Specificity of U2 and GOL1 aptamers to EGFR-positive human glioblastoma cells in vitro

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Overexpression of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) or its mutations mediate signaling pathways leading to proliferation, invasion of tumor cells, as well as to an increase in their survival. Despite the success of the clinical use of antibodies against EGFR in patients with colorectal cancer and squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck, their low effectiveness in glioblastoma has been shown. Therefore, for the treatment of gliomas, a specific EGFR drug is needed, capable of penetrating into the tumor focus in the brain, and having low immunogenicity.

In this work, aptamers – single-stranded DNA oligonucleotides specific to EGFR, U2 and Gol1 are presented as such a preparation. In this study, we obtained a cellular model of human glioma with EGFR and EGFRvIII overexpression, which showed the specificity of U2 and Gol1 aptamers to these receptors using classical methods, as well as the method of aptaimmunocytochemistry. A study of the effect of binding of the Gol1 aptamer to the EGFRvIII receptor on the next steps of the signaling pathway showed a change in the expression levels of genes associated with cell proliferation and survival (JUN, FOS, CCND1, PI3K and AKT3), while the U2 aptamer did not demonstrate a significant effect on cells in vitro.

These results showed that the Gol1 aptamer has therapeutic potential against human glioblastoma tumor cells overexpressing the EGFRvIII mutant type receptor.

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About the authors

F. M. Dzarieva

Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IHNA)

Author for correspondence.
Email: dz.fatima@mail.ru
Russian Federation, Moscow

D. V. Shamadykova

Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IHNA)

Email: dz.fatima@mail.ru
Russian Federation, Moscow

O. V. Sluchanko

Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University

Email: dz.fatima@mail.ru
Russian Federation, Moscow

S. A. Pavlova

Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IHNA)

Email: dz.fatima@mail.ru
Russian Federation, Moscow

L. V. Fab

Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IHNA)

Email: dz.fatima@mail.ru
Russian Federation, Moscow

A. V. Ryabova

Prokhorov General Physics Institute

Email: dz.fatima@mail.ru
Russian Federation, Moscow

D. Yu. Panteleev

Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IHNA)

Email: dz.fatima@mail.ru
Russian Federation, Moscow

A. M. Kopylov

M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU)

Email: dz.fatima@mail.ru
Russian Federation, Moscow

D. Yu. Usachev

N.N. Burdenko National Medical Research Center of Neurosurgery, Ministry of Healthcare of Russia

Email: dz.fatima@mail.ru
Russian Federation, Moscow

A. V. Golovin

M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU); I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (MSMU)

Email: dz.fatima@mail.ru
Russian Federation, Moscow; Moscow

G. V. Pavlova

Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IHNA); N.N. Burdenko National Medical Research Center of Neurosurgery, Ministry of Healthcare of Russia; I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (MSMU)

Email: lkorochkin@mail.ru
Russian Federation, Moscow; Moscow; Moscow


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. (а) – Plasmid map of the vector EGFRwt/CMV3; (б) – Plasmid map of the vector EGFRvIII/CMV3; Evaluation of the efficiency of transfection of G01(в) cell culture and U87 (г) cell line by human glioblastoma, GFP – green. The cell nuclei were stained with bisbenzimide (Hoechst 33342, Sigma) – blue. (д) – Analysis of EGFR expression in control and transgenic cells of the human glioblastoma cell line U87 and in patient-derived human glioblastoma G01 cultured cells. Normalised for beta-tubulin.

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3. Fig. 2. Analysis of binding of human glioblastoma cells in vitro with labeled aptamers U2-FAM and Gol1-FAM, specific for EGFR, by flow cytometry (a) and aptaimmunocytochemistry (b). Intact cells were taken as a control. Antibodies against EGFR (red), aptamers U2 and Gol1 (green), blue – staining of nuclei with bisbenzimide.

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4. Fig. 3. Analysis of changes in gene expression levels of EGFR cascade molecules by qPCR in human glioblastoma cells before and after transfection (а), before and after the addition of U2 and Gol1 aptamers in U87 line cells (б) and G01 culture cells (в). Gene expression was normalized relative to the reference genes GAPDH, RPL13A and TBP. The data are presented as a logarithmic scale of the mean value ± standard error of the mean, the p-criterion was considered significant at *= p < 0.05, ** = p < 0.01, *** = p < 0.001, **** = p < 0.0001 (ANOVA test). All experiments were carried out in three replicates.

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5. Fig. 4. (a) Hierarchical model of EGFR and EGFRvIII signal transmission. Cells in human glioblastoma tumors expressing EGFRvIII can transmit signals to cells expressing EGFR, and vice versa, in a paracrine manner (Cvrljevic et al., 2011); (б) EGFR signaling pathways in glioma cells, taken and adapted from KEGG PATHWAY.

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