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Том 52, № 2 (2018)


Comparison of Alleles at Gli-2 Loci of Common Wheat by Means of Two-Dimensional Electrophoresis of Gliadin

Metakovsky E., Melnik V., Redaelli R., Rodriguez-Quijano M.


Electrophoretic mobility (EM) and molecular weight (MW) of some allelic variants of α- and β-gliadins contrlled by Gli-2 loci were compared by means of two-dimensional (APAGE × SDS) electrophoresis. Comparison of α-gliadins of the alleles Gli-A2b and Gli-A2p, of β-gliadins of the Gli-B2b and Gli-B2c, and of β-gliadins of the Gli-D2b, Gli-D2c, Gli-D2j, and Gli-D2r indicated that a gliadin with lower EM had, as a rule, bigger MW which is known to depend on the length of the polyglutamine domain of gliadin of α-type. However, allelic variants of the α-gliadin encoded by Gli-D2b and Gli-D2e differ in EM but not in apparent MW. It might be caused by a substitution of some charged/uncharged aminoacids in the polypeptide of gliadin. Allele Gli-B2o which is very frequent in up-to-date common wheat germplasm originated probably by means of unequal crossingover. Some alleles at Gli-A2 is found to control completely different blocks of gliadins and therefore might come to common wheat from different genotypes of the polymorphic diploid donor of the A genome. The results indicate that the reason of the known more vast polymorphism of gliadins controlled by Gli-2 loci as compared with Gli-1 loci is the considerable difference of the structure, first, of Gli-1 and Gli-2 loci (Gli-2 loci have more expressed genes per locus) and, second, of genes encoding gliadins of α- and γ-types (α-gliadins are shown to contain a long polyglutamine sequences highly variable in their length).

Cytology and Genetics. 2018;52(2):87-94
pages 87-94 views

SSR Marker Association with Variation of Stomatal Guard Cell Length in Bread Wheat

Lamari N., Galaeva M., Fait V., Pogrebnyuk O.


The aim of the present study was to identify associations between allelic variants of microsatellite markers (SSRs) and genetic polymorphism with regard to “stomatal guard cell length” (SGCL) trait in a population of recombinant-inbred lines (RILs) of bread winter wheat. Cytological analysis of SGCL in leaf epidermis, polymerase chain reaction, and statistical calculations were performed in accordance with conventional procedures. Genetic diversity related to the SGCL trait was detected in an F7 Luzanivka odes’ka/Odes’ka chervonokolosa wheat RIL population. A significant effect of allelic differences in SSR loci in the four triple combinations of microsatellite loci on SGCL variation was demonstrated.

Cytology and Genetics. 2018;52(2):95-102
pages 95-102 views

Is Casein Kinase 2 Able to Phosphorylate Plant α-Tubulin?

Karpov P., Blume Y.


Results of classical and structural bioinformatical research allow to predict casein kinase 2 dependent phosphorylation of conservative residues of Ser94 and Ser419 in Trypanosoma and Arabidopsis α-tubulin. Location of these residues in the region of internal contact of α-/β-tubulin heterodimer has been demonstrated. It is hypothesized that phosphorylation of Ser94 can affect dimerization of α-/β-tubulin in Trypanosoma and Arabidopsis. Most likely, potential phosphorylation of Ser419 does not have a direct effect on microtubule structure but is related to interaction with associated proteins, in particular with kinesins.

Cytology and Genetics. 2018;52(2):103-111
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Estimation of the Genetic Structure of Helix pomatia L. Populations (Mollusca, Pulmonata) by Capillary Electrophoresis of ISSR DNA Fragments

Snegin E., Artemchuk O., Sychev A.


Using the capillary electrophoresis of ISSR DNA fragments, the genetic structure of the adventitious populations of Helix pomatia L. (Mollusca, Pulmonata) inhabiting the territory of Eastern Europe was studied. A significant decrease in genetic heterogeneity (He = 0.095 ± 0.002) and population differentiation level (Fst = 0.074) was revealed in comparison with similar data obtained using the ISSR method with electrophoretic detection in agarose gel and allozymes in polyacrylamide gel. Similar to other methods, an effect of spatial isolation (RM =–0.476) was found on the basis of regression analysis between genetic and geographical distances. The effective population size, calculated with the help of M. Slatkin’s model, turned out to be the largest of the previously calculated values (Ne = 41.8), which indicates the high viability of the studied groups of Roman snails in newly developed territories.

Cytology and Genetics. 2018;52(2):112-116
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Effects of Exogenous Phytohormones on Spore Germination and Morphogenesis of Polystichum aculeatum (L.) Roth Gametophyte in vitro Culture

Babenko L., Romanenko K., Shcherbatiuk M., Vasheka O., Romanenko P., Negretsky V., Kosakivska I.


The effects of exogenous phytohormones–gibberellic acid (GA3) and benzyl-aminopurine (BAP)–on the spore germination and morphogenesis of Polystichum aculeatum (L.) Roth gametophyte in vitro culture were studied. In the control, four stages of gametophyte morphogenesis were determined and their periods were established. Spore germination and protonema formation of P. aculeatum occurred according to the Vittaria-type and prothalium development according to the Aspidium-type. The spore germination percentage depended on the storage time duration. It was found that 80–95% of freshly collected spores germinated. Spore viability was within the range of 68–95% after 4–6-month storage under lab conditions and did not exceed 20% after 1.5 year of the storage period. High concentrations of exogenous GA3 (10–5 and 10–6 M) and BAP (10–5 M) significantly inhibited spore germination, whereas low concentrations (GA3 10–7–10–8 M) had an insignificant stimulating effect or did not affect germination at all (BAP 10–6, 10–7, 10–8 M). All concentrations of exogenous BAP were demonstrated to inhibit the development of P. aculeatum gametophyte at the protonema stage, which might be due to the removal of apical dominance. The inhibiting effect directly depended on BAP concentrations. The formation of abnormal thalli of the P. aculeatum gametophyte in the response to exogenous GA3 treatments occurred as a result of impairment of cell growth by elongation. A direct interrelationship between GA3 concentrations and level of morphological abnormalities and grade of thalli underdevelopment was demonstrated.

Cytology and Genetics. 2018;52(2):117-126
pages 117-126 views

Analysis of Ectonucleotide Pyrophosphatase/Phosphodiesterase 1 Gene K121Q Polymorphism Association with Some Risk Factors of Atherosclerosis in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome

Ataman A., Harbuzova V., Obukhova O., Dubovyk Y.


The present study was performed to investigate whether common single-nucleotide polymorphism K121Q (rs1044498) of the ENPP1 gene is associated with the known risk factors of atherosclerosis (overweight, dyslipoproteinemia, hypertension, diabetes, smoking, and hypercoagulability) in persons with acute coronary syndrome. Venous blood of 118 patients was genotyped for the polymorphism by PCR and restriction fragment length polymorphism method. In patients divided into two subgroups according to their genotype (KK and KQ + QQ), the statistically significant differences were revealed only for plasma LDL-cholesterol level and fibrinolytic activity. The carriers of minor allele (KQ + QQ) had lower LDL-cholesterol concentration and the time of fibrinolysis than the major allele homozygotes (KK). The division of patients into subgroups according to presence or absence of some risk factors for atherosclerosis showed no statistically significant differences between K121Q genotype distributions for any of the comparison.

Cytology and Genetics. 2018;52(2):127-131
pages 127-131 views

Analysis of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms G919A and A2039G of Gene FSHR in Infertile Men

Zhylkova I., Sotnik N., Yegunkova O., Feskov O., Fedota O.


The polymorphic variants G919A and A2039G of the FSHR gene in men with azoospermia were investigated. In the nonobstructive form of azoospermia, the frequency of homozygotes GGAA, GGGG, and AAAA was 1.8–3.2 times higher than theoretically expected. In men with nonobstructive azoospermia, the highest level of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) in serum was observed in homozygotes for the polymorphic variant G919A of gene FSHR; heterozygotes were characterized by intermediate values; wild-type homozygotes showed a low level, rs = 0.49. The FSH level in some patients with the nonobstructive form was at the upper limit or higher compared with the normal values, 19.07–33.42 mIU/mL, and the FSH level was in the normal range in the obstructive form. For obstructive azoospermia, the actual frequency of heterozygotes GGGG, GAAG, and AAAA was 2–5.1 times higher than expected; no homozygotes GGAA were found.

Cytology and Genetics. 2018;52(2):132-138
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Advances, Problems, and Prospects of Genetic Transformation of Fungi

Poyedinok N., Blume Y.


Advances, problems, and prospects of genetic transformation of fungi are described. Features distinguishing fungi from other organisms are analyzed. Those features should be taken into consideration while preparing genetic material for transformation. The ways to overcome problems associated with hyphae apical growth, cell wall thickness, the heterokaryotic life cycle stage, and mechanisms of immune defense are described. A comparative analysis of major methods for transformation of fungi at different stages of their life cycle was performed. Stability of genetically modified fungi and advances in transformation are discussed.

Cytology and Genetics. 2018;52(2):139-154
pages 139-154 views

Patterns of Allelic Diversity in Spring Wheat Populations by SSR-Markers

Sajjad M., Khan S., Shahzad M.


Precise assessment of diversity in available breeding germplasm helps to preempt epidemics and abrupt environmental changes. Spring wheat germplasm consisting of 84 accessions including cultivars, breeding lines and landraces from various origins was scanned with 44 SSRs. For allele frequencies, allelic patterns, heterozygosity and polymorphism the selected population was divided in three subpopulations: (i) pre-green revolution (pre-1965), (ii) post-green revolution (post-1965), (iii) post-veery (post-2000). Alleles produced in pre-1965, post-1965 and post-2000 subpopulations were 115, 144 and 131, respectively. Mean PIC values for pre-1965, post-1965 and post-2000 subpopulations were 0.48, 0.52 and 051, respectively. Allelic patterns showed no locally common alleles in any of the subpopulation. The pre-1965 subpopulation had also no private allele, however, average number of private alleles decreased from post-1965 to post-2000 subpopulation. In case of effective alleles and Shannon’s information index trend was increasing from pre-1965 to post-1965 and then decreasing from post-1965 to post-2000. The decreasing trend alarms the reduced genetic diversity in wheat varieties developed after 2000. PCA and cluster analysis didn’t clearly differentiated subpopulations, though pre-1965 genotypes showed higher genetic distance from post-1965 and post-2000 subpopulations. The decreasing measures of genetic diversity in post-2000 wheat genotypes should be a concern for wheat breeders, therefore, all sources of broadening genetic diversity should be exploited.

Cytology and Genetics. 2018;52(2):155-160
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A Colon Cancer Related Gene-MLH1, Significantly Affecting the Pig Litter Size

Chen H., Liu Y.


MutL homolog 1, colon cancer, nonpolyposis type 2 (MLH1) is a tumor related gene. In this study, the full-length cDNA sequence of porcine MLH1 gene was cloned through rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) method. The porcine MLH1 gene encodes a protein of 757 amino acids which shares high homology with the MLH1 of five species: chiru (96%), sheep (95%), cattle (93%), southern-white-rhinoceros (92%) and goat (92%). This novel porcine gene was assigned to GeneID: 100337665. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that the porcineMLH1 gene has a closer genetic relationship with theMLH1 gene of southern- white-rhinoceros. PCR-HhaI-RFLP was established to detect GU373696:c.395 G > A substitution of porcine MLH1 gene and eight pig breeds display obvious genotype and allele frequency differences at this mutation locus. Association of this SNP with litter size traits was assessed in Large White (n = 200) and Landrace (n = 200) pig populations, and result demonstrated that this polymorphic locus was significantly associated with the litter size of all parities in Large White and Landrace sows (P < 0.01). Therefore, MLH1 is also a reproduction related gene.

Cytology and Genetics. 2018;52(2):161-167
pages 161-167 views

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