Development of a Liquidus Thermobarometer to Model the Olivine–Melt Equilibrium


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An equation system of an olivine-silicate melt liquidus thermobarometer has been obtained by processing the sampling set of 772 experimental equilibria of olivine crystals with basic melts by multidimensional statistics methods. The equations reproduce the experimental data with a small error in a wide basic composition range (from komatiites to dacites) at a temperature of 1040–1500°С and a pressure of 1–30 kbar. According to the thermobarometer testing results, the deviation of the calculated liquidus temperatures from experimental values does not exceed ±3°C in most of the temperature range.

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Об авторах

E. Koptev–Dvornikov

Department of Geology, Moscow State University

Автор, ответственный за переписку.
Россия, Moscow, 119991

D. Bychkov

Department of Geology, Moscow State University

Россия, Moscow, 119991

© Allerton Press, Inc., 2019

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