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Vol 73, No 3 (2018)


Modern Directions of Application of Ground-Penetrating Radar

Sudakova M.S., Vladov M.L.


Application of ground-penetrating radar in Russia has been addressed in the last decade not only in scientific publications and production reports, but also in newspaper articles and TV reports on federal and regional channels. Three directions of using ground-penetrating radar that seem promising for the authors and will be developed in the future are considered. These include georadar ray tomography, integration of ground-penetrating radar with other geophysical methods, and the use of ground-penetrating radar for solving geocryological problems. Examples of using different techniques of collection and processing of the data for solving geological and technical problems are presented.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2018;73(3):219-228
pages 219-228 views

Estimation of the Deformation Value in Terrigenous Rocks by the Random Cross-Section Method (Belaya River, Northern Slope of the Greater Caucasus)

Latysheva I.V., Kirmasov A.B.


The deformation value in the Lower and Middle Jurassic terrigenous rocks from the valley of the Belaya River (the northern slope of the Greater Caucasus) is quantified by the morpholology of the cleavage zones. The numeral determination of the axis ratios of the deformation ellipses by the Fry method is performed as well. It is shown that for a statistical sample of the random cross-sections of the thin sections in the terrigenous rocks with cleavage structure the deformation value can be estimated correctly. The method of random cross-sections described in this work can be used for the quantitative estimation of deformation in nonoriented samples of terrigenous rocks.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2018;73(3):229-237
pages 229-237 views

A Kinematic Model of the Formation of the Sim Trough of the Uralian Foredeep

Tevelev A.V., Prudnikov I.A., Tevelev A.V., Khotylev A.O., Volodina E.A.


The structural features and mechanism of the formation of the Sim trough within the Uralian Foredeep, as well as the development of the entire Karatau–Suleiman block, are considered. This wedge-shaped block was subject to lateral extrusion to the north along conjugated strike-slip fault zones under a general latitudinal compression. This factor determined the local meridional compression and latitudinal extension of the block. In the central part of the block, the latitudinal extension was compensated by gradual subsidence, which resulted in the formation of the Sim trough.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2018;73(3):238-246
pages 238-246 views

The Features of the Geological Structure and Oil Potential of the Vikulov Formation within the Vostochno-Kamennoye Field (Western Siberia)

Gabdullin R.R., Biryukova O.N., Akhmedov R.A.


Geological and geophysical materials were analyzed to study the peculiarities of the geological structure of the Vikulov Formation within the Vodorazdelnyi license area. The presented data makes it possible to characterize the geological structure of the studied area more informatively and make an interpretation of the seismic data. The analysis of geological information (well logging and test results) confirms the established level of the water–oil contact in the studied area of the field, making it possible to recalculate the oil reserves.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2018;73(3):247-253
pages 247-253 views

The Geochemical Zoning of the Peschanka Porphyry–Epithermal System in the West of the Chukchi Peninsula

Dzhedzheya G.T., Sidorina Y.N.


The results of chemical analyses and the data on core samples for 266 drill holes were used to identify the geochemical zoning of the Peschanka porphyry–epithermal system. A 3D model of geochemical zoning was developed using factor analysis and GIS technologies to represent the spatial distribution of elemental associations and mineral assemblages. The lateral and longitudinal zoning patterns are described. The AgPbZn: CuAuMo ratio is suggested as an indicator of vertical zoning that allows to evaluate the erosion level of porphyry copper stockworks.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2018;73(3):254-261
pages 254-261 views

Factors of Localization and Forecasting of Ore Mineralization in the Dzhusa Pyrite–Polymetallic Deposit (Southern Urals)

Yartsev E.I., Burmistrov A.A., Vikentyev I.V.


An analysis of tectonic displacements along fractures and faults revealed changes in the character of tectonic deformations that resulted from tectonic evolution of the Magnitogorsk island arc. Structural conditions of localization of ore mineralization of various types were investigated in the open pit of the Dzhusa deposit. The block diagram of an ore shoot of the Dzhusa deposit, which is confined to intersection of NW-striking and sublongitudinal faults was constructed. Trends in the distribution of sites with enriched mineralization are slightly different for various metals. The obtained data make it possible to predict the localization of rich ore bodies at deeper levels of the deposit and to reveal new prospecting ore sites in the Terensai ore field.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2018;73(3):262-272
pages 262-272 views

Sand Massifs as Objects of Ecological–Geological Research

Trofimov V.T., Korolev V.A.


In the ecological and geological respect the sand soil stratum is considered as a component of ecological–geological systems or biogeocenoses. The characteristic ecological–geological features of sand massifs are studied. Types of sand ecological–geological systems are distinguished and their structure is described.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2018;73(3):273-279
pages 273-279 views

Radiocarbon Dating of the Dynamics of Landslides in the Upper Reaches of the Mzymta River Basin (Western Caucasus)

Vasil’chuk Y.K., Slyshkina E.S., Bershov A.V.


The article contains materials on the study of landslide deposits in the upper reaches of the Mzymta river basin. The results of 14C analysis showed that the youngest landslides are common on the southern slope of the Psekhako Ridge and date back to less than 200 and 390 ± 90, 400 ± 70 cal. years BP and more than 770 ± 150 cal. years BP. The most ancient landslide-collapse on the northern slope of the Aibga Ridge and dates back to 1110 ± 90 cal. years BP.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2018;73(3):280-286
pages 280-286 views

Biosorption of Rare-Earth Elements and Yttrium by Heterotrophic Bacteria in an Aqueous Environment

Kazak E.S., Kalitina E.G., Kharitonova N.A., Chelnokov G.A., Elovskii E.V., Bragin I.V.


This paper reports the results of the experimental determination of the coefficient of sorption of rare-earth elements and yttrium (REY) under conditions of acidic pH using several strains of heterotrophic bacteria (Microbacterium sp., Curtobacterium sp., Bacillus subtilis, Pseudomonas putida, and Bacillus pumilis) that are widespread in natural and technogenic waters of the Far East (Russia). Insignificant fractionation between heavy and light rare-earth elements, negative cerium and dysprosium anomalies, and a positive europium anomaly were revealed. The selectivity of REY biosorption by gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, as well as inertia of the biosorption process under more acidic conditions of the medium, were shown.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2018;73(3):287-294
pages 287-294 views

The Structure of the Sedimentary Cover of the Kandalaksha Gulf, White Sea, from Seismoacoustic Data

Starovoitov A.V., Tokarev M.Y., Terekhina Y.E., Kozupitsa N.A.


The geological structure of water areas adjacent to the White Sea biological research station of Moscow State University (Rugozero Bay and Great Salma Strait; both are parts of the Kandalaksha Gulf, White Sea) was studied for the first time based on the seismoacoustic data. The morphology of the top of the Achaean basement, the structure of the Quaternary sedimentary cover, and the bottom topography were investigated. The sequence of glacial deposits dated back to the last glaciation and the compound sequence consisting of glaciolacustrine, glacial-marine, and marine sediments are distinguished. The spatial locations and changes of their thicknesses are considered. It is shown that the recent bottom topography is controlled by predominantly NW- and NE-striking faults that run through the entire sedimentary sequence, including the Holocene sediments.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2018;73(3):295-305
pages 295-305 views

Identification of Self-Potential Anomalies of a Diffusion–Absorption Origin

Shevnin V.A.


Diffusion and adsorption (DA) potentials are frequently the sources of self-potential (SP) anomalies, but they do not arouse practical interest in contrast to anomalies of oxidation–reduction and filtration origins. DA anomalies are common and geophysicists sometimes mistakenly consider DA anomalies as examples of filtration anomalies. Identification of DA anomalies is based on correlation of SP and apparent resistivity values along the same profiles. During the student geophysical training workshop for students of the Moscow State University (Aleksandrovka village, Kaluga Region) we obtained profiles with SP and resistivity anomalies with good correlation between them. This makes it possible to consider such SP anomalies as a result of DA processes.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2018;73(3):306-311
pages 306-311 views

Integrated Geophysical Works on the Kozlovka Anomaly (Kaluga Region)

Kulikov V.A., Lubnina N.V., Palenov A.Y., Solovieva A.V.


This work presents integrated geophysical studies that were carried out to identify the nature of the intense magnetic anomaly detected by the results of land surveying on the right bank of the Slushka River in the territory of the Yukhnovskii district of Kaluga Region. The comprehensive interpretation of the geophysical data and the laboratory measurements of the core made it possible to determine the nature and parameters of the anomaly-forming object that is located in the upper part of the section; it consists of loams that contain such magnetic minerals as greigite, pyrrhotite, and magnetite.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2018;73(3):312-319
pages 312-319 views

Short Communications

Immobilization of Fluorine Using a Dolomite Geochemical Barrier

Savenko A.V., Savenko V.S.


The possibility of using the dolomite geochemical barrier for fine cleaning of alkaline wastewaters against fluorine was substantiated in experiments for coal-burning power plants. It was found that the residual fluorine concentration at pH 10.4–10.6 conformed to the optimum values for potable waters (0.7–0.9 mg/L), whereas the degree of fluorine removal at pH > 12.0 was at a maximum at 99.2% with less than 0.1 mg/L residual fluorine concentration. The optimum residual concentration of fluorine was obtained under the stoichiometric excess of dolomite over reactive CaO in ashes and slag wastes, which allowed calculation of the required capacity of dolomite barriers.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2018;73(3):320-323
pages 320-323 views

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