Chinese Policy in Latin America: Lessons and Risks for Spain

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In the past two decades, Latin American countries and China have strengthened cooperation in such areas as politics, economy, finance, culture, and military sphere. In these relations each party pursues its own goals: China, for example, is looking for access to new sources of raw materials and markets, as well as support on some sensitive issues on the international agenda, such as the problem of human rights or the status of Taiwan. Latin America seeks new sources of finance, and technology, as well as the diversification of foreign policy ties. Sino-Latin American relations are most active in the sphere of economy, investment and lending, that increases the interdependence between China and the countries of the region and even the dependence on Chinese funding. At the same time, despite gradual growth, social and cultural contacts between parties remain limited, and that constrains the development of mutual understanding between them. The strengthening of Beijing's position in Latin America logically arouses Spain's fears, as the region has always been a historical space for its foreign policy; Spain's position and attractiveness there are gradually declining. However, since cooperation with China contributes to the development of Latin American countries, it can play a positive role for Spain and creates an opportunity for building ties between Spanish and Chinese institutions. Thus, the article is devoted to the problem of the influence of the development of Sino-Latin American relations on the role of Spain as a traditional foreign policy partner of the region. The authors conclude that in the context of the growth of partnership between Latin America and China, Spain will have to look for ways to cooperate with Chinese entities, trying to maintain its role in the region and derive benefits from such cooperation.

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About the authors

Maria Vladimirovna Pupysheva

Institute of International Relations and Social and Political Sciences, Moscow State Linguistic University

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-9565-7333
38, Ostozhenka st., Moscow, 119034, Russian Federation

Maria Evgen'evna Navdaeva

Moscow State Linguistic University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-4807-4696
Russia, Moscow


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