Influence of the Gravitational Field of a Null String Domain on the Dynamics of a Test Null String


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The paper studies the influence of periodically changing boundary conditions on the motion of a test null string “inside” an axially symmetric null string domain that has a layered structure and preserves its size. It is shown that the action of the gravitational field of the null string domain on a test null string whose size (radius) is smaller than the size of the domain, under any initial conditions, leads to oscillations of the test null string inside a limited spatial region. The motion (drift) of the region where the test null string oscillations take place, depends on the relationship between the initial parameters characterizing the test null string and the null string domain. These regions can be considered as particles with an effective nonzero rest mass, localized in space. It is noted that the properties of these particles should be determined by the trajectories of null strings moving within a limited spatial volume, and under the influence of changing external conditions, one sort of particles can pass into another one.

Об авторах

A. Lelyakov

Vernadsky Crimean Federal University

Россия, Simferopol, 295007 The Republic of Crimea

© Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2019

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