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Vol 24, No 4 (2018)


Annihilation Shock Wave in Gravitating Gas Dynamics

Golubiatnikov A.N., Lyuboshits D.B.


In the framework of general relativity, we present a solution of the problem on an annihilation wave arising at compression of a mixture of particles and antiparticles under the action of their selfgravity. The problem may be considered as a description of emerging expansion of a gravitating gas at inhomogeneous collapse of dust. Taking into account the partial transition of the rest mass to energy of the expanding matter, following the concept proposed earlier by W. de Sitter, this phenomenon can be used in a scheme of the Universe evolution of a compression–expansionmanner without any singular points.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2018;24(4):309-314
pages 309-314 views

The Schwarzschild Singularity: A Semiclassical Bounce?

Bolokhov S.V., Bronnikov K.A., Skvortsova M.V.


We discuss the opportunity that the singularity inside a Schwarzschild black hole could be replaced by a regular bounce, described as a regular minimum of the spherical radius (instead of zero) and a regular maximum of the longitudinal scale (instead of infinity) in the corresponding Kantowski-Sachs metric. Such a metric in a vicinity of the bounce is shown to be a solution to the Einstein equations with the stress-energy tensor representing vacuum polarization of quantum matter fields, described by a combination of curvature-quadratic terms in the effective action. The indefinite parameters of the model can be chosen in such a way that it remains a few orders of magnitude apart from the Planck scale (say, on the GUT scale), that is, in a semiclassical regime.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2018;24(4):315-320
pages 315-320 views

A Note on the Uniqueness of the dRGT Massive Gravity Theory. The D = 3 Case

Bañados M.


We revisit the problem of gravity coupled to a background metric ημν, looking for ghost-free interactions. It is known that elimination of the Boulware-Deser ghost is equivalent to a certain Hessian condition on the interacting potential. The resulting equation is a complicated nonlinear partial differential equation. To gain some insight, we consider the d = 3 case and provide evidence that the dRGT potential is the unique interaction between the spacetime metric and a background field ημν which is both Lorentzinvariant and ghost-free. Our approach uses only the ADM formulation of general relativity, without assuming any particular background. One may expect our results to extend to d = 4, but the explicit equation is far more involved.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2018;24(4):321-330
pages 321-330 views

Simplified Model of Voids Able to Mimic Accelerating Expansion at High z without Dark Energy

Balazs B., Bene G.


We present a simplified model of voids in the Universe. Using this model, we investigate the effect of inhomogeneities on light propagation. We calculate the corresponding Hubble diagrams and compare them to those expected in different cosmological models. We find that voids in a universe containing only nonrelativistic matter can mimic accelerating expansion as far as Hubble diagrams are concerned.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2018;24(4):331-336
pages 331-336 views

On Modification of Newton’s Law by a Homogeneous Distribution of Wormholes in Space

Kirillov A.A., Savelova E.P.


We examine a modification of Newton’s gravity by a distribution of cosmological wormholes. We show that at very large distances cosmological wormholes generate corrections which may be interpreted as if gravitons acquired effective masses. We show how the mass spectrum relates to the mean parameters of wormholes. In the leading approximation, the first effective mass is imaginary, which indicates the presence of an additional gravitational instability in the early Universe.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2018;24(4):337-343
pages 337-343 views

Open Universe Models as Analogs of Multidimensional Electric Capacitors

Baranov A.M.


A new approach to obtaining open universemodels as exact solutions of gravitational equations is considered. The proposed method is based on an analogy between electrostatics of conductors and open cosmological models which have a conformally flat 4-metric in the Fock form. These cosmological models are solutions of the Einstein equations with the energy-momentum tensor of a Pascal perfect fluid. As a result, it is shown that the capacity of the multidimensional “ball” electric capacitor in multidimensional Euclidean auxiliary space is connectedwith harmonic functions bywhich the potentials ofmultidimensional capacitors are described. In turn, the conformal factor of the metric describing an open universe model in the Fock representation is a power function of this potential for each dimensionality of the Euclidean space. In particular, for 3D auxiliary Euclidean space in 4D space-time, there is the Friedman solution for an open universe filled with incoherent dust (with flat metric at spatial infinity). Further, for 4D Euclidean space, we have an analog of the open cosmological model with the equation of state of an ultrarelativistic gas. Other cases are listed in a table. A table of matter states which generalizes this approach to multidimensional space-times is also constructed. Thus, the possibility of replacing the modeling problem in cosmology with the equivalent electrostatic problem of finding the capacity of capacitors is shown under specified boundary conditions. Exceptions from the general approach are also presented in the article.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2018;24(4):344-349
pages 344-349 views

Ten Arguments Against the Proclaimed Amount of Dark Matter

Křížek M.


According to the Standard cosmological model, our universe needs a significant amount of dark matter (DM), about six times that of the usual baryonic matter, besides an even larger amount of dark energy. But to date, both DMand dark energy have remained conceptually delusive, without concrete evidence based on direct physical measurements. In this survey paper, we present ten counterarguments showing that such a claimed amount of DMcan be a result of vast overestimation and does not conform to reality. Some of those counterarguments can be convincingly verified even by simple hand calculations.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2018;24(4):350-359
pages 350-359 views

Internal Structure of Wormholes—Geometric Images of Charged Particles in General Relativity

Khlestkov Y.A., Sukhanova L.A.


Using an exact solution of the Einstein-Maxwell equations for a free electric field and dustlike matter, we study the internal structure of the wormhole-type space with two nonclosing static throats opening to two parallel vacuum spaces or to a single space. This geometry is considered as a particleantiparticle pair with two electric charges of opposite signs, ±e, and the rest mass m0 (the total mass of the particle’s gravitational internal world) specified on the throats. These fundamental constants emerge while solving the Cauchy problem in the form of first integrals. Using the energy conservation law, we consider an irremovable rotation of the internal structure, and the projection of the corresponding angular momentum onto the rotation axis is identified with the z-projection of the charged particle’s spin. The Gaussian 2D curvature radius of the throat is identified with the particle’s radius; the z-projection of the magnetic moment and the gyromagnetic ratio have been found. The plausibility of this gravitational model is confirmed by the fact that the proton and electron spins, s = 1/2, turn out to be independent of the particle radius and of the relativistic mass of the rotating throat; also, there is a coincidence with great accuracy between the proton radius value calculated in this model, 0.8412 × 10−13 cm, and the one obtained in measurements of the Lamb shift in muonic hydrogen, 0.8409× 10−13 cm. The electron turns out to be also a structured particle, with a radius of 3.8617 × 10−11 cm.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2018;24(4):360-370
pages 360-370 views

Eddington’s Prediction for General Relativity Revisited

Fil’chenkov M.L., Laptev Y.P.


Eddington’s prediction for general relativity (GR) is exemplified by three cases: a static spherically symmetric gravitational field, radiation of gravitational waves, and a homogeneous isotropic cosmological model. The results of GR for a static field are obtained using only Poisson’s equation instead of the Einstein–Hilbert equations. Degeometrization of GR will allow the gravitational interaction to be unified with others described in the framework of the Standard Model of particle physics.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2018;24(4):371-374
pages 371-374 views

On the Fundamental Cosmological Scales in Matter Era

Avetissian A.K.


We suggest cosmological new scales in the Matter Era which reveal the cosmological mission of the Higgs boson. We argue that a fundamental measure of mass in the Matter Era is connected with the Higgs boson mass, which in turn determines fundamental measures of length and time. This new ansatz is able to develop an alternative theory of galaxies, black holes and stars in a broad range of masses, to explain the energetic activities of galaxies, and to illustrate their morphological varieties, to describe the observational data on the correlation between masses of the galactic components, and to demonstrate the prerequisites of the galactic rotation phenomenon.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2018;24(4):375-377
pages 375-377 views

Schwarzschild–De Sitter Thin Shell Wormholes Supported by a Generalized Cosmic Chaplygin Gas

Eid A.


The dynamics of spherically symmetric thin-shell wormholes (TSW), supported by a generalized cosmic Chaplygin gas in Schwarzschild- de Sitter space-time, is studied using the cut-and-paste technique (the Darmois–Israel formalism). A mechanical stability analysis of spherically symmetric thinshell wormhole is is carried out. by using the standard potential method. The existence of stable static solutions depends on the value of some parameters.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2018;24(4):378-383
pages 378-383 views

Anomalous Behavior of the Terrestrial Electric Field Intensity at Multiple Frequencies of Relativistic Binary Star Systems

Grunskaya L.V., Isakevich V.V., Isakevich D.V.


The vertical component of the terrestrial electric field intensity has been proven to be spectrally localized at multiple frequencies of forty-three relativistic binary star systems. The used four time series contain multiannual observations of the terrestrial electric field intensity in the infralow frequency range. The used method is eigenoscopy developed by the present authors. The matrix of second sample moments is computed at finite time spans. The eigenvectors of the moment matrix and their amplitude spectra are computed and analyzed. A database of the discovered anomalous behavior has been built.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2018;24(4):384-392
pages 384-392 views

Filtration of the Gravitational Frequency Shift in Radio Link Communications with Earth’s Satellites

Gusev A.V., Rudenko V.N.


At present, the Radioastron (RA) Earth’s satellite has a very elliptic orbit, which is used to probe the gravitational redshift effect. The objective of this test is to enhance the accuracy of the measurement that will be used to check the correspondence value of the effect to EinsteinБ’s theory by an order of magnitude better than was done in the GP-A experiment (Vessot et al., 1980). There are two H-masers at our disposal: one on board the satellite and the other at the Land Tracking Station (LTS). It is possible to compare the satellite’s mutual time rates using communication radio links between RA and LTS. In contrast to the GP-A experiment, it is possible to measure the repetition and accumulation of data in the process of RA orbital circulation. In principle, this might result in an increase in the integral accuracy. In this paper, we investigate the achievable accuracy in the redshift extractionmethod associated with technical specifications of the RA mission.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2018;24(4):393-400
pages 393-400 views

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