Features of Intergovernmental Consultations.The case of Germany



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The article explores interstate dialogue focusing on the contacts of highest state bureaucrats and to diplomatic missions. The author analyzed the format of intergovernmental (interstate) consultations and presents the key features of its functioning. The case study is Germany, which has developed a rather comprehensive system of the interstate formats. The difficulties of the creation of Germany’s interstate dialogue with the US, the UK, Anglo-Saxon states as a whole are presented. The article explains the reduction (2019‒2023) in the frequency of German-French interministerial meetings and the ability of the format to overcome the crisis of trust in tandem. The securitization of the negotiation agenda in 2013‒2023 of Germany-Netherlands (as the closest ally of Germany) dialogue is highlighted. The paper determined the causes of the long-term interruption of intergovernmental consultations with NATO member-states and Israel as an increasingly common phenomenon in German foreign policy. Rather illustrative is Germany’s approach to the formats with Russia and China as the key objects for containment by the West. “Bottle necks of the formats used by Germany in Euro-Atlantic community and in the world is underlined.

Sobre autores

Ph. Trunov


Email: 1trunov@mail.ru
Candidate of Sciences (Politics) Leading Research Associate Moscow, Russia


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