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Two decapodite stages of the shrimp, Argis lar, family Crangonidae, from the plankton off the Kronotsky Bay, northwestern Pacific, eastern Kamchatka, are described. Сomparison of The available larvae were morphologically compared with decapodites of other species of this family with a shortened development. The first and second decapodite stages were similar in size and structural features of the pleon, carapace, antennae, mandibles, maxillae, pereiopods, and pleopods. Significant differences were found in the morphology of the telson, maxilliped, and antennules in the first and second decapodite stages of A. lar. In the second decapodite stage, the posterior median spine shifted to the middle of the carapace, the number of antennular and maxilliped endopod segments were increased, the epipodite appeared in the third maxilliped, the shape of the telson changed, the terminal spines in the telson disappeared, and the relative length of the angular setae were decreased. Kuro shrimps are thought to have three to five larval stages.

Sobre autores

N. Sedova

Kamchatka State Technical University (KamchatGTU)

Autor responsável pela correspondência
Russia, 683003, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky


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