Modeling of defects in ultrasonic flaw detection. Status and prospects




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In the introduction to the article four factors, which are most important for ensuring the accuracy of defect parameters measurements at ultrasonic inspection, are mentioned: parameters of artificial reflectors in samples, compliance of acoustic properties of material of tuning samples and controlled products, transient characteristics of electroacoustic paths, methodological features of measurements. The present article is devoted to the analysis of the first and partly fourth of listed factors. The review of reflectors, the use of which is regulated in various standards, is carried out. Advantages and disadvantages of flat-bottomed holes, segmental and angular reflectors (“notches”), lateral (BCO) and vertical cylindrical drills, grooves are noted. Taking into account the peculiarities of ultrasonic wave scattering, it is noted that artificial “reflectors” such as “grooves” and BCOs are used to adjust the parameters of modern diffraction control methods. It is recommended to expand the use of grooves, BCO and vertical drilling in the revision of standards governing the use of classical echo-methods. The estimation of accuracy of measurement of defects parameters, first of all — coordinates of crack tip, with application of modern digital methods of information processing at ultrasonic control is given. It is indicated that to increase the accuracy of measurements, to determine the position and orientation of cracks in welds, it is necessary to create a database of digital doubles of samples with artificial reflectors and products with real defects. The general scheme of quality control work execution is given, taking into account the use of standards (measures), digital models of artificial reflectors and digital twins of the control process to ensure the necessary detectability of defects and reliability of manual, automated and, potentially, automatic control.




L. Mogilner

Bauman Moscow State Technical University; Scientific and Training Centre «Welding and Control» Bauman Moscow State Technical University

俄罗斯联邦, 105005, Moscow, 2nd Baumanskaya str., 5, p. 1; 105005 Moscow, 2nd Baumanskaya str., 5

V. Syasko

«Constanta» Ltd

俄罗斯联邦, 199106 Saint Petersburg, Ogorodny Lane, 21

A. Shikhov

Saint Petersburg Mining University

俄罗斯联邦, 199106 St Petersburg, 21st Line, 2


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4. Рис. 3. Образец из плексигласа СО-1.

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5. Рис. 4. Образцы из стали СО-2 и СО-3.

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