Analysis of two methods of calibration of an ultrasonic antenna array mounted on a prism




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The image quality of the reflectors, restored using digital antenna focusing technology or phased array technology, depends on the accuracy of determining such parameters of the prism as the boom, path, longitudinal wave velocity and angle of inclination. These parameters do not always correspond to the passport parameters, both due to the accuracy of the manufacture of prisms and the placement of antenna array elements in the housing, and due to the wear of the prisms during operation. The article discusses two types of calibration of an antenna array mounted on a prism: variational and simplified. The principle of variational calibration is to minimize the objective function describing the difference between the echo signals measured by the antenna array from the side cylindrical holes, for example, in the ISO 19675 PAUT BLOCK sample and the calculated echo signals. Simplified calibration is based on the analysis of the arrival time of echo signals from the prism sole, which allows you to estimate the path and angle of inclination of the prism, knowing the velocity of the longitudinal wave in the prism. The operation of the variational calibration was tested on echo signals calculated in the CIVA program to demonstrate the gully structure of the target function. An assessment of the required accuracy of determining all four parameters of the prism is made. The results of calibration of the antenna array on four prisms are presented and the results of variational and simplified calibrations are verified. The accuracy of determining the parameters of the prism when using variational calibration is more than twice as good as the results obtained with simplified calibration. However, the time required for calculations with variational calibration is more than three orders of magnitude longer than for simplified calibration.




A. Bazulin

ECHO+ Research and Production Center LLC

俄罗斯联邦, 8, Tvardovskogo, Technopark “Strogino”St., Moscow 123458

E. Bazulin

ECHO+ Research and Production Center LLC

俄罗斯联邦, 8, Tvardovskogo, Technopark “Strogino”St., Moscow 123458

A. Vopilkin

ECHO+ Research and Production Center LLC

俄罗斯联邦, 8, Tvardovskogo, Technopark “Strogino”St., Moscow 123458

S. Kokolev

ECHO+ Research and Production Center LLC

俄罗斯联邦, 8, Tvardovskogo, Technopark “Strogino”St., Moscow 123458

S. Romashkin

ECHO+ Research and Production Center LLC

俄罗斯联邦, 8, Tvardovskogo, Technopark “Strogino”St., Moscow 123458

D. Tikhonov

ECHO+ Research and Production Center LLC

俄罗斯联邦, 8, Tvardovskogo, Technopark “Strogino”St., Moscow 123458

A. Efimovskaya

Moscow Power Engineering Institute (National Research University)

俄罗斯联邦, 14, Krasnokazarmennaya St., Moscow 111250


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2. Fig. 1. Echo signals reflected from the bottom of the prism and received by each element of the antenna array of 32 elements (a); schematic representation of the calculation of the angle of inclination and path in the prism (b).

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3. Fig. 2. Echo signals reflected from the sole of a prism with an angle of inclination of 20 degrees (a) and an angle of inclination of 42 degrees (b).

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4. Fig. 3. View of the sample NO-F2-P90-PL-B2 for verification (a); a fragment of an image in real number format with contours of three BTS and control lines to obtain a slice of the border glare (b).

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5. Fig. 4. Image of the prisms used for calibration.

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6. Fig. 5. The arrangement of the prism and antenna array in the position of 5 and -15 mm when registering echo signals from four BTS in the ISO 19675 PAUT BLOCK sample.

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7. Fig. 6. The starting and ending points of the trajectory of the solution search in the plane "arrow — path in the prism" (a) and in the plane " speed of sound — angle of inclination" (b).

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8. Fig. 7. The starting and ending points of the trajectory of the solution search in the plane "arrow—path in the prism" (a) and in the plane "speed of sound — angle of inclination" (b) with the exclusion of the velocity of the longitudinal wave cw,l from the desired parameters of the prism.

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9. Fig. 8. Results of checking the calibration of the DP-5M32E1.0P antenna array on the X-32-20 prism based on longitudinal wave (LdL) images: when placing the prism at point 0 mm (a); at point -20 mm (b).

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10. Fig. 9. Results of checking the calibration of the DP-5M32E1.0P antenna array on the X-32-20 prism based on transverse wave images (TdT): when placing the prism at point 0 mm (a); at point -20 mm (b).

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11. Fig. 10. The results of checking the calibration on the longitudinal (a) and transverse (b) waves with variational and simplified calibration of all prisms.

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