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Vol 25, No 1 (2019)


Nonperturbative Quantization à La Heisenberg: Modified Gravities, Wheeler-DeWitt Equations, and Monopoles in QCD

Dzhunushaliev V., Folomeev V., Quevedo H.


For field theories in which no small parameter is available, we use Heisenberg’s quantization procedure to propose a definition of nonperturbative quantum states in terms of the complete set of Green functions. We present the corresponding quantization schemes in the case of Einstein gravity and gauge theories. To illustrate the procedure of quantization, we show that: (1) modified theories of gravity appear as an effective approximation of nonperturbative quantum gravity; (2) the Wheeler-DeWitt equations appear as a sort of approximation of the quantization procedure á la Heisenberg, and (3) it is possible to carry out explicit nonperturbative calculations in quantum chromodynamics, and we obtain the energy spectrum of a quantum monopole and some thermodynamic quantities for a gas of noninteracting quantum monopoles.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2019;25(1):1-17
pages 1-17 views

Hidden Symmetries in a Mixmaster-Type Universe

Pavlov A.E.


A model of multidimensional mixmaster-type vacuum universe is considered. It belongs to a class of pseudo-Euclidean chains characterized by root vectors. An algebraic approach of our investigation is founded by a construction of the Cartan matrix of spacelike root vectors in Wheeler–DeWitt space. Kac-Moody algebras can be classified according to their Cartan matrix. In this way a hidden symmetry of the model considered is revealed. It is known that gravitational models which demonstrate a chaotic behavior are associated with hyperbolic Kac–Moody algebras. The algebra considered in our paper is not hyperbolic. The square of the Weyl vector is negative. The mixmaster-type universe is associated with a simply-laced Lorentzian Kac–Moody algebra. Since the volume of the billiard table is infinite, the model is not chaotic.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2019;25(1):18-23
pages 18-23 views

Peculiarities of Cosmological Models Based on a Nonlinear Asymmetric Scalar Doublet with Minimal Interaction. I. Qualitative Analysis

Ignat’ev Y.G., Kokh I.A.


A detailed comparative qualitative analysis is carried out for of the evolution of cosmological models based on a doublet of classical and phantom scalar fields with self-action. Just as in the case of a single scalar field, the phase space of such systems becomes multiply connected, there appear ranges of negative total effective energy unavailable for motion. A distinctive feature of the asymmetrical scalar doublet is the time dependence of prohibited ranges’ projections on the phase subspaces of each field.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2019;25(1):24-36
pages 24-36 views

Peculiarities of Cosmological Models Based on a Nonlinear Asymmetric Scalar Doublet with Minimal Interaction. II. Numerical Analysis

Ignat’ev Y.G., Kokh I.A.


We carry out a detailed analysis and numerical simulations of the evolution of cosmological models based on a doublet of classical and phantom scalar fields with self-interaction. 2D and 3D projections of the phase portraits of the corresponding dynamic system are built. Just as in the case of single scalar fields, the phase space of such systems becomes multiply connected, the ranges of negative total effective energy, unavailable for motion, appear there. A distinctive feature of the asymmetric scalar doublet is the time dependence of the forbidden range projections on the phase subspaces of each field, and, as a result, the existence of the limiting cycles with zero effective energy depends on the parameters of the field model and on the initial conditions. The numerical models are built where the dynamic system has limiting cycles on zero energy hypersurfaces. Three characteristic types of behavior of the cosmological model based on an asymmetric scalar doublet are identified.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2019;25(1):37-43
pages 37-43 views

On Gravitational Lensing by Symmetric and Asymmetric Wormholes

Bronnikov K.A., Baleevskikh K.A.


We discuss the peculiarities of gravitational lensing by spherically symmetric wormholes if they are not symmetric with respect to their throats. It is noticed, in particular, that wormholes always contain the so-called photon spheres, near which the photon deflection angles can be arbitrarily large, but, in general, the throat is such a sphere only for symmetric wormholes. In some cases, photons from outside can cross the throat and return back from a neighborhood of a photon sphere if the latter is located beyond the throat. Two families of generally asymmetric wormhole configurations are considered as examples: (1) anti-Fisher wormholes with a massless phantom scalar field as a source of gravity, and (2) wormholes with a zero Ricci scalar that may be interpreted as vacuum configurations in a brane world. The photon effective potentials and deflection angles for them are found and discussed.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2019;25(1):44-49
pages 44-49 views

The Role of Initial Conditions and Parameters of the Model in Evolution of the Universe. Case Study: Brans-Dicke Theory in Einstein Frame

Salehi A., Farajollahi H., Aryamanesh S.


The dynamics of the Brans-Dicke (BD) cosmology in the Einstein frame is studied. We implement phase-space analysis in order to investigate the role of initial conditions and model parameters in the evolution of the universe. The phase plane algorithm and stability of the model are considered in the Einstein Frame where the cosmological background is described in Λ-Cold Dark Matter (ΛCDM) and is supplemented by a Jordan-Fierz-Brans-Dicke field. Our results show: (1) The model parameter α (the coupling strength of the BD scalar field to matter sources) in the Einstein frame plays an important role in the model stability whereas the initial conditions significantly affect the cosmic dynamics. (2) Using type Ia SNIa data, we fit the parameters of the model with observation and show that the current value of the effective equation of state (EoS) parameter is within the range supported by observations. (3) The phase space analysis implies that the universe approaches an attractor in the near future.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2019;25(1):50-57
pages 50-57 views

Holographic Ricci Dark Energy with Constant Bulk Viscosity in f(R,T) Gravity

Singh C.P., Kumar A.


The holographic Ricci dark energy (HRDE) model is studied with bulk viscosity in modified f(R, T) gravity theory. We consider a universe filled with bulk viscous HRDE and pressureless dark matter. We obtain exact solutions and study the evolution of the scale factor and deceleration parameter and their transition from decelerated to accelerated expansion of the universe. The bulk viscosity coefficient is assumed to be constant. The behaviors concerning the cosmic expansion depend on the coupling parameter of f(R, T) and bulk viscous term. We apply two geometric diagnostics, the statefinder {r, s} and Om(z), to discriminate HRDE model from the ΛCDM model. We plot the evolution trajectories in the statefinder plane and Om(z) plane. We find that the viscous HRDE model behaves like quintessence at small values of the bulk-viscous term and like a Chaplygin gas at large values of the bulk-viscous term. However, the model approaches ΛCDM at late times of the evolution of the universe. We explore the obvious violation of energy-momentum conservation in f(R, T) gravity and provide a thermodynamic interpretation of extra terms generated by the nonminimal geometry-matter coupling describing particle production. We observe that the current acceleration of our universe is well explained with bulk viscosity.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2019;25(1):58-68
pages 58-68 views

On Higgs Braneworld Inflation in a Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model

Naciri M., Safsafi A., Ferricha-Alami M., Bennai M.


We consider the Higgs potential of the μ-term of Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM). We show that the Higgs mass m0 is sensitive to variation of brane tension T in the RSII braneworld model. The Higgs mass ranges around 125 GeV for a particular choice of T. We also discuss the effect of tuning the parameter α on the perturbation spectrum. We find that the inflationary parameters of the model, with specific values of N and T, lie within the range of Planck data.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2019;25(1):69-74
pages 69-74 views

Influence of Linear Plus Quadratic Interactions Between Dark Components of the Universe on Thermodynamics

Gemici-Deveci D., Aydiner E.


We work with the holographic model of interacting dark sector (dark energy plus dark matter) of the universe. The generalized Chaplygin gas model is taken as a Dark Energy (DE) candidate, and it interacts with Cold Dark Matter (CDM) in the framework of linear plus quadratic equation of state (EoS) parameter. We study the effect of interaction on the thermodynamics of the universe. Three interaction parameters of DE-CDM are considered: ΓρDE, ΓρDM, and Γ(ρDE + ρDM). We derive the corresponding effective equation of states for these different interaction parameters and analyze the behaviors of the derivative of entropies for DE, CDM and the apparent horizon, which is considered as a boundary of the universe. For this purpose the Generalized Second Law (GSL) of thermodynamics is used in the Friedman- Robertson-Walker (FRW) space to analyze the effect of quadratic terms on the thermodynamics of the universe, and the results are analyzed and compared with the solution for the linear form given in the literature.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2019;25(1):75-81
pages 75-81 views

Anisotropic Dark Energy Models with Hybrid Expansion Law in Lyra’s Manifold

Saratchandra Singh M., Surendra Singh S.


Field equations of the locally rotationally symmetric (LRS) Bianchi type-I metric with anisotropic fluid are constructed in the framework of Lyra’s manifold. By assuming a hybrid expansion law (HEL) for the average scale factor that yields power-law and exponential-law cosmologies, we model Bianchi type-I space time for the time-dependent displacement field which is proportional to a power-law form of the Hubble parameter. The model provides an elegant description of the transition from cosmic deceleration to acceleration. We discuss the physical behaviors of the derived models with observational constraints applied to late-time acceleration as well as early stages of the Universe. It is observed that HEL Bianchi type I universe is anisotropic at early stage of evolution and becomes isotropic at late times.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2019;25(1):82-89
pages 82-89 views

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