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Vol 52, No 3 (2018)


Multiple Neural Control Strategies Using a Neuro-Fuzzy Classifier

Dehmani K., Fourati F., Elleuch K., Toumi A.


The paper deals with the control of complex dynamic systems. The main objective is to partition the whole operational system domain in local regions using an incremental neuro-fuzzy classifier in order to achieve multiple neural control strategies for the considered system. In our case, this approach is applied to a greenhouse operating during one day. Therefore, banks of neural controllers and direct neural local models are made from different partitioned greenhouse behaviors and two multiple neural control strategies are proposed to control the greenhouse. The selection of the suitable controller is accomplished by computing the minimal output error between desired and direct neural local models outputs in the case of the first control strategy and from a supervisor block containing the considered neuro-fuzzy classifier in the case of the second control strategy. Simulation results are then carried out to show the efficiency of the two control strategies.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2018;52(3):155-165
pages 155-165 views

Kernel Fuzzy Kohonen’s Clustering Neural Network and It’s Recursive Learning

Bodyanskiy Y.V., Deineko A.O., Eze F.M.


The architecture of multilayer kernel clustering neuro-fuzzy system and algorithm of its self-learning are intended for the recovery of overlapped clusters in situations when the streams of observations are fed in the online mode is proposed. The designed system, based on the T. Kohonen’s self-organizing map, permits to recover linearly nonseparated data classes, processes information in an online mode, doesn’t suffer from the “curse of dimensionality” and is easy in implementation.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2018;52(3):166-174
pages 166-174 views

Deep Learning and Semantic Concept Spaceare Used in Query Expansion

Li W., Wang S., Yu Z.


In the practice of information retrieval, there are some problems such as the lack of accurate expression of user query requests, the mismatch between document and query and query optimization. Focusing on these problems, we propose the query expansion method based on conceptual semantic space with deep learning, this hybrid query expansion technique include deep learning and pseudocorrelation feedback, use the deep learning and semantic network WordNet to construct query concept tree in the level of concept semantic space, the pseudo-correlation feedback documents are processed by observation window, compute the co-occurrence weight of the words by using the average mutual information and get the final extended words set. The results of experiment show that the expansion algorithm based on conceptual semantic space with deep learning has better performance than the traditional pseudo-correlation feedback algorithm on query expansion.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2018;52(3):175-183
pages 175-183 views

Intelligent Planning Reliability-Based Inspections of Fatigued Structures for the Crack Initiation Period in the Weibull Case under Parametric Uncertainty

Nechval N.A., Berzins G., Nechval K.N.


In this paper, periodic inspections of fatigued structures, which are common practice in order to maintain their reliability above a desired minimum level, are based on the conditional reliability of the structure. It is assumed that only the functional form of the underlying distribution of time to crack initiation (when a technically detectable crack is present) is specified, but some or all of its parameters are unspecified. The new technique of intelligent planning is proposed in this paper to construct more accurate reliability-based and cost-effective inspections of fatigued structures with decreasing intervals (as alternative to constant intervals) for the crack initiation period in the Weibull case under parametric uncertainty. The technique is conceptually simple and easy to use. To illustrate the suggested technique some numerical examples are given.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2018;52(3):184-197
pages 184-197 views

A Novel Robust Flight Controller Design for an Air-Breathing Hypersonic Vehicle

Tang W., Long W., Gao H.


A novel robust flight control design method is proposed for a generic air-breathing hypersonic vehicle based on a state-dependent Riccati equation technique and a nonlinear disturbance observer. The highly nonlinear dynamics of the hypersonic vehicle are firstly brought to a linear structure having a state-dependent coefficient form. And then a state-dependent Riccati equation is solved at each sampling moment to obtain a nonlinear feedback optimal control law. In order to enhance robustness of the closed-loop system, a nonlinear disturbance observer is introduced to estimate the uncertainty caused by parametric variations and external disturbances. The resulting composite controller achieves not only promising robustness and disturbance rejection performance but also flexible adjustment in the response time. Compared to a Kriging controller, the proposed controller has great advantages in the system response time and robustness. The feasibility of the proposed method is validated by simulation results.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2018;52(3):198-207
pages 198-207 views

An Approach Towards Development of a New Cloudlet Allocation Policy with Dynamic Time Quantum

Banerjee S., Chowdhury A., Mukherjee S., Biswas U.


Cloud computing is one of the most emerging technologies which has created a revolution in the High performance Computing (HPC) domain. The term Quality of Service (QoS) plays a vital role in the formation of more flexible integration of various technologies. The Waiting Time (WT), Turnaround Time (TAT), Context Switching (CS) and Makespan (MS) are the primary parameter that has great impact on the scheduling of cloudlets. The Proposed algorithm has improved the resource utilization system of the existing Round Robin Algorithm (RRA) and Improved Round Robin Cloudlet Scheduling Algorithm (IRRCSA) by introducing the concept of dynamically calculated Time Quantum (TQ) for each virtual machine (VM) according to the allocated cloudlets. This new approach in cloudlet scheduling drastically reduced average WT, average TAT and Number of CS of the VMs, which further enhanced the capability of cloud service providers (CSPs) to provide better QoS.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2018;52(3):208-219
pages 208-219 views

QoS-Based Concurrent User-Service Grouping for Web Service Recommendation

Senthil Kumar S., Margret Anouncia S.


Recently, tremendous growth of web services to share the program, data and resources requires the optimal recommendation strategy. The major issues observed in existing recommendation strategies are scalability, sparsity and the cold start. The employment of matrix factorization (MF) models addressed all the issues effectively. But, they increase the scalability of the system. This paper proposes the new framework that contains web service grouping, distance estimation, service utilization level estimation and the item-to-item comparison (Pearson Correlation Coefficient (PCC)) to improve the recommendation performance. The grouping of users according to the Haversine distance formulation to reduce the complexity in the relevant web service recommendation against the complex queries. The locations and the fields in the services utilization in proposed work provide the effective recommendation performance. The comparative analysis between the proposed novel recommendation framework with the existing techniques assures the effectiveness of proposed approach in web service recommendation.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2018;52(3):220-230
pages 220-230 views

Algorithms for Indicating the Beginning of Accidents Based on the Estimate of the Density Distribution Function of the Noise of Technological Parameters

Aliev T.A., Musaeva N.F., Suleymanova M.T.


A technology has been developed, which allows for calculating the probability density function of noise, its maximum and inflection points, using the discrete values of a signal corrupted by an additive random noise. Computational experiments have been conducted. It has been demonstrated that knowledge of those characteristics of noise allows systems of monitoring, control, diagnostics, forecasting, identification, management, etc. to register not only the initial period of fault origin, but also the moment when preventive maintenance measures, routine or major overhaul works are required.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2018;52(3):231-242
pages 231-242 views

Low-Frequency Satellite Communication System Technical Means’ Parameters Synthesis by the Requirements for Energetic Concealment and Noise Immunity

Chipiga A.F., Pashintsev V.P., Tsymbal V.A., Zelenevskiy V.V.


The method of technical means parameters synthesis by the requirements for energetic concealment and noise immunity has been developed for satellite communication systems that use reduced (down to 30–100 MHz) carrier frequencies and dual antennae diversity. It allows to calculate the dependence of board transmitter’s emitting power, transmission speeds and transmitted signals’ carrier frequency on the signal reception error probability allowed values, radio link’s energetic reserve and the energetic concealment coefficient.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2018;52(3):243-249
pages 243-249 views

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