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Vol 23, No 2 (2017)


Induction equations for fundamental fields and dark matter

Zhuravlev V.M.


The paper outlines some aspects of the theory of gravity and electromagnetism based on a topology-geometric interpretation of matter and its properties as manifestations of a non-Euclidean geometry of the physical hypersurface of dimension 3 embedded in a Euclidean space of dimension 4. We derive the basic equations of the theory, leading to equations similar to those of the classical theory of gravity and electromagnetism as well as those of quantum theory. It is shown that in this theory the observed effect of a hidden mass, or dark matter, is explained in a natural way by effects of the geometry of the physical hypersurface.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2017;23(2):95-104
pages 95-104 views

A pure geometric theory of gravity and a material distribution

Wanas M.I., Youssef N.L., El Hanafy W.


A field theory is constructed in the context of parameterized absolute parallelism geometry. The theory is shown to be a pure gravity one. It is capable of describing the gravitational field and a material distribution in terms of the geometric structure of the geometry used (the parallelization vector fields). Three tools are used to attribute physical properties to the geometric objects admitted by the theory. Poisson and Laplace equations are obtained in the linearized version of the theory. The spherically symmetric solution of the theory, in free space, is found to coincide with the Schwarzschild exterior solution of general relativity. The theory respects the weak equivalence principle in free space only. Gravity and the material distribution are not minimally coupled.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2017;23(2):105-118
pages 105-118 views

Electromagnetic origin of particle masses and gravitation

Romashka M.Y.


We propose an approximate theory describing electromagnetism and gravity as a single direct particle interaction. A new element in this theory is the assumption on real simultaneous (combined) existence of retarded and advanced interactions. Another essential principle of this theory is Mach’s principle, according to which the interaction of particles in a certain local region is inextricably connected with the dynamics of all particles in the Universe. A consequence ofMach’s principle in this theory is that in terrestrial experiments the advanced electromagnetic interaction is many orders of magnitude smaller than the retarded one (but is not precisely zero). We consider a possible mechanism of emergence of particle masses due to electromagnetic interaction. The proposed theory is relativistic but non-quantum. In this regard, we consider only three types of particles (electrons, protons, and neutrons), and the difference of particle masses is explained only at a qualitative level. The resulting equation of motion for particles is studied in the nonrelativistic approximation. Along with the Lorentz force and the radiative friction force, it contains terms describing the gravitational interaction. Their form is similar to those known in gravielectromagnetism, which is an approximation to general relativity.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2017;23(2):119-127
pages 119-127 views

The cosmological origins of nonlinear electrodynamics

Novello M., Ducap C.E.


We present a mechanism that allows any nonlinear theory of electrodynamics to be described as a consequence of a coupling of the electromagnetic field to gravity in the presence of a vacuum represented by the cosmological constant. We emphasize gravity’s exclusive role of catalysis.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2017;23(2):128-130
pages 128-130 views

Qualitative and numerical analysis of a cosmological modely based on a classical massive scalar field

Ignat’ev Y.G.


On the basis of a qualitative analysis of the set of differential equations of the standard cosmological model it is shown that in the case of zero cosmological constant Λ this set has a stable center corresponding to zero values of the potential and its derivative at infinity. Thus the model based on a single massive classical scalar field would give a flat Universe in the infinite future. A numerical simulation of the dynamic system corresponding to the set of Einstein-Klein-Gordon equations has shown that at late times of the evolution the invariant cosmological acceleration has an oscillating nature and changes from −2 (braking), to +1 (acceleration). The average value of the cosmological acceleration is negative and is equal to −1/2. Oscillations of the cosmological acceleration happen in the background of a rapidly falling Hubble parameter. In the case of a nonzero value of Λ, depending on its value, three various qualitative behavior types of the dynamic system on the 2D plane (Φ, \(\mathop \Phi \limits^ \cdot \)) are possible, which correspond either to a zero attractive focus or to a stable attractive knot with zero values of the potential and its derivative. Herewith, the system asymptotically enters a secondary inflation. Numerical simulations have shown that with Λ < 3 × 10−8 m2, the macroscopic value of the cosmological acceleration behaves similarly to the case Λ = 0, i.e. in the course of the cosmological evolution there appears a lasting stage on which this value is close to −1/2, which corresponds to a non-relativistic equation of state.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2017;23(2):131-141
pages 131-141 views

Calculating luminosity distance versus redshift in FLRW cosmology via homotopy perturbation method

Shchigolev V.K.


We propose an efficient analytical method for estimating the luminosity distance in a homogenous Friedmann-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) model of the Universe. This method is based on the homotopy perturbation method (HPM) which has a high accuracy in many nonlinear problems and can be easily implemented. For an analytical calculation of the luminosity distance, we suggest to proceed not from computation of the integral which determines it but from the solution of a certain differential equation with the corresponding initial conditions. Solving this equation by means of HPM, we obtain approximate analytical expressions for the luminosity distance as a function of the redshift for two different types of homotopy. A possible extension of this method to other cosmological models is also discussed.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2017;23(2):142-148
pages 142-148 views

Motion of spin-half particles in the axially symmetric field of naked singularities of the static q-metric

Neznamov V.P., Shemarulin V.E.


Quantum-mechanical motion of a spin-half particle is examined in the axially symmetric fields of static naked singularities formed by a mass distribution with a quadrupole moment (q-metric). The analysis is performed by means of the method of effective potentials of the Dirac equation generalized to the case where radial and angular variables are not separated. If −1 < q < qlim, |qlim| ≪ 1, where q is the quadrupolemoment in proper units, the naked singularities do not exclude the existence of stationary bound states of Dirac particles for a prolate mass distribution in the q-metric along the axial axis. For an oblate mass distribution, the naked singularities of the q-metric are separated from a Dirac particle by infinitely large repulsive barriers followed by a potential well which deepens while moving apart from the equator (from θ = θmin or θ = πθmin) toward the poles. The poles make an exception, and at 0 < q < q*, there are some points θi for particle states with j ≥ 3/2.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2017;23(2):149-161
pages 149-161 views

Can bigravity gravitational baryogenesis explain the CMB 143 GHz excess line?

Oikonomou V.K.


It has been recently claimed [arXiv: 1510.00126], that the 143 GHz excess line in the Cosmic MicrowaveBackground (CMB) spectrumcould be explained by a collision of our Universe with an alternate Universe in which the baryon to entropy ratio is 65 times larger than the corresponding value measured for ourUniverse. This 143 GHz excess line is due to baryons, as was claimed, since the excess line corresponds to the recombination epoch, while the rest of the CMB signal is free of such excess lines. Thus the excess line is ascribed to an effect of collision of our Universe with a parallel universe. In this paper, we propose an alternative mechanism to explain the 143 GHz excess CMB line by using a simple bimetric gravity model which makes use of two metrics, the foreground metric gμν and the background metric fμν. The foreground Universe describes our Universe, and the background Universe is assumed to be underlying. The metrics are chosen to satisfy \({f_{\mu \nu }} = D_{{g_{\mu \nu }}}^2\), and the bimetric gravity model is constrained in such a way that the resulting Einstein equations for the background and foreground Universe are identical. In effect, the foreground and background Universe are indistinguishable at the cosmological solutions level. However, for the choices of the metrics we made, the scalar curvatures of the foreground and background Universes, namely Rg and Rf, are related by Rf = 1/D2, which can effectively result in different baryon to entropy ratios for the two Universes, via the gravitational baryogenesis mechanism. According to the gravitational baryogenesis mechanism, the baryon to entropy ratio is \(\eta B = \dot R/M_*^2T\), which means that the baryon to entropy ratio for the foreground and the background Universes we chose, namely ηB(g) and ηB(f), satisfy the relation \(\eta B\left( f \right) = \frac{1}{{{D^2}}}\eta B\left( g \right)\), and if D is chosen as \(D = 1/\sqrt {65} \), this could explain the 143 GHz excess line. The resulting phenomenological picture is quite appealing, since in the context of our bimetric gravity model, the foreground and background Universes coexist and are indistinguishable at the cosmological solutions level, but they are distinguishable only via the gravitational baryogenesis mechanism, which results in a baryon to entropy ratio for the background Universe, which is 65 time larger from the one corresponding to our Universe.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2017;23(2):162-170
pages 162-170 views

Constraints on scalar coupling to electromagnetism

Antoniou I.


We review a possible nonminimal (dilatonic) coupling of a scalar field (axion-like particle) to electromagnetism, through experimental and observational constraints. Such a coupling is motivated from recent quasar spectrum observations that indicate a possible spatial and/or temporal variation of the fine-structure constant. We consider a dilatonic coupling of the form BF (ϕ) = 1+. The strongest bound on the coupling parameter g is derived from the weak equivalence principle tests, which impose g < 1.6 × 10−17 GeV−1. This constraint is strong enough to rule out this class of models as a cause for an observable cosmological variation of the fine structure constant unless a chameleon mechanism is implemented. Also, we argue that a similar coupling occurs in chameleon cosmology, another candidate dark mater particle, and we estimate the cosmological consequences by both effects. It should be clarified that this class of models is not necessarily ruled out in the presence of a chameleon mechanism which can freeze the dynamics of the scalar field in high density laboratory regions.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2017;23(2):171-183
pages 171-183 views

Semiclassical treatment of a k-essence effect on cosmic temperature

Bandyopadhyay A., Gangopadhyay D., Moulik A.


A phenomenological model with quantum fluctuations of matter fields is described for the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation evolution in the presence of dark energy in the form of a k-essence scalar field ϕ(t). Our model is realized through a time-dependent oscillator Lagrangian. Here ϕ couples to the scale factor a(t). Themodel gives: (a) the observed variation of a with time and (b) the observed value of the epoch when the universe passed over from decelerated to accelerated phase. These two features have been matched with graphical transcriptions of SNe Ia data. Further, the evolution is sensitive to the presence of an inhomogeneity. Its sensitivity increases as one goes further into the past. The value of the inhomogeneity parameter determines the transition epoch from decelerated to accelerated phase. A positive value of the inhomogeneity parameter leads an earlier transition, and its negative value to a later one. A slightly negative value of the inhomogeneity parameter gives a better agreement with the observed value for the transition time. The formalism also accommodates dark matter in the form of non-relativistic dust without any change in the above scenarios.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2017;23(2):184-194
pages 184-194 views

Kantowski-Sachs and Bianchi type models with a general non-canonical scalar field

Singh T., Chaubey R., Singh A.


The paper deals with spatially homogeneous and anisotropic Kantowski-Sachs and Bianchi universes with a general non-canonical scalar field with the Lagrangian L = F(X) − Ω(ϕ), where \(X = \frac{1}{2}{\phi _i}{\phi ^i}\). We discuss a general non-canonical scalar field in three different cosmologies: (i) cosmology with a constant potential, Ω(ϕ) = Ω0 = const, (ii) cosmology with a constant equation-of-state parameter, i.e., γϕ = const, and (iii) cosmology with a constant speed of sound, i.e., cs2 = const. For a constant potential, we have shown that the k-essence Lagrangian and the Lagrangian of the present model are equivalent. Dissipation of anisotropy, when the universe is filled with a general non-canonical scalar field, is investigated. The existence of an average bounce in Kantowski-Sachs and locally rotationally symmetric Bianchi-I and Bianchi-III models is discussed in detail.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2017;23(2):195-200
pages 195-200 views

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