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Nº 1 (2023)


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Nikolai Lapin: Researcher and Science Promoter

Belyaeva L.


The article briefly outlines the scientific ideas of N.I. Lapin, one of the prominent contributors to the revival of sociology in Russia in the 1960s. Over 60 years of his research activities, Lapin left a great scientific legacy in many branches of sociology, philosophy, and related sciences. This includes the sociology of organizations, the sociology of management, the sociology of innovation, the social problems of global simulation, the sociology of a crisis society and sociocultural transformation, regional social comparative studies, and the civilizational development of Russia. Many of them present a compelling author’s approach, which became the basis for the creation of several scientific areas in domestic science: the sociology of organizations, the sociology of management, the sociology of innovation, the social problems of global simulation, the sociology of a crisis society and sociocultural transformation, and regional social comparative studies. Lapin’s contribution to the institutionalization of sociology as a science within the system of social sciences in Russia is invaluable. His new theoretical approaches and solutions were at the heart of almost all the projects that he initiated and brought to life. The paper presents three projects carried out under Lapin’s scientific supervision. The first project — the earliest effort at the dawn of the revival of modern sociology in Russia — is about the social organization of an industrial enterprise and the labor of workers in automated and non-automated industries (1968-1973). The second project is about the study of the socio-cultural evolution of Russia and its regions (1990-2020). The third project, which Lapin worked on in his last years, is about the civilizational development of Russia. It summarizes his thoughts about the country’s history, development patterns, and its place on the civilizational map of the world.

Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(1):5-15
pages 5-15 views

The Russian Subjective School as an Alternative Mode of Social Reflection

Shmerlina I.


The article problematizes the attribution of the Russian subjective school in the versions of P.L. Lavrov and N.K. Mikhailovsky to the sociological tradition, in the strict sense of the word. The specific features of this school are determined not by cognitive, but by practical and transformative goals, related to the struggle for social justice and radical change of the existing system. We compare the Russian subjective school with the contemporary trend of public sociology, and show the similarities and distinctions between these traditions. According to the author, the Russian subjective school meets not only the characteristic features of public sociology, but also of critical (in the sense of M. Burawoy). The phenomenon of the Russian subjective school can be understood as a socio-ethical doctrine, which corresponds to the mainstream of social knowledge - from socio-philosophical constructions, emphasizing the moments of the proper and desirable, to actually scientific sociological concepts.

Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(1):16-25
pages 16-25 views

Foreign Workers in Russia: Employers' Opinions

Mukomel V., Denisenko M.


Russian discourses on migration ignore the interests of the employer. The authors of this article seek to close this gap. They focus on the following topics: employers' motivations for recruiting foreign workers; the main types of economic activity and occupations of labor migrants; channels for finding a job and a worker; selection criteria for labor migrants; preferences for hiring and paying Russian and foreign workers; employers' attitudes towards planned innovations in migration law. It is shown that the main reason for recruiting of foreigners is a shortage of workers. Manual workers and specialists are the most sought-after categories of foreigners. It was revealed that the main requirement for a skilled worker is his skilled work experience and qualification, while for unskilled workers – knowledge of Russian language and work permit. Few employers are interested in the nationality, age and gender of the worker. The advantage of foreign workers is their willingness to work overtime and for less money, as well as labor discipline. The advantages of Russian workers are in their qualifications, ability to retrain, and ability to work as a team. The majority of employers indicated equal pay for Russians and foreigners. The survey showed employers' negative attitudes toward the restrictive procedure for hiring foreigners and the authorities' access to their personal data, including their geolocation. The anticipated strengthening of control over migrants and employers will only encourage them to go into the shadow sphere. The study is based on two employer surveys conducted in 2017 and 2022.

Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(1):26-37
pages 26-37 views

The Features of Population Reproduction in the Suburbanized Zone (The Case of the Irkutsk Agglomeration)

Grigorichev K.


The article is devoted to the formation of a specific model of the population reproduction in the suburban area by the case of the Irkutsk agglomeration. In the last 15-20 years, the non-urban territory of the agglomeration has been a zone of intensive suburbanization growth based of intensive migration from regional capital. The article shows that the suburbs of Irkutsk have formed an expanded mode of population reproduction, which differs sharply from the trends dominating in the region. It is argued that the high birth rate in suburban municipalities is associated not only with the rejuvenation of the age structure of the population as a result of migration, but also with a real increase in the birth rate in certain age groups. Also It is shown that the age structure of mortality in the suburban area is more modernized than in other municipalities of the region. On the basis of a spatial analysis of the municipalities of the first level of the Irkutsk agglomeration, the the impact of suburbanization to the formation of an expanded population reproduction regime is argued. A hypothesis the intensive processes of suburbanization, fixed for most regional capitals in the last decade, lead to the formation of an expanded mode of population reproduction even in conditions of depopulation in the region is proposed.

Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(1):38-51
pages 38-51 views

Armenian Diaspora in Russia: Integration vs Repatriation

Pogosyan G., Osadchaya G.


The current state of the Armenian Diaspora in Russia testifies to the presence in it of some divergent tendencies: on the one hand, this is the historically inherent desire of the Armenian Diaspora to thoroughly integrate into the social and economic life of Russia; and on the other hand, this is a certain orientations for repatriation to the homeland in the context of current western sanctions against Russia and a special military operation in Ukraine. In order to study the degree of integration of the Armenian Diaspora in to Russian society and identify a potential repatriation resource among the Armenian migrants, a comparative sociological survey was conducted in Russia and in Armenia. In the Russian Federation, the sociological survey among the Armenian migrants was conducted by the scientists of the Institute of Demographic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the most Armenian-populated communities in Moscow, and in the Stavropol and Krasnodar regions. In Armenia, the sociological survey among the migrant families was conducted by the scientists of the Institute of Philosophy, Sociology and Law of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia in the several cities of the republic. The main results of comparative sociological surveys conducted within the framework of the joint academic project are presented in this article in the form of a predictive analysis of the current situation.

Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(1):52-61
pages 52-61 views

From Virtual to Digital Research: Methodological Promises and Limitations of Approaches

Barkhatova L.


The article analyzes the methodological promises and limitations of virtual ethnographic approaches. It is shown how the redefinition of ethnography’s basic concepts for online contexts is reflected in their methodological tools. Based on approaches of virtual ethnography and ethnography of virtual worlds, which become a starting point for researchers in the study of the virtual, the paper discusses principles and procedures for implementing ethnography in the online space. We highlight the differences in how each of the approaches interprets and analyzes the offline context, as well as how specific features of the online environment are considered. As a part of criticism, the article discusses relationship between the concepts of virtual and digital demonstrating why the concept of digital is more relevant for describing recent online contexts.

Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(1):62-70
pages 62-70 views

The Influence of the Population's Lending on the Level of Suicide in the Russia Regions

Sanaeva O., Doroshenko S.


The study is devoted to the problem of assessing the relationship between financial and economic factors and the level of suicides in the Russian regions. We used panel data for 80 regions of Russia for the period 2005 (2010)-2020. We applied the Driscoll-Kraay standard error fixed effects method to solve cross-section dependence of data. The results showed that the volume of household debt on loans and the level of debt burden reduces the suicide rate in the regions. We found a U-shaped relationship between the overdue debt and the number of suicides in the general population, as well as in rural and urban populations.Consequently, the initial increase in overdue debt reduces the number of suicides, and its further increase leads to an increase in mortality. We also determined the extreme points of overdue debt for the entire population, as well as urban and rural. It has been established that the analyzed factors have a greater impact on the level of suicides among the rural population.

Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(1):71-81
pages 71-81 views

Sober lifeway: motives, roles and practices

Belova Y.


In the article, following elements of a sober way of life are revealed on the basis of in-depth biographic interviews with nondrinkers: conditions, motives, social roles, and social practices of nondrinkers. Types of nondrinkers are fixed by criterion of habitus («natural», «former «culturally drinking», «former alcohol-addicted»). It is shown that objective conditions and subjective opportunities of formation/choice of a sober lifeway differ depending on a habitus and vital events. Using P. Bourdieu’s concept of capitals it is found that motives of the choice and maintaining a sober lifeway differ by criterion of orientation on the capitals («preservation», «increasing», «completion»); motives of the choice and maintaining a sober lifeway are connected both to the personal capitals («egocentrism»), and the public capitals («soсiocentrism»). V.I. Ilyin's concept of the sociocultural field, E. Goffman's dramaturgic approach and concepts of social identity and frames allowed to ascertain what social roles are played by nondrinkers in situations of alcohol consumption on the brink of sociocultural field («active», «rational», «passive», «conformal», «protest»). It is concluded that these social roles reflect behavior practices of nondrinkers («active intervention», «rational behavior», «a passive co-presence», «conformal behavior», «protest behavior»).

Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(1):82-94
pages 82-94 views

Social Sentiment and Protest Moods of Kazakhstani People on the Eve of the January 2022 Rallies

Ileuova G., Simakova O.


The appeal to the topic of social protest in this article was based on the real events that shook Kazakhstan in January 2022. Starting in 2020 a three-year research project to study the protest potential in Kazakhstan, we could not imagine that our work would be so relevant. Reflecting on the topic of the January events, many Kazakh experts pointed to the socio-economic factor as their forerunner. Is it so? Having access to long term series of sociological data and being able to conduct a comparative analysis of the ten-year data, we tried to illustrate how the social moods of Kazakhstanis changed, their readiness for active actions and motives to participate in mass protests. Analysis of the data showed that in 2021 there was a noticeable decline in positive assessments of the economic situation - in both the country and families. There were expectations of discontent manifestations: more than 40 of Kazakhstanis in 2021 spoke about the likelihood of protests both in the country and in their place of residence. Moreover, the older age groups expected protests of socio-economic nature, while the young - protests of political nature. We came to the conclusion that by 2022 there were obvious signs of increasing protest activity on the basis of socio-economic instability, which received an additional impetus during the period of coronavirus restrictions, in Kazakhstan. But they were not enough to activate the masses for the January 2022 riots.

Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(1):95-106
pages 95-106 views

Evaluation of Social Well-Being of Kazakhstan’s Students

Abdiraimova G., Verevkin A., Lifanova T.


The article offers an analysis of the social well-being of Kazakhstani student youth during the pandemic. Based on materials of research in Kazakhstan in 2019-2021 it has been found that the level of student satisfaction depends on the degree of social optimism/pessimism and well-being of society showing signs of instability. Over the past three years, high levels of social well-being are correlated with students who are confident about their future. The study also revealed a low assessment of social well-being by students experiencing material and psychological difficulties, as well as lacking social integration. Low assessment is also associated with fear of more long-lasting impact of the crisis. Particular attention in this study is paid to the issues of changing the social well-being of students and assessing the nature of social expectations, the possibility of certain problems in the near future, fears and confidence/uncertainty in the future and rethinking the social goals of young people before and after the COVID-19 pandemics.

Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(1):107-113
pages 107-113 views

P.A. Sorokin and R. Thurnwald: Collaboration in the Journal “Sociologus”: Toward the Publication of Business Correspondence and Journal Reviews

Golovin N.


The collaboration between the sociologist P.A. Sorokin (1889–1958) and the founder of “A Journal of Sociology and Social Psychology”, cultural anthropologist and sociologist R. Thurnwald (1869–1954) in 1927–1933 and in 1951–1954 is an important, but little known episode of Sorokin‘s creative biography. The published correspondence, journal reviews, and journal articles by Sorokin record changes in his sociology's methodology, reveal more fully his efforts to institutionalize general sociology, and touch on the personal and business motives behind these contacts.

Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(1):114-123
pages 114-123 views

Selected Business Correspondence of Sociologists P.A. Sorokin and R. Thurnwald (1928–1954)

Sorokin P.


Correspondence between sociologists P.A. Sorokin (1889–1969), a professor at the University of Minnesota, then at Harvard University and head of the Harvard Center for the Study of Creative Altruism, and the German sociologist and cultural anthropologist R. Thurnwald (1869–1954), the founder of “Sociologus. Journal of Social Psychology and Sociology” for 1928–1954 shows the recognition of Sorokin's scientific authority in Germany, reveals his work in the magazine's editorial board as a reviewer of book novelties, and details the preparation of his scientific articles for publication. 

Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(1):124-129
pages 124-129 views
pages 130-136 views

Theodor Geiger. Images of Comradeship. Knowledge and Influence: A Review

Sorokin P.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(1):140-142
pages 140-142 views
pages 143-144 views

Otmar Spann. Crisis in Political Economy (Supplemented Report): A Review

Sorokin P.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(1):137-139
pages 137-139 views

A Handbook for Sociology (Ed. by A. Fierkandt et al.): A Review

Sorokin P.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(1):145-146
pages 145-146 views

To the 100th Anniversary of Academician V.G. Afanasyev

Afanasyev A.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(1):151-153
pages 151-153 views

The New Social Reality (about XXIV Kharchev' Readings)

Romanovskiy N., Demidenko S.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(1):147-150
pages 147-150 views

Russian Society in the Period of Global Turbulence: Challenges and Opportunities

Kolennikova N.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(1):154-156
pages 154-156 views

About the Problems of Digital Inequality during the Pandemic

Smirnova A.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(1):157-157
pages 157-157 views

XI Valenteev Readings in Demography

Ryazantsev S., Sivoplyasova S.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(1):158-160
pages 158-160 views

What is Really Going on in the Field of Culture?

Toschenko Z., Tartygasheva G.


Reflections reveal the significance, theoretical and ideological relevance of the monograph in the current conditions of civilizational development and Russia's geopolitical choice. The analysis proposed by the authors of the state and trends in the development of culture as a social phenomenon and as a sociological category is evaluated. The attention of readers is drawn to a brief but detailed analysis of the development of Russian sociology of culture since the 19th century, to the efforts of the authors to define the conceptual apparatus of this field of knowledge in comparison with the opinions and suggestions of fellow researchers. The author's interpretation of cultural transformations of the late 20th - early 21st centuries is considered, based on a generalization of data from many years of sociological research by the country's leading research centers, which are important both for enriching theoretical and methodological foundations for the study of culture and for use in the cultural policy of the state. This book displays debatable interpretations of culture, among which assessments of the ways and methods of modernizing domestic culture are of particular importance. On the basis of representative empirical studies, the authors identify general cultural trends, cultural preferences, and problems of artistic creativity. At the same time, the authors assess the negative processes that lead to the deformation of the cultural space: the influence of liberal ideology, postmodernism, commercialization, westernization, primitivization and pseudo-creativity.

Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(1):161-166
pages 161-166 views

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