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Volume 50, Nº 3 (2016)


Variability of microsatellite loci in Vincetoxicum Wolf species in southeastern Ukraine

Demkovych A., Glukhov A., Privalikhin S., Ostapko V., Makogon I., Pirko Y., Blume Y.


Genetic diversity of 13 species of the genus Vincetoxicum Wolf found in Ukraine with the use of four of eight nuclear microsatellite markers previously developed for Vincetoxicum atratum from Japan was studied. The number of alleles in studied loci varied in the range from 8 to 25. The expected heterozygosity was 0.690–0.938; the observed heterozygosity varied in the range from 0.205 to 0.806. The total rate of genetic variability of studied species was found to be comparable to the rate of variability of Vincetoxicum atratum from Japan. Microsatellite loci Vinc5, Vinc104, Vinc123, and Vinc124 can be successfully used for estimating the intra- and interspecific polymorphism of the species of genus Vincetoxicum Wolf in Ukraine.

Cytology and Genetics. 2016;50(3):151-157
pages 151-157 views

Mutagenesis testing using the LacZ reporter activity of the reparation gene mus209 in Drosophila melanogaster

Yasinskiy Y., Omelyanchuk L., Zhuk O., Kozeretska I.


We studied a set of Drosophila melanogaster strains that could be potentially suitable for testing a variety of mutagenic factors. Their genomes contained insertions of the enhancer trap P {lacW}-in which the activity of the LacZ reporter is under the control of the reparation genes’ regulatory region. We demonstrated that the beta-galactosidase reporter, which is encoded by insertion of P {lacW} element in the gene mus209, is induced by irradiation in the cells of the salivary glands and wing imaginal discs. Despite the fact that the reporting coloration is not associated with the dose of radiation treatment, we found that the induction threshold of the reporter is different for these tissues. Thus, coloration in salivary glands is detectable after the dose of 200 rad and above, whereas the imaginal discs get colored with 500 rads and above. Thereby, multiple thresholds for induction of the reporter in the various tissues allow approximating the received dose.

Cytology and Genetics. 2016;50(3):158-161
pages 158-161 views

Influence of the PCR artifacts on the genotyping efficiency by the microsatellite loci using native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis

Kulibaba R., Liashenko Y.


Formation of different types of artifacts during amplification has been studied using different classes of molecular-genetic markers (Indel and SSR). It has been shown that DNA heteroduplexes are formed during amplification of heterozygous samples as fragments of both target genes and microsatellite loci. Electrophoresis of the amplification products of homozygous samples by microsatellite loci in native polyacrylamide gel has revealed specific additional fragments that do not belong to the class of heteroduplex DNA. It has been supposed that the additional fragments belong to a special type of homoduplex DNA—nonlinear homoduplexes. The analysis has revealed that the formation of nonlinear homoduplex DNA takes place on the 20–25 cycle of the PCR at the amplification of both experimental samples and individual DNA fragments cut from the gel.

Cytology and Genetics. 2016;50(3):162-167
pages 162-167 views

Genetic marking of glume color in Triticum spelta L. var. caeruleum using gliadins

Kozub N., Sozinov I., Niniyeva A., Tverdokhleb Y., Blume Y., Boguslavskii R.


Using gliadins as genetic markers, Triticum spelta L. var. caeruleum accessions were analyzed to identify genetic control of the dark color of glumes. The research material was F2 and BC1 plants from crosses between spelt accessions and white-glumed common wheat varieties. The segregation for glume color fitted the monogenic control of the trait. The electrophoretic analysis of gliadins in grains from the hybrid plants has shown that the Gli-Alj* allele in the T. spelta var. caeruleum accessions is linked to the allele for the dark (black) color of glumes at the Rg-A1 locus.

Cytology and Genetics. 2016;50(3):168-172
pages 168-172 views

Allelic polymorphism C-590T of the IL4 gene as a probable genetic marker for the increased predisposition to the development of recurrent episodes of acute obstructive bronchitis in children

Kens O., Vishtak N., Acopyan H., Bergtravm V.


Acute respiratory infections (ARIs) hold the first place among all infections throughout the world. ARIs are frequently complicated by the development of acute obstructive bronchitis (AOB). According to different authors, the frequency of developing AOB due to ARIs in children ranges from 5 to 40%. The growing occurrences of ARIs in children and the formation of bronchoobstructive syndrome that frequently ends up in the development of bronchial asthma, leading children to invalidity, specify a new priority research area—molecular genetic markers sought for to identify an increased predisposition to certain socially important illnesses. The molecular-genetic testing of the polymorphic C-590T locus of the IL4 gene as the marker of increased predisposition to the development of recurrent episodes of AOB were conducted in 31 children with frequent ARIs and recurrent episodes of AOB and in 50 general-population control subjects. The level of IgE in the blood serum was studied in 31 children with frequent recurrent episodes of AOB and compared with the data of 35 control children with acute bronchitis. The comparative molecular genetic analysis of the results in children with recurrent episodes of AOB and the data obtained from the subjects of a general population control group has shown that the frequency of the CT genotype at the polymorphic C-590T locus of the IL4 gene was noticeably higher in children with recurrent AOB episodes. The markedly higher frequency of the CC genotype at the polymorphic C-590T locus of the IL4 gene was recorded in the control group subjects and compared to the data of children from the main group. It was established that carrying the 590 CT genotype with the allelic polymorphism of the IL4 gene increases the risk of recurrent episodes of AOB in children by three times. The level of IgE in the blood serum in the majority of sick children from the main group was four times higher than in the control children.

Cytology and Genetics. 2016;50(3):173-177
pages 173-177 views

Bcl1 polymorphism of glucocorticoid receptor gene in patients with bronchial asthma with obesity

Kmyta V., Garbuzova V., Prystupa E., Prystupa L.


The objective of this investigation was to analyze possible association between Bcl1 polymorphism of glucocorticoid receptor gene and obesity in patients with bronchial asthma (BA). The study involved 188 patients with bronchial asthma and 95 apparently healthy adult individuals. Generally accepted assessments and examinations for BA diagnosis, and anthropometric, molecular-genetic and statistic methods of investigation were used in the research. It was found out that the patients with BA demonstrated higher body mass index (BMI) and higher ratio of fat centralization much more often, than the control group. Genotypes distribution for Bcl1 polymorphism in patients with BA showed a statistically significant difference between patients with different BMI unlike the control group. Comparison of genotype frequency for Bcl1 polymorphism in glucocorticoid receptor gene in individuals with different ratio of fat centralization in the control group and in the patients with BA separately showed statistically significant differences in the distribution of gene allelic variations only among the patients with BA. It was demonstrated that G/G genotype in the patients with visceral obesity was associated with BA.

Cytology and Genetics. 2016;50(3):178-182
pages 178-182 views

Analysis of CYP21A2 gene mutations in patients from Ukraine with congenital adrenal hyperplasia

Chernushyn S., Livshits L.


In the article, the data on the distribution of CYP21A2 gene mutations (gene deletion/conversion, c.290-13C>A/G, E110Vfs, I172N, cluster of mutations I236N, V237E, M239K, V281L, Q318X, and R356W) among Ukrainian patients with CAH (congenital adrenal hyperplasia) of different clinical phenotypes are presented. The most common mutation in the studied group (n = 27) is the CYP21A2 gene deletion/conversion. Possible patterns of the studied mutations distribution in different populations of the world and the patients’ genotype–phenotype association are discussed.

Cytology and Genetics. 2016;50(3):183-186
pages 183-186 views

Reduction of radiation-induced nitrative stress in leucocytes and kidney cells of rats upon administration of polyphenolic complex concentrates from red wine

Sabadashka M., Sybirna N.


The research has shown that exposure to ionizing radiation at the dose of 30 cGy leads to the activation of NO-synthase way of nitrogen oxide synthesis, as well as to the accumulation of its stable metabolites and 3'-nitrotyrosine modified proteins in rat peripheral blood leucocytes and the renal cortical layer. NO-synthase activity was preserved at the control value through the consumption of red wine naturalpolyphenolic complex concentrates by the irradiated animals. The content of proteins modified by tyrosine nitration decreased in the early period of post-radiation exposure due to the influence of the investigated concentrate. Thus the ability of red wine natural polyphenolic complex concentrates to prevent adverse changes in L-arginine/NO system and, therefore, inhibit the development of nitrative stress induced by low doses of ionizing radiation has been proved experimentally.

Cytology and Genetics. 2016;50(3):187-195
pages 187-195 views

Expression of Tlr2, Defa, and Muc2 genes in rat duodenum epithelial cells during prolonged stomach hypoacidity and after hypoacidity correction by multiprobiotics

Dranitsina A., Dvorshchenko K., Morgaienko O., Grebinyk D., Ostapchenko L.


Expression of Tlr2, Defa, and Muc2 genes in epithelial cells of rat duodenum during prolonged stomach hypoacidity (hypochlorhydria) and after hypoacidity correction by multiprobiotics has been investigated. Elevation of Tlr2, Muc2, and Defa gene expression levels upon the intensification of lipid peroxidation processes in the epithelial cells of the villi and crypts of the rat duodenum under hypoacidic conditions has been demonstrated. Administration of a multiprobiotic under the same conditions downregulated the expression of the aforementioned genes in epithelial cells of the villi and crypts, bringing it to a nearly normal level, and exerted a similar effect on the levels of lipid peroxidation products. The data obtained may be indicative of the involvement of Tlr2, Muc2, and Defa genes in the development of duodenal inflammation induced by dysbiotic changes occurring in prolonged hypochlorhydria.

Cytology and Genetics. 2016;50(3):196-202
pages 196-202 views

Effect of substances with cryoprotective properties on surface marker CD44 in human erythrocytes

Zemlianskykh N.


The changes in surface marker CD44 in human erythrocytes exposed to cryoprotective media, as well as the impact of oxidative modification of membrane-cytoskeleton proteins on the CD44 characteristics under the changed physicochemical parameters of the cellular environment, were investigated in this study. Prolonged exposure of glycerol, DMSO, sucrose, and PEG-1500 caused a decrease in CD44 expression level and in amount of CD44-positive cells. That may reflect subtle rearrangements in the system of protein–protein interactions in the erythrocyte membrane-cytoskeleton complex, which may affect the stability of cells during cryopreservation. Extracellular substances (sucrose and PEG-1500) exhibited a more pronounced effect on the CD44 in erythrocytes in comparison with the examined substances of an intacellular type. Modification of membrane-cytoskeleton proteins with oxidizing bifunctional reagent diamide enhanced the identified tendencies.

Cytology and Genetics. 2016;50(3):203-213
pages 203-213 views

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