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Vol 50, No 6 (2016)


The use of asynchronous sigma-delta modulation in analog-signal sampling based on event-timing techniques

Rybakov A.S.


The possibility of using asynchronous sigma-delta modulation in primary signal converters for precision event timers is considered. A demodulation method based on the moving averaging of a signal and on using the measurements of zero-crossing instants is investigated. The moving averaging of a signal is shown to minimize the effect of timing errors on the accuracy of recovering the waveform of demodulated signals.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2016;50(6):385-396
pages 385-396 views

On a strategy for the maintenance of an unreliable channel of a one-server loss queue

Peschansky A.I., Kovalenko A.I.


A semi-Markov model of a single-server queue GI/G/1/0 is constructed with regard to server maintenance that is carried out at the end of customer service if the total operation time (counted from the moment of the most recent maintenance or restoration) reaches a certain amount of time during customer service. The stationary reliability and economic characteristics of the queue are obtained. A three-criterion optimization of the execution rate of maintenance is performed.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2016;50(6):397-407
pages 397-407 views

Procedure for calculating the dependence of the energy concealment factor on carrier frequency selection for low-frequency satellite communications system

Chipiga A.F., Pashintsev V.P., Tsymbal V.A., Shimanov S.N.


The paper analyzes high energy concealment factor techniques for satellite communications systems by lowering the carrier frequency (to f0 = 100…30 MHz) is carried out. According to research experiments, fading in communication channels with diversity reception is also determined by the influence of small-scale variations of the ionospheric total electron content. A procedure is developed for calculating the dependence of the energy concealment factor on carrier frequency selection for satellite communications system using space-diversity signal reception by two antennas. The calculation procedure is based on the standard deviation of small-scale variations of the ionospheric total electron content.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2016;50(6):408-414
pages 408-414 views

Principles of organizing the interoperability of equipollent nodes in a wireless mesh-network with time division multiple access

Korsakov S.V., Smirnov A.V., Sokolov V.A.


The article describes the basics of organizing the interoperability of equipollent nodes in a wireless mesh-network with time division multiple access. The nodes of such a network may be mobile. The questions of synchronization and time slot allocation are studied. A solution to the hidden nodes problem is suggested.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2016;50(6):415-422
pages 415-422 views

Tolerance limits on order statistics in future samples coming from the Pareto distribution

Nechval N.A., Nechval K.N., Prisyazhnyuk S.P., Strelchonok V.F.


It is often desirable to have statistical tolerance limits available for the distributions used to describe time-to-failure data in reliability problems. For example, one might wish to know if at least a certain proportion, say β, of a manufactured product will operate at least T hours. This question cannot usually be answered exactly, but it may be possible to determine a lower tolerance limit L(X), based on a random sample X, such that one can say with a certain confidence γ that at least 100β% of the product will operate longer than L(X). Then reliability statements can be made based on L(X), or, decisions can be reached by comparing L(X) to T. Tolerance limits of the type mentioned above are considered in this paper, which presents a new approach to constructing lower and upper tolerance limits on order statistics in future samples. Attention is restricted to invariant families of distributions under parametric uncertainty. The approach used here emphasizes pivotal quantities relevant for obtaining tolerance factors and is applicable whenever the statistical problem is invariant under a group of transformations that acts transitively on the parameter space. It does not require the construction of any tables and is applicable whether the past data are complete or Type II censored. The proposed approach requires a quantile of the F distribution and is conceptually simple and easy to use. For illustration, the Pareto distribution is considered. The discussion is restricted to one-sided tolerance limits. A practical example is given.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2016;50(6):423-431
pages 423-431 views

An image segmentation method using automatic threshold based on improved genetic selecting algorithm

Wang Z., Wang Y., Jiang L., Zhang C., Wang P.


In this paper, an image segmentation method using automatic threshold based on improved genetic selecting algorithm is presented. Optimal threshold for image segmentation is converted into an optimization problem in this new method. In order to achieve good effects for image segmentation, the optimal threshold is solved by using optimizing efficiency of improved genetic selecting algorithm that can achieve a global optimum. The genetic selecting algorithm is optimized by using simulated annealing temperature parameters to achieve appropriate selective pressures. Encoding, crossover, mutation operator and other parameters of genetic selecting algorithm are improved moderately in this method. It can overcome the shortcomings of the existing image segmentation methods, which only consider pixel gray value without considering spatial features and large computational complexity of these algorithms. Experiment results show that the new algorithm greatly reduces the optimization time, enhances the anti-noise performance of image segmentation, and improves the efficiency of image segmentation. Experimental results also show that the new algorithm can get better segmentation effect than that of Otsu’s method when the gray-level distribution of the background follows normal distribution approximately, and the target region is less than the background region. Therefore, the new method can facilitate subsequent processing for computer vision, and can be applied to realtime image segmentation.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2016;50(6):432-440
pages 432-440 views

An adaptive technique for trajectory tracking control of a wheeled mobile robots without velocity measurements

Taheri-Kalani J., Zarei N.


This paper addresses an adaptive method for designing a sensorless trajectory tracking control scheme for a wheeled mobile robot. In order to reduce the cost of the robot, a new Nonlinear Observer (NOB) is used to leave out velocity sensors in the robot. Also, an adaptive model reference technique is used for designing the dynamic controller. In order to ensure the implementability of proposed controller, dynamic controller and nonlinear observer are designed in the presence of uncertainties. In addition, the Observer-based Kinematic Controller (OKC) is designed in the presence of sliding velocity. In order to improve the performance of the kinematic controller, sliding velocity is estimated and used for modification of kinematic controller. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated by simulations.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2016;50(6):441-452
pages 441-452 views

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