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Vol 72, No 6 (2017)


The Karelian Craton in the Structure of the Kenorland Supercontinent in the Neoarchean: New Paleomagnetic and Isotope Geochronology Data on Granulites of the Onega Complex

Lubnina N.V., Slabunov A.I.


New paleomagnetic and isotope-geochronological data obtained for the Onega granulite complex of Neoarchean age are used to reconstruct the position of the Karelian craton in the structure of the Kenorland supercontinent in the Neoarchean. Geological correlations are made for the Karelian, Kaapvaal, Pilbara, Superior, and Slave cratons. Comparison of independent geological and paleomagnetic data allow us to propose a new configuration of the Kenorland supercontinent in the Neoarchean. The position of the ancient core of the Karelian craton (the Vodlozero terrane), located in the Northwestern margin of the supercontinent, is reconstructed based on the earlier paleomagnetic data for the Neoarchean Panozero sanukitoid massif and new data for granulites of the Onega complex.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2017;72(6):377-390
pages 377-390 views

Modern Geodynamics and its Influence on the Secondary Filtration Properties of the Reservoirs of the Northeastern Part of the Sakhalin Shelf

Zaitsev V.A., Kerimov V.Y., Ryabukhina S.G., Bondarev A.V.


The complex tectonic structure of the Okhotsk Sea shelf and the high level of geodynamic activity necessitate the use of geodynamic simulations to forecast the secondary filtration-capacity properties of reservoirs. The 3D geomechanical models were built and the forecasting of the fractured porosity and permeability was conducted for the Kirinskaya, Ayashskaya, and East-Odoptinskaya license areas. The simulation revealed filtration channels, where both vertical and horizontal migration of hydrocarbons occur. It was found that the secondary permeability of the upper and the lower stratigraphic horizons of the studied area significantly differ. The Okobykai clayey member is the boundary surface and serves as the regional cap. All calculations were performed on the 3D-grid geological model, which allows us to use the data for hydrodynamic simulation.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2017;72(6):391-398
pages 391-398 views

Fluidogenic Breccias in the Darial Gorge of the Terek River (Central Caucasus Mountains)

Koronovskii N.V.


This article describes the fluidogenic breccias that are located in Darial Gorge in the North Caucasus Region. Fluidogenic breccias are related to the Late Pleistocene explosive eruptions caused by decompressive explosions of highly fluidized magma at small depths.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2017;72(6):399-404
pages 399-404 views

The Structure and Stratigraphic Position of the Agoi Olistostrome, Northwest Caucasus

Marinin A.V., Stupin S.I., Kopaevich L.F.


A sequence of clays and clayey siltstones with olistostrome horizons and olistoplaques of the Upper Cretaceous rocks occur in the coastal section northwest of the mouth of the Agoi River. The rocks of this sequence are mostly gray sandy calcareous clays with rare interlayers of siltstones. The horizons and lenses of olistostromes contain small clasts, large blocks, and olistoplaques of rocks of various ages. The microfauna from matrix and clasts of olistostromes of different horizons of the sequence was sampled and identified. The large blocks and olistoplaques are tectonized with formation of slickensides and cracks, which do not travel beyond the country rocks. The thickness of the sequence is 280 m.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2017;72(6):405-415
pages 405-415 views

Cyclostratigraphic Correlation of Cenomanian and Turonian Deposits of the Eastern European Platform

Badulina N.V., Gabdullin R.R., Ivanov A.V., Nigmadzhanov T.I.


Depositional conditions at the Cenomanian–Turonian time have been specified and a cyclostratigraphic scheme of the correlation of the Turonian sections has been proposed based upon generalizations of our own results concerning sections of Voronezh anteclise, Ulyanovsk–Saratov trough, Crimea, and the Caucasus.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2017;72(6):416-423
pages 416-423 views

Detection and Evaluation of Anthropogenic Pollution on the Basis of Geochemical Study of the Interstitial Waters of Marine and Freshwater Sediments

Gursky Y.N.


The chemical composition of interstitial waters from several inland seas and or water system (NPWS) exposed to anthropogenic pollution was studied. The patterns of the distribution of pollution in the Dnieper–Bug Estuary, Gelendzhik Bay of the Black Sea and in the Alexandria’s Eastern Harbor of the Mediterranean Sea were found. Most of the contamination occurs in the upper layers of bottom sediments and near mouth zones. A significant role is played by secondary contamination related to the dissolution and accumulation of metals and nutrients in the interstitial water and their migration to the water column. The estuary factor of anthropogenic pollution takes center stage according to a factor analysis for the combined impacts of potentially mobile forms of metals in the Dnieper–Bug Estuary. Studies of the Lake Pyasino pollution near Noril’sk were carried out.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2017;72(6):424-435
pages 424-435 views

Geochemical Monitoring of Dust Fallout from the Highway Using a Portable X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer

Lubkova T.N., Mitoyan R.A., Yablonskaya D.A.


Dust fallout is one of the major sources of soil pollution in urban landscapes. The possibility of using portable X-ray fluorescence spectrometers for monitoring of dust loads from the highway is shown here. The composition of dust fallout from the Moscow Ring Road in 2011–2015 was estimated using a portable Thermo Niton XL3t analyzer. Based on the available data, the load dynamics of dust and toxic metals (Zn, Pb, Cu, Ni, Cr, V, and Mn) are traced over the last 15 years.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2017;72(6):436-444
pages 436-444 views

PGE Mineralization of Massive Chromitites of the Iov Dunite Body (Northern Urals)

Palamarchuk R.S., Stepanov S.Y., Khanin D.A., Antonov A.V.


This work presents the results of the first comprehensive study of PGE mineralization from massive chromitites of the Iov dunite body (Northern Urals). The chromitites are composed of chromespinelides with a higher content of Cr2O3 with respect to those from other zonal clinopyroxenite–dunite massifs of the Urals. However, the composition of chromespinelides fits the trend that is characteristic of the dunite–clinopyroxenite–gabbro formation. PGE minerals, in particular Pt–Fe solid solutions, were identified in chromitites and in chromespinelides in the form of crystals and aggregates of a complex non-crystallographic habit and less often of an idiomorphic cubic habit. In terms of stoichiometry, Pt–Fe minerals correspond to ferroplatinum (Pt2Fe) and isoferroplatinum (Pt3Fe). The minerals of the isomorphic tetraferroplatinum–tulameenite–nickelferroplatinum series are widely distributed. Thus, the PGE mineralization of the Iov dunite body has features that are characteristic of clinopyroxenite–dunite massifs of the Urals.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2017;72(6):445-454
pages 445-454 views

The Chemical Composition of the Nitrogen Thermal Waters of the Khoja-Obi-Garm (Tajikistan) Balneoclimatic Resort

Demonova A.Y., Kharitonova N.A., Korzun A.V., Sardorov A.I., Chelnokov G.A.


This paper presents new data on the contents of macro- and microcomponents from low-mineral nitrogen thermal water located within the Khoja-Obi-Garm resort (Tajikistan). It was found that these thermal groundwaters contain high contents of F, Si, Li, Al, Rb, Sr, and Cs. Detailed study of the geological and hydrogeological settings of the resort, along with thermodynamic simulations allows us reveal the sources of chemical elements in these waters. A comparison of thermal groundwater from Khoja-Obi-Garm spa with the thermal waters of other regions of Eurasia was carried out; new data on the rare-earth elements and yttrium (REY) concentrations in the studied thermal water are presented as well.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2017;72(6):455-462
pages 455-462 views

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