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Vol 71, No 1 (2016)


The East European craton at the end of the Paleoproterozoic: A new paleomagnetic pole of 1.79–1.75 Ga

Lubnina N.V., Pasenko A.M., Novikova M.A., Bubnov A.Y.


Reliable paleomagnetic poles were calculated for 1.80–1.78 and 1.76–1.75 Ga as a result of the detailed paleomagnetic studies of the Late Paleoproterozoic igneous complexes and the North Ladoga region and Onega structure of the East European craton. According to the new paleomagnetic data, the final assembly of the Superior and Fennoscandia cratons in structure of the Paleoproterozoic Nuna/Columbia supercontinent began at 1.80–1.78 Ga and led to the formation of the Hudsonland megacontinent. Comparison of the coeval poles of 1.76–1.75 Ga of Fennoscandia and Volga–Sarmatia allows reconstruction of the oblique collision among these segments of the East European craton and substantiation of the final assembly at ~1.70 Ga.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2016;71(1):8-17
pages 8-17 views

A structural-geomorphological interpretation of Southern California shear zones

Simonov D.A., Bryantseva G.V., Trost P.A.


The neotectonic pop-up structures of Southern California were studied using the structural-geomorphological method, which included the analysis of topographic maps that were constructed on the basis of digital elevation models. The data we obtained are compared with the geological structure and the kinematic model of the block structure of the region based on the analysis of the current movements in accordance with the GPS data. The applicability of this method for neotectonic reconstructions of shear zones is considered. It is shown that the structures that are identified this way may be correlated with the kinematic model of the Southern California block structure that was developed using the GPS data.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2016;71(1):18-25
pages 18-25 views

New gold-ore occurrences in carbonaceous deposits of the Southern Urals

Snachev A.V., Snachev V.I., Romanovskaya M.A.


This work presents brief descriptions of the geological structures of new gold-ore occurrences (Osipovskoe, Larinskoe, Amurskoe, Chernoozerskoe, and Otnurok) in carbonaceous deposits of the Southern Urals. It is shown that these occurrences are localized in intensively dislocated, silicified, and sulfidized rocks and are intruded by numerous dykes of various compositions. It was revealed that the most important gold-ore occurrences are confined to a high-grade greenschist facies zone within the frame of Beloretsk and Larino domes, which can be an important criterion for searching for gold.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2016;71(1):26-31
pages 26-31 views

The Bashilsky swell: an Upper Pleistocene extrusion in the Verkhnechegemskaya caldera (Northern Caucasus)

Myshenkova M.S., Koronovskii N.V.


This work describes a young extrusive massif in the uppermost reaches of the Chegem River (Bashilauzu-su River), which had been considered as a feeder of the great sequence of Upper Pliocene rhyolite ignimbrites of the Verkhnechegemskaya caldera. The Upper Pleistocene age of the stratum, extrusive origin of automagmatic breccias and fluidolites, as well as its difference from rhyolites of the caldera are proven. The Bashilsky swell, located in the Late Pleistocene glacial trough, is evidence of young volcanism in this area, which has not been previously proposed.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2016;71(1):32-40
pages 32-40 views

The hydrocarbon-generation potential of the Domanik rocks in the Volga–Ural petroliferous basin

Fadeeva N.P., Kozlova E.V., Poludetkina E.N., Shardanova T.A., Pronina N.V., Stupakova A.V., Kalmykov G.A., Khomyak A.N.


The factors that are responsible for the formation of the hydrocarbon-generation potential and its occurrence in the Devonian carbonate sequences (Domanik Formation) of the Volga–Ural petroliferous basin are considered. The rocks of this formation are characterized by a high generation potential that is sufficient for the formation of large oil and gas accumulations. The highly carbonaceous deposits lack reservoirs.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2016;71(1):41-49
pages 41-49 views

Middle-Devonian oil and gas reservoirs in the south of the Buzuluk depression: Their structural peculiarities, depositional environments, and oil-and-gas potential

Zhemchugova V.A., Myatchin O.M.


The greater part of the total initial resources of the Buzuluk depression are located in the MiddleDevonian complex in the southern area. An integrated analysis of the results of macro- and microscopic core studies along with the interpretation of seismic and well-logging data resulted in the development of depositional reservoir models for Middle-Devonian sediments. The models allow one to predict the occurrence of natural reservoirs that are capable of containing oil and gas accumulations.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2016;71(1):50-57
pages 50-57 views

New data on the biostratigraphy and facies types of upper carboniferous Domanik sections in the Volga–Ural basin

Gatovskii Y.A., Stupakova A.V., Kalmykov G.A., Korobova N.I., Suslova A.A., Sautkin R.S., Kalmykov D.G.


New data on the biostratigraphy and facies types of Domanik sections in the Volga–Ural basin are discussed with the description of four types of sections that reflect different depositional environments: the shelf of a carbonate platform, biogenic buildups (bioherms) of its outer zone, slopes of depression, depression. Paleontological remains made it possible to determine the age of the host rocks. Such information serves as a basis for modeling the formation of Domanik deposits and reconstructing their paleogeographic settings.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2016;71(1):58-70
pages 58-70 views

Cavity structure in oil-saturated Bazhenov and Abalak shale rock in the Western Siberian basin

Balushkina N.S., Kalmykov G.A.


The cavity structure in oil-saturated Bazhenov and Abalak shale rock is analyzed. The Bazhenov reservoirs are of pore and pore–microcavern type. Their cavity structure is formed as a result of the transformation of the mineral component (biogenic silica) and organic component (kerogen) in the rock. The ratio of pore types depends on the mineral composition of the reservoir rock and its degree of catagenesis. Pyrite is the main mineral filling the pore volume and impairing the filtrational properties. The reservoirs of the lower Bazhenov formation are confined to the Correlation Layer and are of fracture-cavern type.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2016;71(1):71-80
pages 71-80 views

Transformation of the pore space during the simulation of the generation of hydrocarbon fluids in the Domanik horizon of the South-Tatar crest as an example

Gilyazetdinova D.R., Korost D.V.


The main purpose of this paper is to study the factors that control changes in rock structure during catagenetic transformation of organic matter. Hydrocarbon generation and primary migration can be controlled by numerous parameters; the most important are temperature, pressure, hydrocarbon composition, and organic matter type and content. The influences of most of these parameters have been studied and experimentally demonstrated. However, there are a few works that are dedicated to the investigation of the texture features of rocks, as well as the quantitative content of the organic matter on the pore space transformation of rocks. Therefore, these parameters are the most important when studying the primary migration processes. It was found experimentally that the rock pore space after each stage of heating is transformed, forming new pore spaces and channels that connect the primary pores. A sample with a relatively low content of organic matter has been found to undergo fewer changes in pore-space morphology in comparison to rock that is saturated in organic content. It has been found that that the change of pore-space morphology depends on the original structure of the rocks. Most of the structural changes were observed during rock heating within 260–430°C; the most intense formation of hydrocarbons was revealed within this interval.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2016;71(1):81-88
pages 81-88 views

The experience in estimating the sedimentary basin petroleum potential on the basis of study of mud volcanic breccia clasts (an Example from the Deep Part of the Gulf of Cadiz)

Kozlova E.V., Akhmanov G.G.


Mud volcanism is a natural phenomenon well-known for on-shore and off-shore environments. Its major driving forces are deeply seated fluid accumulations and lithology and tectonism favorable for creating overpressure within deep strata with subsequent breakthrough of solid, liquid, and gaseous products of mud volcanism towards a ground surface. The mud breccia clasts provide information about the sedimentary section (up to several kilometers thick) through which the mud volcano erupted. Geochemical investigation of mud breccia clasts with characteristics of source rocks can help in understanding the petroleum potential of entire basin prior to expensive offshore exploration drilling. This is an especially important and useful method for initial estimation of petroleum potential of deep continental margin basins. The method of geochemical investigation of organic matter in the mud breccia clasts allowed to identify the Miocene and Upper Cretaceous clayey and carbonate deposits in the sedimentary sequence in the deep part of the Gulf of Cadiz as having the highest petroleum potential.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2016;71(1):89-102
pages 89-102 views

The features of the compositional evolution of felsic rocks in the low-potassium calc-alkaline series of the Zavaritskii volcano, Kurile Arc, Simushir Island

Parfenova O.V., Burikova I.A., Dril S.I.


This article is focused on dacitic pumices, which are the felsic members of the basalt–andesite–dacite series. The phenoscrysts of all of the rocks from this series are the same: plagioclase, olivine, clino- and orthopyroxenes, and titanomagnetite. The groundmass of dacitic pumices that contain microlites of the same minerals and felsic glass has been studied in detail. Quartz and K–Na feldspar are absent. The study of that microlite zoning that formed in the upper parts of the channels or at the surface under the most nonequilibrium conditions was one of the most important tasks; it revealed several interesting features. As an example, anorthite plagioclases were found as microlites. The resorption zones are absent in both plagioclase phenocrysts and microlites, which implies the major role of fractionation rather than magma mixing.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2016;71(1):103-111
pages 103-111 views

Potential field transformation on the basis of a continuous wavelet transform

Kuznetsov K.M., Obolenskii I.V., Bulychev A.A.


The possibility of applying the continuous wavelet analysis on the basis of a Poissonian core for the processing and interpretation of gravity and magnetic survey data is considered. Based on the wavelet spectrum, W(x,h), reconstruction of the initial signal, g(x), is possible. Additionally, based on this wavelet spectrum, the equivalent distributions of mass and magnetization that produce the initial field, g(x), can be reconstructed. These possibilities allow the wavelet transform to be used for solving such classical problems as the filtering of initial signals, continuation of the field, calculation of higher field derivatives in the upper and lower half-spaces, and reduction of magnetic anomalies to the pole.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2016;71(1):112-120
pages 112-120 views

New insight into the composition and the structure of the deep layers of the terrestrial planets

Pushcharovsky D.Y., Pushcharovsky Y.M.


New approaches, which expand the ideas about the compositions and structures of the mantle of the Earth and terrestrial planets, are considered. New data indicate a more fractional structure of the deep layers of the Earth and the Moon. The experimental results at high pressures and temperatures allow modeling the change in the structure and properties of the most important components of the composition of the mantle and cores of the Earth and Moon, as well as the gas (Jupiter and Saturn) and ice (Uranus and Neptune) giants.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2016;71(1):1-7
pages 1-7 views

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