Effect of Simulated Hypomagnetic Conditions on Some Physiological Paremeters at 8-Hour Exposure. Experement “Arfa–19”

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The proposal is a complex experiment that had a design – a double-blind randomized placebo-controlled study. An effective measurement of the parameters of the human body was examined on 8 apparently healthy subjects during an exposure of 8 hours in altered magnetic conditions. The results of the experiment did not reveal significant risks for the functional state of the human body with a decrease in the multiplicity of about 1000 times.

About the authors

V. Yu. Kukanov

Institute of Biomedical Problems of the RAS

Author for correspondence.
Email: vk27031995@gmail.com
Russia, Moscow

V. V. Kirichenko

Institute of Biomedical Problems of the RAS

Email: vasilyrusanov@gmail.com
Russia, Moscow

R. N. Zaripov

Institute of Biomedical Problems of the RAS

Email: vasilyrusanov@gmail.com
Russia, Moscow

R. R. Gimadiev

Рeoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)

Email: vasilyrusanov@gmail.com
Russia, Moscow

A. G. Kochetov

Рeoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University); Institute of Laboratory Medicine

Email: vasilyrusanov@gmail.com
Russia, Moscow; Russia, Moscow

E. E. Sigaleva

Institute of Biomedical Problems of the RAS

Email: vasilyrusanov@gmail.com
Russia, Moscow

O. B. Pasekova

Institute of Biomedical Problems of the RAS

Email: vasilyrusanov@gmail.com
Russia, Moscow

O. V. Popova

Institute of Biomedical Problems of the RAS

Email: vasilyrusanov@gmail.com
Russia, Moscow

V. B. Rusanov

Institute of Biomedical Problems of the RAS

Author for correspondence.
Email: vasilyrusanov@gmail.com
Russia, Moscow

S. O. Fedyay

Institute of Biomedical Problems of the RAS

Email: vasilyrusanov@gmail.com
Russia, Moscow

A. V. Polyakov

Institute of Biomedical Problems of the RAS

Email: vasilyrusanov@gmail.com
Russia, Moscow

A. L. Vasin

Institute of Biomedical Problems of the RAS

Email: vasilyrusanov@gmail.com
Russia, Moscow

A. V. Demin

Institute of Biomedical Problems of the RAS

Email: vasilyrusanov@gmail.com
Russia, Moscow

D. V. Schastlivtseva

Institute of Biomedical Problems of the RAS

Email: vasilyrusanov@gmail.com
Russia, Moscow

Yu. A. Bubeev

Institute of Biomedical Problems of the RAS

Email: vasilyrusanov@gmail.com
Russia, Moscow

A. V. Suvorov

Institute of Biomedical Problems of the RAS

Email: vasilyrusanov@gmail.com
Russia, Moscow

J. A. Popova

Institute of Biomedical Problems of the RAS

Email: vasilyrusanov@gmail.com
Russia, Moscow

E. S. Luchitskaya

Institute of Biomedical Problems of the RAS

Email: vasilyrusanov@gmail.com
Russia, Moscow

A. R. Niiazov

Institute of Biomedical Problems of the RAS

Email: vasilyrusanov@gmail.com
Russia, Moscow

O. I. Orlov

Institute of Biomedical Problems of the RAS

Email: vasilyrusanov@gmail.com
Russia, Moscow


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Copyright (c) 2023 В.Ю. Куканов, А.Л. Васин, А.В. Демин, Д.В. Счастливцева, Ю.А. Бубеев, А.В. Суворов, Ю.А. Попова, Е.С. Лучицкая, А.Р. Ниязов, А.В. Поляков, С.О. Федяй, В.В. Кириченко, Р.Н. Зарипов, Р.Р. Гимадиев, А.Г. Кочетов, Е.Э. Сигалева, О.Б. Пасекова, О.В. Попова, В.Б. Русанов, О.И. Орлов

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