ i sejsmologiâ. 2023;(1):44-50
pages 44-50 views

Minerals with Mixed Anion Radicals in Fumarole-Transformed Crush Microxenolites as a New Phenomenon of Modern Volcanism

Silaev V.I., Vergasova L.P., Filippov V.N., Smoleva I.V., Moskaleva S.V., Khazov A.F., Makeev B.A., Shablinsky A.P.


Microxenoliths of sedimentary-marine carbonatoliths in fumaroles of the crater zone of the Second Cone of the BTFE Northern Breach, which were exposed to exhalative-pneumatolytic fluids with the formation of many compounds with mixed carbonate-sulfate-chloride anionic radicals, which are considered as two interclass and nine intertype crystal chemical hybrids, are studied at the expense of carbonates. The pattern of heterogeneity of mineral parasteresis revealed in the altered microxenoliths is interpreted by us as the result of a successive epigenetic transformation of primary carbonates, first into sulfate-carbonates, then into carbonate-sulfates, and then into chloride-carbonate-sulfates and chlorides. Judging by the absence of signs of phase heterogeneity, the investigated crystal-chemical hybrids are homogeneous solid-phase mixtures of carbonates, sulfates, and chlorides in different proportions. The carbonates in microxenoliths in terms of carbon isotope composition (δ13СPDB = –5.34 ± 0.62‰) and oxygen (δ18OSMOW = 24.09 ± 1.05‰) correspond to carbonates of sedimentary-marine limestones redeposited under conditions of volcanic transport. The isotopic composition of sulfate sulfur (δ34S = 1.5–2‰) varies within the range of fluctuations established for sulfates of volcanogenic origin. In carbon particles associated with microxenoliths, the isotopic compositions of carbon (δ13CPDB = –27.37 ± 2.97‰) and nitrogen (δ15NAir = 6.74 ± 2.48‰) tend to be similar to the mode of distribution of such values in the products of modern continental volcanism. The identified crystal-chemical hybrids are a typomorphic feature of the fumarous-exhalative facies and are considered as a previously unknown phenomenon of modern volcanism.

Vulkanologiâ i sejsmologiâ. 2023;(1):51-69
pages 51-69 views

Giant Martian Volcano-Tectonic Megamorphic Structures of the Central Type and Their Probable Small Terrestrial Analogues

Melekestsev I.V.


The article shows that neither on the ground nor on the bottom of the seas there are no today topographical volcano-tectonical megamorphic structures similar in size, composition and origin to those giant morphic structures with volume of their building up rocks of 1–2.4 × 106 km3 revealed on Mars (patera Alba, Mount Olympus, Arsia, Askrian, Pavlina, Elysium). Fragments and traces of such formations have not been unambiguously revealed and described in geological strata of both Meso-Cenozoic and Paleozoic. The same applies to the older epochs of the Earth. The components of the relief of the Martian megamorphic structures are roughly similar in their form to very strongly enlarged copies of long-known and repeatedly described terrestrial volcanic structures – large shield, shield-like, and substantially lava volcanoes, lava domes, as well as calderas of different types. Although the structures of the listed types of volcanoes are not morphologically identical to their Martian analogues, they are smaller in height of their structures, and their slopes are steeper. Calderas are many times shallower. The age of Martian volcanic forms is much older. A unique formation is the megamorphic structure of Mount Olympus, which was formed in a large glacial cover, and in the formation of which the glacial processes also took a significant part. It is attributed to megamorphic structures of the giant tyuya type. Its small analogues are different in age and parameters glacial-subarctic tuyas, which suffered glaciation in the volcanic regions of the Earth.

Vulkanologiâ i sejsmologiâ. 2023;(1):70-84
pages 70-84 views
pages 85-86 views
pages 87-88 views

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