Optical control of degradation of polytetrafluoroethylene films and its modification under electron irradiation




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A method for monitoring the degradation of the optical density in polytetrafluoroethylene films and its modification, a copolymer of tetrafluoroethylene and ethylene, irradiated by electrons with energies of 100 keV and 10 MeV is described. The method is based on measuring the optical density of irradiated films in the photon energy range of 1-6 eV and is confirmed by established «dose-optical absorption» relationships. In particular, using the described method, a completely different nature of the radiation degradation of the optical properties of the two types of films under study was discovered. With an increase in the irradiation dose, «bleaching effect» in the region of 2-5 eV and the appearance of an absorption band at 5.6 eV are observed in polytetrafluoroethylene films. With a similar dose increase, three absorption bands at 4.0, 4.6 and 5.5 eV appear and grow in films of copolymer of tetrafluoroethylene and ethylene. The evidence of the critical role of the optical density of films in the functioning of space technology devices is given.


E. Vazirova

Ural Federal University

Email: e.n.agdantseva@urfu.ru
Yekaterinburg Russia

R. Abashev

Mikheev Institute of Metal Physics Ural Branch Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: abashevrm@imp.uran.ru
Yekaterinburg Russia

I. Milman

Mikheev Institute of Metal Physics Ural Branch Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: milman@imp.uran.ru
Yekaterinburg Russia

A. Surdo

Mikheev Institute of Metal Physics Ural Branch Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: surdo@imp.uran.ru
Yekaterinburg Russia


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