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Том 53, № 7 (2019)


Even Simple π-Calculus Processes Are Difficult to Analyze

Abbas M., Zakharov V.


Mathematical models of distributed computations, based on calculus of mobile processes (π-calculus) are widely used for checking information security properties of cryptographic protocols. Since \(\pi \)-calculus is a Turing-complete computation model, this problem is unsolvable in the general case. Therefore, its study is carried out only for some special classes of π-calculus processes with restricted computational capabilities, for example, for nonrecursive processes with all runs limited in length, for processes with a limited number of parallel components, etc. However, even in these cases the proposed checking procedures are very time consuming. We assume that this is due to the very nature of the π-calculus processes. The goal of this paper is to show that even for the weakest passive adversary model and for relatively simple protocols that make use of only basic π-calculus operations, the checking of the information security properties of these protocols is a co-NP-complete problem.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2019;53(7):573-583
pages 573-583 views

Verification-Oriented Process Ontology

Garanina N., Anureev I., Borovikova O.


This paper presents the ontology of the concurrent processes close to Hoare communicating sequential processes. It is a part of an intellectual system for supporting verification of behavioral properties of such processes. Our ontological representation of the processes is oriented both to the application of formal verification methods and to the extraction of information from technical documentation (by our previously developed system of information extraction from a natural language text). We describe the ontology classes and domains that define communicating concurrent processes. These processes are characterized by sets of local and shared variables, a list of actions on these variables which change their values, a list of channels for the process communication (which, in turn, are characterized by the type of reading messages, capacity, modes of writing and reading, and reliability), and also a list of communication actions for sending messages. In addition to the formal mathematical definition of classes and domains of the ontology, examples of descriptions of some ontological classes, as well as typical properties and axioms for them, are specified in the editor Protégé in the OWL language with the use of the inference rules in the SWRL language. We define the formal operational semantics of communicating processes for their ontological representation. This semantics is a labeled transition system. It is reduced to the local operational semantics of separate process instances in the interleaving model. We specialize several types of processes from the subject domain of automatic control systems that model the typical functional elements of the automatic control system (sensors, comparators and regulators), as well as their combinations. The concepts of the specialized ontology are illustrated by the example of a control part of a bottle-filling system.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2019;53(7):584-594
pages 584-594 views

Platform-Independent Specification and Verification of the Standard Mathematical Square Root Function

Shilov N., Kondratyev D., Anureev I., Bodin E., Promsky A.


The aim of the Platform-Independent Approach to Formal Specification and Verification of Standard Mathematical Functions project is the development of an incremental combined approach to specification and verification of standard mathematical functions like sqrt, cos, sin, etc. The term “platform-independence” means that we attempt to design a relatively simple axiomatization of computer arithmetic in terms of real arithmetic (i.e., the arithmetic of the field ℝ of real numbers), but do not specify either the base of the computer arithmetic or the format of the representation of numbers. The incrementality means that we start with the most straightforward specification of the simplest algorithm in real numbers and finish with a realistic specification and a verification of the algorithm in computer arithmetic. We call our approach combined because we start with consideration of a “basic” case, the manual (pen-and-paper) verification of the algorithm in real numbers, then use this verification as proof-outlines for the manual verification of the algorithm in computer arithmetic, and finish with a computer-aided validation of the manual proofs with a proof-assistant system to avoid appeals to “obviousness” that are common in human-carried proofs. In the paper, we apply our platform-independent incremental combined approach to specification and verification of the standard mathematical square root function. By now, the computer-aided validation of the developed algorithms has been carried out only partially to prove, using the ACL2 system, the correctness (consistency) of our fixed-point arithmetic and the existence of a look-up table with the initial approximations of the square roots for fixed-point numbers.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2019;53(7):595-616
pages 595-616 views

Application of a Genetic Algorithm for Finding Edit Distances between Process Models

Kalenkova A., Kolesnikov D.


Finding graph edit distances (determining the similarity of graph models) is an important task in various areas of computer science, such as image analysis, machine learning, and chemoinformatics. In recent years, due to the development of process mining techniques, it has become necessary to adapt the existing graph matching methods to be applied to the analysis of process models (annotated graphs) discovered from event logs of information systems. In particular, methods for finding the minimum graph edit distance can be used to reveal patterns (subprocesses) and to compare discovered process models. As was shown experimentally and theoretically substantiated, exact methods for finding the minimum edit distance between the discovered process models (and graphs in the general case) have a great time complexity and can be applied only to small-sized process models. In this paper, we estimate the accuracy and time performance characteristics of a genetic algorithm applied to find distances between process models discovered from the event logs. In particular, we find distances between BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation) models discovered from the event logs by using different synthesis algorithms. It is shown that the genetic algorithm proposed in the paper allows us to significantly reduce the computation time and produces results close to the optimal solutions (the minimum edit distances).

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2019;53(7):617-627
pages 617-627 views

Application of Neural Networks for Recognizing Rail Structural Elements in Magnetic and Eddy Current Defectograms

Kuzmin E., Gorbunov O., Plotnikov P., Tyukin V., Bashkin V.


Nondestructive testing of rails is regularly conducted using various approaches and methods, including magnetic and eddy current testing methods, to ensure railroad safety. Automatic analysis of large data arrays (defectograms) from the corresponding equipment is an important problem. The analysis is the process of detecting defective pieces and identifying structural elements of a railroad track using defectograms. This article considers the problem of recognizing patterns of structural elements of railroad rails in defectograms of multichannel magnetic and eddy current defectoscopes. Three classes of structural elements of a railroad track are investigated: (1) a bolted joint with a straight or beveled rail connection, (2) a flash butt rail weld, and (3) an aluminothermic rail weld. Patterns that cannot be assigned to these three classes are conventionally considered as defects and are attributed to a separate fourth class. Patterns of structural elements are recognized in defectograms using a neural network based on the TensorFlow open library. For this purpose, each defectogram area selected for analysis is converted into a grayscale image with a size of 20 by 39 pixels.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2019;53(7):628-637
pages 628-637 views

Word Embedding for Semantically Related Words: An Experimental Study

Karyaeva M., Braslavski P., Sokolov V.


The ability to identify semantic relations between words has made a word2vec model widely used in NLP tasks. The idea of word2vec is based on a simple rule that a higher similarity can be reached if two words have a similar context. Each word can be represented as a vector, so the closest coordinates of vectors can be interpreted as similar words. It allows to establish semantic relations (synonymy, relations of hypernymy and hyponymy and other semantic relations) by applying an automatic extraction. The extraction of semantic relations by hand is considered as a time-consuming and biased task, requiring a large amount of time and some help of experts. Unfortunately, the word2vec model provides an associative list of words which does not consist of relative words only. In this paper, we show some additional criteria that may be applicable to solve this problem. Observations and experiments with well-known characteristics, such as word frequency, a position in an associative list, might be useful for improving results for the extraction of semantic relations for the Russian language by using word embedding. In the experiments, the word2vec model trained on the Flibusta and pairs from Wiktionary are used as examples with semantic relationships. Semantically related words are applicable to thesauri, ontologies and intelligent systems for natural language processing.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2019;53(7):638-643
pages 638-643 views

On Some Problems for a Simplex and a Ball in \({{\mathbb{R}}^{n}}\)

Nevskii M.


Let \(C\) be a convex body and let \(S\) be a nondegenerate simplex in \({{\mathbb{R}}^{n}}\). Denote by \(\tau S\) the image of \(S\) under the homothety with center of homothety in the center of gravity of \(S\) and ratio of homothety \(\tau \). We mean by \(\xi (C;S)\) the minimal \(\tau > 0\) such that \(C\) is a subset of the simplex \(\tau S\). Define \(\alpha (C;S)\) as the minimal \(\tau > 0\) such that \(C\) is contained in a translate of \(\tau S\). Earlier the author has proved the equalities \(\xi (C;S) = (n + 1)\mathop {\max }\limits_{1 \leqslant j \leqslant n + 1} \mathop {\max }\limits_{x \in C} ( - {{\lambda }_{j}}(x)) + 1\) (if \(C { \text{⊄} }S\)), \(\alpha (C;S) = \sum\nolimits_{j = 1}^{n + 1} {\mathop {\max }\limits_{x \in C} ( - {{\lambda }_{j}}(x)) + 1.} \) Here \({{\lambda }_{j}}\) are linear functions called the basic Lagrange polynomials corresponding to \(S\). The numbers \({{\lambda }_{j}}(x), \ldots ,{{\lambda }_{{n + 1}}}(x)\) are the barycentric coordinates of a point \(x \in {{\mathbb{R}}^{n}}\). In his previous papers, the author has investigated these formulae in the case when \(C\) is the \(n\)-dimensional unit cube \({{Q}_{n}} = {{[0,1]}^{n}}\). The present paper is related to the case when \(C\) coincides with the unit Euclidean ball \({{B}_{n}} = \{ x:\left| {\left| x \right|} \right| \leqslant 1\} ,\) where \(\left| {\left| x \right|} \right| = \mathop {\left( {\sum\nolimits_{i = 1}^n {x_{i}^{2}} \,} \right)}\nolimits^{1/2} .\) We establish various relations for \(\xi ({{B}_{n}};S)\) and \(\alpha ({{B}_{n}};S)\), as well as we give their geometric interpretation. For example, if  \({{\lambda }_{j}}(x){{l}_{{1j}}}{{x}_{1}} + \ldots + {{l}_{{nj}}}{{x}_{n}} + {{l}_{{n + 1,j}}},\) then \(\alpha ({{B}_{n}};S) = \sum\nolimits_{j = 1}^{n + 1} {{{{\left( {\sum\nolimits_{i = 1}^n {l_{{ij}}^{2}} } \right)}}^{{{\text{1}}{\text{/}}{\text{2}}}}}} \). The minimal possible value of each characteristic \(\xi ({{B}_{n}};S)\) and \(\alpha ({{B}_{n}};S)\) for \(S \subset {{B}_{n}}\) is equal to \(n\). This value corresponds to a regular simplex inscribed into \({{B}_{n}}\). Also we compare our results with those obtained in the case \(C = {{Q}_{n}}\).

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2019;53(7):644-652
pages 644-652 views

The Automation of C Program Verification by the Symbolic Method of Loop Invariant Elimination

Kondratyev D., Maryasov I., Nepomniaschy V.


In the deductive verification of programs written in the imperative programming languages, the generation and proving of the verification conditions corresponding to loops are of particular complexity, as each of them must be provided with an invariant, whose construction is often a challenge. As a rule, the methods for the synthesis of loop invariants have a heuristic character, which complicates their application. An alternative is the symbolic loop invariant elimination method proposed by V.A. Nepomniaschy in 2005. Its idea is to represent a loop body in the form of a special replacement operation under certain constraints. Such an operation in the symbolic form expresses the loop effect, which allows introducing an inference rule for the loops without invariants into axiomatic semantics. This work is the further development of this method. It extends the proposed method of mixed axiomatic semantics for the verification of C-light programs. This extension incorporates the method for the verification of iterations over changeable arrays with the possible exit from the loop body in C-light programs. The method contains the inference rule for iterations without loop invariants. This rule has been implemented in the verification condition generator, which is a part of the automated system for the verification of C-light programs. To perform automated verification in the used ACL2 system, two algorithms, one of which generates the replacement operation in the ACL2 language, and the second generates the auxiliary lemmas resulting in the successful automated proof of the obtained verification conditions in the ACL2 system have been developed and implemented. The application of the above mentioned methods and algorithms is illustrated with an example.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2019;53(7):653-662
pages 653-662 views

On the Expressive Power of Some Extensions of Linear Temporal Logic

Gnatenko A., Zakharov V.


temporal logics, expressive power, specification, verification, Büchi automata, infinite words

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2019;53(7):663-675
pages 663-675 views

On Methods of the Verification and Elaboration of Development Programs for Agricultural Territories

Vega Vice J., Mikhailov V.


Nowadays, the methods of program-targeted management for the development of various socio-economic systems of complex structure, such as agricultural areas, have become ubiquitous. Therefore, the current tasks at hand are the verification of already created development programs and the development of “proper” programs for the development of such systems, by analogy with the verification and development of proper computer programs through advanced disciplines in theoretical programming. In this paper, in order to solve the problem of the verification of development programs for agricultural territories, a structural scheme of the program is first constructed, through which an axiomatic theory is created using the Hoare’s algorithmic logic system. The main problem in the construction of the axiomatic theory is the development of the axioms of the theory that reflect preconditions and effects of the implementation of meaningful actions indicated in the text of the development program. The verification of the development program corresponds to the provability check of some Hoare triplet, according to the initial and target conditions of the program. For the task of elaborating proper development programs, we describe the mechanism for constructing a domain model using the PDDL family description languages. The description of a specific model is purely declarative in nature and consists of descriptions of predicates and actions of the chosen subject area. In this paper, using the described model with the help of intelligent planners, including temporal planners such as OPTIC, we show how to automatically build solutions to the targets of development programs. Based on expert knowledge and industry standards, a model of an agricultural territory is constructed, a brief description of which is given in this work. The conducted experiments showed the effectiveness of the proposed approach for the development of proper development programs.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2019;53(7):676-682
pages 676-682 views

On Safety of Unary and Nonunary IFP Operators

Dudakov S.


The article investigates the safety of unary inflationary fixed point operators (IFP-operators), i.e., their computability in finitely many steps. Such operators correspond exactly to recursive SQL queries. Therefore, the problem under investigation is directly related to database theory. The problem arises from the fact that if recursion and universe relations, e.g., addition, are simultaneously used in a SQL query, then a query evaluation can fall into an infinite loop. Moreover, such a combination makes it possible to model a universal computing device, e.g., a Turing machine. Hence, the problem of finite computability for such SQL queries is undecidable. In our previous works, we established some properties of a universe those guarantee the finite computability of any IFP-operator in the universe. In this article, we investigate a connection between an arity of IFP-operators and their safety. The main result of this article is that some results for general IFP-operators do not hold for unary ones. An instance of a universe is constructed in which all unnested unary IFP-operators are safe. However, there are unsafe binary IFP-operators in this universe. Therefore, IFP-operators can become unsafe if the arity changes. In addition, there are unsafe nested unary operators. This contrasts with the general case in which this is impossible. There are also elementary equivalent universes where the same unary IFP-operators are unsafe. This behavior is also different from the behavior of general IFP-operators.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2019;53(7):683-688
pages 683-688 views

Dynamic Model of Information Exchange Processes in a Peer-to-Peer Network

Kononova A.


The article considers a file distribution model in a peer-to-peer file-sharing network based on ordinary differential equations. Phase variables describing the file-sharing state are determined (in the first approximation, this is the number of users, i.e., seeders and leechers of the shared file). The factors affecting file sharing and the change in the number of peers are analyzed. The system of differential equations describing the evolution of a torrent, or a file-sharing session (FSS), i.e., the dynamic FSS evolution model, is constructed based on the analysis. The life cycle of a FSS in the file-sharing network consisting of four stages, i.e., file sharing initiation, rapid increase in the number of leechers, stabilization, and fading (for files that lose relevance over time), is considered. Each stage is characterized by its own ratio of model parameters. The parameters change over time. The process of measuring the state of real FSSs is described. An example of a trajectory corresponding to the evolution of a real FSS on a large torrent tracker is given. Next, the FSS stabilization stage characterized by parameters that are constant in the first approximation is considered. Equilibrium points of the dynamic model of the FSS evolution are investigated. Their possible number and type are described. All generic position configurations that are possible in the FSS evolution model of a peer-to-peer file-sharing network are described. Phase portraits of each configuration are presented. The impact of various administrative measures on FSS stability margin is analyzed. The ambiguity of the effect of the rating system on FSS stability is shown. The positive effects of a system of time bonuses, feedback, and absorption of FSSs are also shown.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2019;53(7):689-698
pages 689-698 views

A Question-Answering System for Applicant Support Using Modern Messaging Apps

Filonov D., Chalyy D., Murin D., Durnev V., Sokolov V.


There is an increasing user interest in instant messaging applications. These applications allow us to interact with other users and include a functionality that can help us to implement bots that automate various business processes or provide information services. This paper considers a specialized question answering system that employs today’s messaging services infrastructure to support university applicants. Over two years, we gathered a corpus of typical questions of applicants and developed an information retrieval model for finding similar questions in this corpus. Applicants can type their questions using natural language without any formal requirements to phrase construction or using special templates. If the system is unable to find a relevant answer, the user can directly address the question to representatives of the university. The system was implemented using modern cloud services provided by Amazon. We used serverless computations and NoSQL databases, so we had to develop an appropriate architecture of the service. Since the system operates sensitive personal data and provides personalized service, we analyzed methods of ensuring system security and approaches to user authorization. We are currently testing our system and estimating its information retrieval quality.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2019;53(7):699-704
pages 699-704 views

Russian-Language Thesauri: Automatic Construction and Application for Natural Language Processing Tasks

Lagutina N., Lagutina K., Adrianov A., Paramonov I.


The paper overviews the existing digital Russian-language thesauri and the methods of their automatic construction and application. The authors have analyzed the main characteristics of thesauri published in open access for scientific research, evaluated trends of their development, and their effectiveness in solving natural language processing tasks. Statistical and linguistic methods of thesaurus construction that allow automation of their development and reduce the labor costs of expert linguists have been studied. In particular, algorithms for extracting keywords and semantic thesaurus relations of all types have been considered and the quality of the thesauri generated with the use of these tools was assessed. To illustrate features of various methods of constructing thesaurus relations, the authors developed a combined method that fully automatically generates a specialized thesaurus based on a text corpus of a selected domain and several existing linguistic resources. The proposed method was used to conduct experiments on two Russian-language text corpora that represent two different domains: articles on migration and tweets. The resulting thesauri were analyzed by means of an integrated assessment that had been developed by the authors in a previous study and allows one to determine various aspects of the analyzed thesaurus and appraise the quality of the methods of its generation. The analysis revealed the main advantages and disadvantages of various approaches to thesaurus construction and extraction of semantic relations of different types, and also made it possible to identify potential focus areas for future research.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2019;53(7):705-718
pages 705-718 views

On the Support Splitting Algorithm for Induced Codes

Kosolapov Y., Shigaev A.


As shown by N. Sendrier in 2000, if a \([n{\text{,}}\,k{\text{,}}\,d]\)-linear code \(C( \subseteq \mathbb{F}_{q}^{n})\) with length \(n\), dimensionality \(k\) and code distance \(d\) has a trivial group of automorphisms \({\text{PAut}}(C)\), it allows one to construct a determined support splitting algorithm in order to find a permutation \(\sigma \) for a code \(D\), being permutation-equivalent to the code \(C\), such that \(\sigma (C) = D\). This algorithm can be used for attacking the McEliece cryptosystem based on the code\(C\). This work aims the construction and analysis of the support splitting algorithm for the code \(\mathbb{F}_{q}^{l} \otimes C\), induced by the code \(C\), \(l \in \mathbb{N}\). Since the group of automorphisms PAut\((\mathbb{F}_{q}^{l} \otimes C)\) is nontrivial even in the case of that trivial for the base code \(C\), it enables one to assume a potentially high resistance of the McEliece cryptosystem on the code \(\mathbb{F}_{q}^{l} \otimes C\) to the attack based on a carrier split. The support splitting algorithm is being constructed for the code \(\mathbb{F}_{q}^{l} \otimes C\) and its efficiency is compared with the attack to a McEliece cryptosystem based on the code \(\mathbb{F}_{q}^{l} \otimes C.\)

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2019;53(7):719-729
pages 719-729 views

Estimating the Average Temporal Benefit in Probabilistic Environmental–Economic Models

Rodina L., Tyuteev I.


This paper considers environmental–economic models of optimal harvesting, given by impulsive differential equations, which depend on random parameters. We assume that lengths of intervals \({{\theta }_{k}}\) between the moments of impulses \({{\tau }_{k}}\) are random variables and the sizes of impulse influence depend on random parameters \({{{v}}_{k}},\)\(k = 1,2, \ldots \) One example of such objects is an impulsive equation that simulates dynamics of the population subject to harvesting. In the absence of harvesting, the population development is described by the differential equation \(\dot {x} = g(x),\) and in time points \({{\tau }_{k}}\) some random share of resource \({{{v}}_{k}},\)\(k = 1,2, \ldots \) is taken from the population. We can control the gathering process so that to stop harvesting when its share will appear big enough to save the biggest possible remaining resource to increase the size of the next gathering. Let the equation \(\dot {x} = g(x)\) have an asymptotic stable solution \(\varphi (t) \equiv K,\) whose attraction region is the interval \(({{K}_{1}},{{K}_{2}}),\) where \(0 \leqslant {{K}_{1}} < K < {{K}_{2}}.\) We construct the control \(u = ({{u}_{1}}, \ldots ,{{u}_{k}}, \ldots ),\) which limits a share of the harvested resource at each moment of time \({{\tau }_{k}}\) so that the quantity of the remaining resource, since some moment \({{\tau }_{{{{k}_{0}}}}},\) would be not less than the given value \(x \in ({{K}_{1}},K).\) For any \(x \in ({{K}_{1}},K)\) the estimates of the average temporal benefit, valid with the probability of one, are obtained. It is shown that there is a unique \(x* \in ({{K}_{1}},K),\) at which the lower estimate reaches the greatest value. Thus, we described the way of population control at which the value of the average time profit can be lower estimated with the probability of one by the greatest number whenever possible.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2019;53(7):730-737
pages 730-737 views

Dynamics of Population Distribution by Patches

Kirillov A., Danilova I.


This paper considers the patch selection by a population without having full information about the utility of the patch, i.e., the amount of its energy resources. This problem is related to the optimal foraging theory. According to U. Dieckmann’s suggestion, the population distribution by patches should be modeled according to the utility function that takes into account the amount of resources per patch, the population–patch distance, and the extent to which the population is aware of the amount of resources in the patch. In this case, the population distribution by patches is described using the Boltzmann distribution. Dieckmann considers a static problem without taking into account the change in the position of the population over time. In this paper, we suggest a dynamic system that describes the population distribution by patches, which depends on the utility of patches that changes over time as a result of variations in the population–patch distance. That said, the Boltzmann distribution is a particular solution of the derived system of ordinary differential equations. The Lyapunov stability condition for the Boltzmann distribution is derived. The patch utility functions dependent on the distance to and the population’s awareness of the patch are introduced. As a result, in the 2D case the R2 space in divided in preferential utility domains. This partition generalizes G.F. Voronoy’s diagram.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2019;53(7):738-744
pages 738-744 views

Codes in a Dihedral Group Algebra

Vedenev K., Deundyak V.


In 1978, Robert McEliece constructed the first asymmetric code-based cryptosystem using noise-immune Goppa codes; no effective key attacks has been described for it yet. By now, quite a lot of code-based cryptosystems are known; however, their cryptographic security is inferior to that of the classical McEliece cryptosystem. In connection with the development of quantum computing, code-based cryptosystems are considered as an alternative to number theoretical ones; therefore, the problem of seeking promising classes of codes to construct new secure code-based cryptosystems is relevant. For this purpose, noncommutative codes can be used, that is, ideals in group algebras \({{\mathbb{F}}_{q}}G\) over finite noncommutative groups \(G\). The security of cryptosystems based on codes induced by subgroup codes has been studied earlier. The Artin–Wedderburn theorem, which proves the existence of an isomorphism of a group algebra to the direct sum of matrix algebras, is important for studying noncommutative codes. However, the particular form of terms and the construction of the isomorphism are not specified by this theorem; thus, for each group, there remains the problem of constructing the Wedderburn representation. The complete Wedderburn decomposition for the group algebra \({{\mathbb{F}}_{q}}{{D}_{{2n}}}\) over the dihedral group \({{D}_{{2n}}}\) has been obtained by F.E. Brochero Martinez in the case when the cardinality of the field and the order of the group are relatively prime numbers. Using these results, we study codes in the group algebra \({{\mathbb{F}}_{q}}{{D}_{{2n}}}\) in this paper. The problem on the structure of all codes is solved, and the structure of codes induced by codes over cyclic subgroups of \({{D}_{{2n}}}\) is described, which is of interest for cryptographic applications.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2019;53(7):745-754
pages 745-754 views

Asymptotic Integration of Certain Differential Equations in Banach Space

Nesterov P.


In this work, we investigate the problem of constructing asymptotic representations for weak solutions of a certain class of linear differential equations in the Banach space as an independent variable tends to infinity. We consider the class of equations that represent a perturbation of a linear autonomous equation, in general, with an unbounded operator. The perturbation takes the form of a family of bounded operators that, in a sense, oscillatorally decreases at infinity. It is assumed that the unperturbed equation satisfies the standard requirements of the center manifold theory. The essence of the proposed asymptotic integration method is to prove the existence of a center-like manifold (a critical manifold) for the initial equation. This manifold is positively invariant with respect to the initial equation and attracts all trajectories of the weak solutions. The dynamics of the initial equation on the critical manifold is described by the finite-dimensional system of ordinary differential equations. The asymptotics of the fundamental matrix of this system can be constructed by using the method developed by P.N. Nesterov for asymptotic integration of systems with oscillatory decreasing coefficients. We illustrate the proposed technique by constructing the asymptotic representations for solutions of the perturbed heat equation.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2019;53(7):755-768
pages 755-768 views

A Mathematical Model for Optimal Number of Heat Consumers Connection to the Heat Supply System

Terekhov S., Nemtinov V., Kornilov K.


In the modern world, the efficient use of energy is an extremely important aspect of human activity. In particular, heat supply systems have significant economic, environmental and social importance for both heat consumers and heat supply organizations. The economic status of all participants in the heat supply process depends on the efficiency of the functioning of the heat supply-systems. The reliability of the functioning of systems depends on vital processes such as the work of hospitals and industrial enterprises. With such a close network communication, reliable and efficient operation of power supply systems is critical. In this article, ways to improve the efficiency of heat supply systems are considered. A mathematical model for improved planning of heat supply systems by connecting the optimal set of new heat consumers is presented. For each single customer, when there is an alternative option for connecting this consumer to the existing heat network, it is possible to choose the only optimal solution. This becomes possible due to the restrictions and the procedure for selecting variants from a subset of binary variables corresponding to alternatives. The procedure for finding the optimal number of consumers for connection to the existing heat network is presented, which is the rationale for increasing the number of existing consumers of the heat network. The testing was carried out and the results of the mathematical model by an example of test heat networks are presented. Directions of further study of increasing the efficiency of heat supply systems and integrating the presented mathematical model with modern software complexes are determined.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2019;53(7):769-778
pages 769-778 views

Comparison of Doubling the Size of Image Algorithms

Vaganov S., Khashin S.


In this paper the comparative analysis for quality of some interpolation non-adaptive methods of doubling the image size is carried out. We used the value of a mean square error for estimation accuracy (quality) approximation. Artifacts (aliasing, Gibbs effect (ringing), blurring, etc.) introduced by interpolation methods were not considered. The description of the doubling interpolation upscale algorithms are presented, such as: the nearest neighbor method, linear and cubic interpolation, Lanczos convolution interpolation (with a = 1, 2, 3), and 17-point interpolation method. For each method of upscaling to twice optimal coefficients of kernel convolutions for different down-scale to twice algorithms were found. Various methods for reducing the image size by half were considered the mean value over 4 nearest points and the weighted value of 16 nearest points with optimal coefficients. The optimal weights were calculated for each method of doubling described in this paper. The optimal weights were chosen in such a way as to minimize the value of mean square error between the accurate value and the found approximation. A simple method performing correction for approximation of any algorithm of doubling size is offered. The proposed correction method shows good results for simple interpolation algorithms. However, these improvements are insignificant for complex algorithms (17-point interpolation, Lanczos a = 3). According to the results of numerical experiments, the most accurate among the reviewed algorithms is the 17-point interpolation method, slightly worse is Lanczos convolution interpolation with the parameter a = 3 (see Table 2).

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2019;53(7):779-786
pages 779-786 views

Computer Simulation of a Smart Building

Maryasin O., Kolodkina A., Ogarkov A.


Smart Building is a technology that is on the rise in developed countries. The idea behind it is that a smart building should be able to recognize a variety of situations in itself and respond accordingly. An automated building management system is set up to automate the controls and to coordinate the separate building engineering systems; the system comprises subsystems to automate this or that segment of the equipment. Mathematical modeling and computer simulation is necessary to study the various modes, in which the engineering subsystems and the system as a whole may operate. From the mathematical standpoint, a smart building is a continuous-discrete or hybrid system that comprises multiple coordinated components of varying nature that can be described as continuous or discrete processes. This paper proposes a smart building model that can simulate the functioning of the core engineering subsystems as well as the algorithms behind them. The model is based on Matlab Simulink and uses the Simscape physical modeling library as well as the Stateflow library. The model employs specialized control algorithms to coordinate subsystems and optimize power consumption.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2019;53(7):787-793
pages 787-793 views

Building a Data Store with the Dynamic Structure

Artamonov Y.


This article presents the analysis of approaches to data warehouse construction based on relational and NoSQL solutions and lists the limitations of the relational approach to data mining. The contradiction between data presentation in the real subject domain and the model of data presentation in the relational and NoSQL approaches is revealed. The revealed contradiction is related to the temporality of the values of individual data attributes, the variability of the composition of these attributes, and structure of connections between them. A new logical model of the data warehouse with dynamic structure is proposed. The model is based on the concept of the object as a container for properties storage. Each property of the object includes the property name and two property values—without reference and with reference, that are relevant at a given time. The reference property value points to an object whose name is interpreted as the value of the property at a given time. A formal description of the model with allocation of the necessary functionality to manipulate objects and their properties (selectors, predicates, constructors) is given and the necessary control structures are introduced. Substantiation of the proposed model, called an OP-model is given on the basis of compliance with the logical ER data model. It is proved that any ER data model can be implemented in the OP-model. At the same time, the advantages of the OP-model are indicated, they are associated with the possibility of changing connections between entities due to changes in the reference value at a particular time. The potential for scalability of data warehouse due to the unique identification of each object is noted.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2019;53(7):794-810
pages 794-810 views

Cloud Service for Interactive Simulation of Interregional Trade Flows

Velichko A., Gribova V., Fedorishchev L.


The paper describes a mathematical model of trade flows between the territories of a region or a country in a transportation network having one or more different types of marine or ground transport. We use the approach of modeling complex communication systems to determine the most probable values of flows in case of incomplete information about the system. Transportation costs between the territories are modeled within the framework of the gravity model. The payment for transportation depends on the distance between regions, the distance is estimated as the shortest way length in a given transportation network or geographical distance. The mathematical formulation of the problem belongs to the class of convex mathematical programming problems and assumes the numerical solution of nonlinear optimization problem with linear constraints. Based on the model, the software is implemented as a cloud service on heterogeneous computing architectures: the simulation module is made on a high-performance server platform, management and visualization modules are produced with IACPaaS cloud platform. Communication between the platforms is established via asynchronous http-queries. For information exchange between the modules the declarative model with JSON format is developed and implemented for the objects considered in the mathematical model which are products, areas and communications. Visualization module allows to present graphically the original and the resulting matrix data and to modify the input parameters of the model interactively. The paper demonstrates the use of software for the simulation of interregional freight traffic of the Russian Far East region based on input data provided by open statistics sources.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2019;53(7):811-820
pages 811-820 views

Poetology: Problems of Constructing a Thesaurus and Verse Text Specification

Boykov V., Karyaeva M.


It is a brief version of the report made by the authors at the seminar “Modeling and Analysis of Information Systems,” Yaroslavl, May 17, 2017. The connection between the tasks of automatic thesaurus construction and verse specification is considered.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2019;53(7):821-823
pages 821-823 views

Synthesis of Control and State Observer for Weakly Nonlinear Systems Based on the Pseudo-Linearization Technique

Makarov D.


In this paper an approach for the construction of nonlinear output tracking control on a finite time interval for a class of weakly nonlinear systems with state-dependent coefficients is considered. The proposed method of control synthesis consists of two main stages. On the first stage, a nonlinear state feedback regulator is constructed using a previously proposed control algorithm based on the State-Dependent Riccati Equation (SDRE). On the second stage, the problem of full-order observer construction is formulated and then is reduced to the differential game problem. The form of its solution is obtained with the help of the guaranteed (minimax) control principle, which allows to find the best observer coefficients with respect to a given functional considering the worst-case uncertainty realization. The form of the obtained equations made it possible to use the algorithm from the first stage to determine the observer matrix. The proposed approach is characterized by the nonapplicability of the estimation and control separation principle used for linear systems, since the matrix of observer coefficients turned out to be dependent on the feedback coefficients matrix. The use of numerical-analytical procedures for determination of observer and feedback coefficients matrices significantly reduces the computational complexity of the control algorithm.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2019;53(7):824-829
pages 824-829 views

Analysis of Influence of Different Relations Types on the Quality of Thesaurus Application to Text Classification Problems

Lagutina N., Lagutina K., Shchitov I., Paramonov I.


The main purpose of the article is to analyze how effectively different types of thesaurus relations can be used for solutions of text classification tasks. The basis of the study is an automatically generated thesaurus of a domain, that contains three types of relations: synonymous, hierarchical and associative. To generate the thesaurus the authors use a hybrid method based on several linguistic and statistical algorithms for extraction of semantic relations. The method allows to create a thesaurus with a sufficiently large number of terms and relations among them. The authors consider two problems: topical text classification and sentiment classification of large newspaper articles. To solve them, the authors developed two approaches that complement standard algorithms with a procedure that take into account thesaurus relations to determine semantic features of texts. The approach to topical classification includes the standard unsupervised BM25 algorithm and the procedure, that take into account synonymous and hierarchical relations of the thesaurus of the domain. The approach to sentiment classification consists of two steps. At the first step, a thesaurus is created, whose terms weight polarities are calculated depending on the term occurrences in the training set or on the weights of related thesaurus terms. At the second step, the thesaurus is used to compute the features of words from texts and to classify texts by the algorithm SVM or Naive Bayes. In experiments with text corpora BBCSport, Reuters, PubMed and the corpus of articles about American immigrants, the authors varied the types of thesaurus relations that are involved in the classification and the degree of their use. The results of the experiments make it possible to evaluate the efficiency of the application of thesaurus relations for classification of raw texts and to determine under what conditions certain relations affect more or less. In particular, the most useful thesaurus relations are synonymous and hierarchical, as they provide a better quality of classification.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2019;53(7):830-838
pages 830-838 views

Probabilistic Analysis of Tournament Organization Systems

Tsirlin A., Akhremenkov A.


In this paper a criteria of comparison of different tournament organization systems in sporting contests is offered; the criteria uses the probability of winning the fairly strongest player. Two probabilistic models have been analyzed. Calculating formulas for estimating the probability and probability density of score points gained by one or another player were obtained. Some really used tournament systems were analyzed with the stochastic modeling method. The available results also provide an order of objects presenting to experts while organizing the examination by paired comparison. An analytical estimation of probability of tournament results (or pared comparison) was obtained. In many cases it allows to avoid a time-consuming procedure of sorting out possible variants.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2019;53(7):839-850
pages 839-850 views

Design and Security Analysis of a Fragment of Internet of Things Telecommunication System

Alexandrov V., Desnitsky V., Chaly D.


This paper comprises the development and implementation of systems using the concept of Internet of Things. Due to the active development of industries using the concept of the Internet of Things, the information security problem is getting more and more important. To create a protected module of information-telecommunication system which implements the Internet of Things concept, it is important to take into account all its aspects. To determine relevant threats, it is necessary to use the detailed risk analysis according to existing standards. Then choosing protection measures, one must rely on identified relevant threats. Actual threats and necessary protective actions are determined in this paper for implementation of Smart House computer appliance module, in order to develop a protected part of Smart House, which is necessary for realization of room access control. We solved the following tasks in the work, namely, description of the Smart Home system; description of steps and security evaluation of Smart Home; implementation of hardware assembly and writing a code for the selected fragment of the system; safety evaluation of the selected fragment of Smart House and identification of actual threats; making recommendations to counter threats; software implementation of one of the most important threats and software implementation of protective measures for the selected threat. The key peculiarity of the work is an integrated approach to the design by the use of specific intruder models, analysis of the system’s assets and evaluation of their security.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2019;53(7):851-856
pages 851-856 views

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