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Vol 50, No 7 (2016)


Cellular-local algorithm for localizing and estimating of changes in binary images

Korotkin A.A., Maksimov A.A.


In this paper, we consider the problem of detection of changes and degree estimation of these changes in a dynamically changing binary image. The authors introduce the numerical characteristic degree of change areas in dynamically changing binary images based on the Jaccard similarity coefficient. To calculate this characteristic, the authors developed an original architecture of a twodimensional cellular automaton with the diffusion dynamics. We establish that cellular automaton configurations converge to a stationary configuration. The stationary configuration of a cellular automaton defines the desired characteristics for each area in dynamically changing binary images. The result can be presented as a grayscale image, which greatly facilitates the visual analysis of the dynamics of changes in binary images. The suggested approach can be used to detect and numerically estimate changes in the case when a number of brightness gradation comprises more than two values.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2016;50(7):453-459
pages 453-459 views

On process model synthesis based on event logs with noise

Mitsyuk A.A., Shugurov I.S.


Process mining is a new emerging discipline related to process management, formal process modelling, and data mining. One of the main tasks of process mining is model synthesis (discovery) based on event logs. A wide range of algorithms for process model discovery, analysis, and enhancement is developed. The real-life event logs often contain noise of different types. In this paper, we describe the main causes of noise in the event logs and study the effect of noise on the performance of process discovery algorithms. The experimental results of application of the main process discovery algorithms to artificial event logs with noise are provided. Specially generated event logs with noise of different types were processed using the four basic discovery techniques. Although modern algorithms can cope with some types of noise, in most cases, their use does not lead to obtaining a satisfactory result. Thus, there is a need for more sophisticated algorithms to deal with noise of different types.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2016;50(7):460-470
pages 460-470 views

Application of numerical optimization methods to molecular docking on graphics processing units

Farkov M.A., Legalov A.I.


This paper is devoted to analyzing numerical optimization methods for solving the problem of molecular docking. Some additional requirements for optimization methods that take into account certain architectural features of graphics processing units (GPUs) have been formulated. A promising optimization method for use on graphics processors has been selected, its implementation is described, and its efficiency and accuracy have been estimated.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2016;50(7):471-476
pages 471-476 views

DPMine graphical language for automation of experiments in process mining

Shershakov S.A.


Process mining is a new direction in the field of modeling and analysis of processes, where an important role is played by the use of information from event logs that describe the history of the system behavior. Methods and approaches used in process mining are often based on various heuristics, and experiments with large event logs are crucial for substantiating and comparing developed methods and algorithms. These experiments are very time consuming, so automation of experiments is an important task in the field of process mining. This paper presents the DPMine language developed specifically to describe and carry out process mining experiments. The basic concepts of the DPMine language as well as principles and mechanisms of its extension are described. Ways of integration of the DPMine language as dynamically loaded components into the VTMine modeling tool are considered. A sample experiment of building a fuzzy model of a process from a data log stored in a normalized database is given.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2016;50(7):477-485
pages 477-485 views

Incremental approach to the technology of test design for industrial projects

Drobintsev P.D., Kotlyarov V.P., Nikiforov I.V., Letichevsky A.A.


The paper presents a technology to effort reduction in developing test suites for industrial software products based on an incremental technology. The main problems to be solved by incremental technology are full automation design of test scenarios and significant reducing of test explosion. The proposed approach provides solutions to the mentioned problems through joint co-working of the designer and the customer with usage of formal models; and through methods of symbolic verification with automatic generation of test suites with the toolset VRS/TAT.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2016;50(7):486-492
pages 486-492 views

PolarDB: An infrastructure for specialized NoSQL datebases and DBMS

Marchuk A.G.


This paper presents a new infrastructure for creating specialized databases and database management systems (DBMSs). Some principles of this infrastructure are formulated based on an analysis of various NoSQL solutions. The main features of the proposed approach are: (a) a flexible system of type definitions that allows one to create data structures based on different paradigms and (b) different forms of supporting structured data and mapping them onto the file system. Experiments are carried out to implement RDF graphs, relational tables, name tables, and object-relational mappings. The proposed approach allows one to solve certain problems of developing new technologies for working with Big Data.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2016;50(7):493-496
pages 493-496 views

On finite groups with large degrees of irreducible character

Kazarin L.S., Poiseeva S.S.


Let G be a finite nontrivial group with an irreducible complex character χ of degree d = χ(1). According to the orthogonality relation, the sum of the squared degrees of irreducible characters of G is the order of G. N. Snyder proved that, if G = d(d + e), then the order of the group G is bounded in terms of e for e > 1. Y. Berkovich demonstrated that, in the case e = 1, the group G is Frobenius with the complement of order d. This paper studies a finite nontrivial group G with an irreducible complex character Θ such that G ≤ 2Θ(1)2 and Θ(1) = pq where p and q are different primes. In this case, we have shown that G is a solvable group with an Abelian normal subgroup K of index pq. Using the classification of finite simple groups, we have established that the simple non-Abelian group, the order of which is divisible by the prime p and not greater than 2p4 is isomorphic to one of the following groups: L2(q), L3(q), U3(q), Sz(8), A7, M11, and J1.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2016;50(7):497-509
pages 497-509 views

On the expressiveness of the approach to constructing PLC-programs by LTL-specification

Kuzmin E.V., Ryabukhin D.A., Sokolov V.A.


The article is devoted to an approach to constructing and verification of discrete PLC-programs by LTL-specification. This approach provides a possibility of analysing the correctness of PLCprograms by using the model checking method. The linear temporal logic LTL is used as a language of specification of the program behavior. The correctness analysis of LTL-specification is automatically performed by the symbolic model checking tool Cadence SMV. The article demonstrates the consistency of the approach to constructing and verification of PLC programs by LTL-specification from the point of view of Turing power. It is proved that in accordance with this approach for any Minsky counter machine an LTL-specification can be built, which is used for machine implementation in any PLC programming language of standard IEC 61131-3. Minsky machines are equipollent to Turing machines, and the considered approach also has the Turing power. The proof focuses on representation of a counter machine behavior in the form of a set of LTL-formulas and matching these formulas to constructions of ST and SFC languages. SFC is interesting as a specific graphical language. ST is considered as a basic language because the implementation of a counter machine on IL, FBD/CFC and LD languages is reduced to rewriting blocks of an ST-program. The idea of the proof is demonstrated by an example of a Minsky 3-counter machine, which implements a function of squaring.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2016;50(7):510-519
pages 510-519 views

Development of an adaptive routing mechanism in software-defined networks

Noskov A.N., Manov I.A.


The purpose of this paper is to develop of a single mechanism of the adaptive routing of different types of traffic based on the current quality of service requirements. Software-defined networking is a technology of the future. The current development trend of communication systems constantly confirms this fact. However, to date, the use of this technology in its current form is only justified in large networks of major technology companies and service providers. Currently, a large number of dynamic routing protocols have been developed in communication networks. Our task is to create a solution that can make it possible to use the ability of each node to make a decision on the transmission of information by every possible means for each type of traffic. This task can be accomplished by solving the problem of the development of generalized metric that characterizes the communication channels between devices in the network in detail and the problem of the development of a mechanism of adaptive network logical topology reconfiguration (route control) in order to ensure the high quality of service of the whole network that meets current quality requirements for a particular type of service.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2016;50(7):520-526
pages 520-526 views

The problem of finding the maximum multiple flow in the divisible network and its special cases

Smirnov A.V.


In the article the problem of finding the maximum multiple flow in the network of any natural multiplicity k is studied. There are arcs of three types: ordinary arcs, multiple arcs and multi-arcs. Each multiple and multi-arc is a union of k linked arcs, which are adjusted with each other. The network constructing rules are described. The definitions of a divisible network and some associated subjects are stated. The important property of the divisible network is that every divisible network can be partitioned into k parts, which are adjusted on the linked arcs of each multiple and multi-arc. Each part is the ordinary transportation network. The main results of the article are the following subclasses of the problem of finding the maximum multiple flow in the divisible network. 1. The divisible networks with the multi-arc constraints. Assume that only one vertex is the ending vertex for a multi-arc in s network parts. In this case the problem can be solved in a polynomial time. 2. The divisible networks with the weak multi-arc constraints. Assume that only one vertex is the ending vertex for a multi-arc in k-1 network parts (1 ≤ s < k − 1) and other parts have at least two such vertices. In that case the multiplicity of the maximum multiple flow problem can be decreased to k - s. 3. The divisible network of the parallel structure. Assume that the divisible network component, which consists of all multiple arcs, can be partitioned into subcomponents, each of them containing exactly one vertex-beginning of a multi-arc. Suppose that intersection of each pair of subcomponents is the only vertex-network source x0. If k=2, the maximum flow problem can be solved in a polynomial time. If k ≥ 3, the problem is NP-complete. The algorithms for each polynomial subclass are suggested. Also, the multiplicity decreasing algorithm for the divisible network with weak multi-arc constraints is formulated.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2016;50(7):527-535
pages 527-535 views

Instrumental supporting system for developing and analysis of software-defined networks of mobile objects

Sokolov V.A., Korsakov S.V., Smirnov A.V., Bashkin V.A., Nikitin E.S.


This article describes the organization principles for wireless mesh networks (softwaredefined networks of mobile objects). The emphasis is placed on developing effective routing algorithms for these networks. The mathematical model of the system is the standard transportation network. The key parameter of the routing system is the node reachability coefficient, i.e., the function that depends on several basic and additional parameters (mesh factors), which characterize the route between two network nodes. Each pair (arc, node) has been juxtaposed to a composite parameter, which characterizes the reachability of the node by the route, which begins with this arc. The best (shortest) route between two nodes is the route with the maximum reachability coefficient. The rules of building and updating the routing tables by the network nodes have been described. With the announcement from the neighbor, the node gets information about the connection energy and reliability, the announcement time of receipt, and the absence of transient nodes, as well as about the connection capability. This information is used by the nodes as the basis for applying the penalization (decreasing the reachability coefficient) or the reward (increasing the reachability coefficient) to all routes through this neighbor node. The penalization/reward scheme has the following separate aspects: (1) penalization for actuality of information; (2) penalization/reward for node reliability; (3) penalization for connection energy; (4) penalization for the current connection capability. The simulator of the wireless mesh network of mobile objects has been developed based on the suggested heuristic routing algorithms. The description and characteristics of the simulator have been stated in the article. The peculiarities of its program realization have also been considered.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2016;50(7):536-545
pages 536-545 views

Development of an active external network topology module for Floodlight software-defined network controller

Noskov A.A., Nikitinskiy M.A., Alekseev I.V.


Traditional network architecture is inflexible and complex. This observation has led to a paradigm shift toward software-defined networks (SDNs), in which the network control level is separated from the data link layer. This change became possible because of the control plane transfer from switching equipment to software modules that run on a dedicated server called a controller (or a network operating system) or to network applications that work with this controller. Methods of presentation, storage, and communication interfaces with network topology elements available to SDN controller users are the most important aspects of network operating systems because the operation of some key controller modules depends heavily on the internal representation of the network topology. Firewall and routing modules can be cited as examples of these modules. This paper considers the methods used to represent and store the network topology, as well as communication interfaces with corresponding modules of the Floodlight controller. An alternative algorithm for exchanging messages on the changes in the network topology between the controller and network applications has been proposed and developed. The algorithm makes it possible to issue notifications based on a subscription to relevant events. An API for the module of interacting with applied programs of the SDN controller has been developed. The Topology Tracker module has been designed based on this algorithm and API. In active mode, this module can inform network applications about the changes in the network topology and store its compact representation for the interaction acceleration.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2016;50(7):546-551
pages 546-551 views

Relaxation oscillations in models of multispecies biocenose

Kaschenko S.A.


Families of mathematical models of biological populations have been considered. Invariant ratios between the parameters characterizing various populations have been revealed. Dynamic properties of models have been investigated under the assumption that one or several populations are strongly prolific, which means that the corresponding Malthusian coefficients are rather great. Based on a special asymptotic method developed by the author, the behavior problem for solutions of the original system can be reduced to a significantly simpler problem of the dynamics of the obtained finite-dimensional mappings. In particular, it has been shown that irregular relaxation oscillations are typical of solutions of those mappings and, as a result, for solving the original system of equations. Those oscillations are of large amplitudes.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2016;50(7):552-566
pages 552-566 views

Averaging principles applied to logistic equations with rapidly oscillating delays

Bykova N.D., Grigorieva E.V.


The problem about local dynamics of the logistic equation with a rapidly oscillating timeperiodic piecewise constant coefficient of delay has been considered. It has been shown that the averaged equation is a logistic equation with two delays. A stability criterion for equilibrium points has been obtained. The dynamical properties of the original equation are considered provided that the critical case of the equilibrium point stability problem has been implemented. It has been found that an increase of delay coefficient oscillation frequency may lead to an unlimited process of steady-mode birth and death.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2016;50(7):567-570
pages 567-570 views

Nonclassical relaxation oscillations in neurodynamics

Glyzin S.D., Kolesov A.Y., Rozov N.K.


A modification of the well-known FitzHugh–Nagumo model from neuroscience has been proposed. This model is a singularly perturbed system of ordinary differential equations with a fast variable and a slow variable. The existence and stability of a nonclassical relaxation cycle in this system have been studied. The slow component of the cycle is asymptotically close to a discontinuous function, while the fast component is a δ-like function. A one-dimensional circle of unidirectionally coupled neurons has been considered. The existence of an arbitrarily large number of traveling waves for this chain has been shown. In order to illustrate the increase in the number of stable traveling waves, numerical methods were involved.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2016;50(7):571-585
pages 571-585 views

Corporate dynamics of systems of logistic delay equations with large delay control

Bykova N.D., Kaschenko S.A.


A system of two logistic equations with delay coupled by delayed control has been considered. It has been shown that, in the case of a fairly large delay control coefficient, the problem of the dynamics of the initial systems has been reduced to investigating the nonlocal dynamics of special families of partial differential equations that do not contain small and large parameters. New interesting dynamic phenomena are discovered based on the results of numerical analysis. Systems of three logistic delay equations with two types of diffusion relations have been considered. Special families of partial differential equations that do not contain small and large parameters have also been constructed for each of these systems. The research results for the dynamic properties of the original equations have been presented. It has been shown that the difference in the dynamics of the considered systems of three equations may be of a fundamental nature.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2016;50(7):586-602
pages 586-602 views

Dynamic properties of the Fisher–Kolmogorov–Petrovskii–Piscounov equation with the deviation of the spatial variable

Aleshin S.V., Glyzin S.D., Kaschenko S.A.


We consider the problem of the density wave propagation of a logistic equation with the deviation of the spatial variable and diffusion (the Fisher–Kolmogorov equation with the deviation of the spatial variable). The Ginzburg–Landau equation was constructed in order to study the qualitative behavior of the solution near the equilibrium state. We analyzed the profile of the wave equation and found conditions for the appearance of oscillatory regimes. The numerical analysis of the wave propagation shows that, for a fairly small spatial deviation, this equation has a solution similar to that the classical Fisher–Kolmogorov equation. An increase in this spatial deviation leads to the existence of the oscillatory component in the spatial distribution of solutions. A further increase in the spatial deviation leads to the destruction of the traveling wave. This is expressed in the fact that undamped spatiotemporal fluctuations exist in a neighborhood of the initial perturbation. These fluctuations are close to the solution of the corresponding boundary value problem with periodic boundary conditions. Finally, when the spatial deviation is large enough we observe intensive spatiotemporal fluctuations in the whole area of wave propagation.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2016;50(7):603-616
pages 603-616 views

Local bifurcations analysis of a state-dependent delay differential equation

Golubenets V.O.


In this paper, a first-order equation with state-dependent delay and a nonlinear right-hand side is considered. The conditions of the existence and uniqueness of the solution of the initial value problem are supposed to be executed.The task is to study the behavior of solutions of the considered equation in a small neighborhood of its zero equilibrium. The local dynamics depends on real parameters, which are coefficients of the right-hand side decomposition in a Taylor series.The parameter, which is a coefficient at the linear part of this decomposition, has two critical values that determine the stability domain of the zero equilibrium. We introduce a small positive parameter and use the asymptotic method of normal forms in order to investigate local dynamics modifications of the equation near each two critical values. We show that the stability exchange bifurcation occurs in the considered equation near the first of these critical values, and the supercritical Andronov–Hopf bifurcation occurs near the second of these values (provided the sufficient condition is executed). Asymptotic decompositions according to correspondent small parameters are obtained for each stable solution. Next, a logistic equation with state-dependent delay is considered to be an example. The bifurcation parameter of this equation has the only critical value. A simple sufficient condition of the occurrence of the supercritical Andronov–Hopf bifurcation in the considered equation near a critical value has been obtained as a result of applying the method of normal forms.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2016;50(7):617-624
pages 617-624 views

Diffusion chaos in the reaction–diffusion boundary problem in the dumbbell domain

Glyzin S.D., Shokin P.L.


We consider a boundary problem of the reaction–diffusion type in the domain that consists of two rectangular areas connected by a bridge. The bridge width is a bifurcation parameter of the problem and is changed in such way that the measure of the domain is preserved. The conditions on chaotic oscillations emergence have been studied and the dependence of invariant characteristics of the attractor on the bridge width has been constructed. The diffusion parameter has been chosen such that, in the case of widest possible bridge (corresponding to a rectangular domain), the spatially homogeneous cycle of the problem is orbitally asymptotically stable. By decreasing the bridge width, the homogeneous cycle loses stability; then, a spatially inhomogeneous chaotic attractor emerges. For the obtained attractor, we have calculated the Lyapunov exponents and Lyapunov dimension and observed that the dimension grows as the parameter decreases, but is bounded. We have shown that the dimension growth is connected with the growing complexity of the distribution of stable solutions with respect to the space variable.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2016;50(7):625-635
pages 625-635 views

Asymptotics of eigenvalues of the first boundary-value problem for singularly perturbed second-order differential equation with turning points

Kaschenko S.A.


We consider a second-order linear differential equation of with a small factor at the highest derivative. We study the asymptotic behavior of eigenvalues of the first boundary-value problem (the Dirichlet problem) under the assumption that turning points (points where the coefficient at the first derivative equals to zero) exist. It has been shown that only the behavior of coefficients of the equation in a small neighborhood of the turning points is essential. The main result is a theorem on the limit values of the eigenvalues of the first boundary-value problem.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2016;50(7):636-656
pages 636-656 views

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