Specifics of Bilateral US-EU Relations under J. Biden Administration



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The article is dedicated to current state of affairs and perspectives of institutionalization of US-EU relations. Due to different international and domestic political reasons, after the 2020 the two sides declared a rapprochement. The US is likely to re-main the most influential center of power of the current system of international affairs. Due to the process of European integration, the EU acquired an ability to behave as an international actor and the US’ global partner. An ambitious bilateral agenda includes not only pragmatic goals, but a long-term intention to cooperate. Institutions of bilateral relations are supposed to build strategic partnership regardless of concrete political situation. The period from 2021 to 2023 were favorable for such efforts, because of the White House retreat from the isolationist foreign policy. The article explores different formats of cooperation between the US and the EU with special focus on high level co-operation. Interparliamentary connections between the US Congress and European Parliament play a special role in institutionalizing the relations. Special attention is paid to the new frameworks of executive branch cooperation, such as Council for Trade and Technology, as well as a number of Strategic Dialogues on different topics. Institutionalization of bilateral relations is aimed at consolidation of economic and technological resources for strategic confrontation against China.

Sobre autores

P. Sharikov

Institute of Europe, Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: pasha.sharikov@gmail.com
Candidate of Sciences (Politics), Senior research fellow Moscow, Russia


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