Conformal Mapping of a Z-Shaped Domain




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For the problem of conformal mapping of a half-plane onto a Z-shaped domain with arbitrary geometry, an efficient method is developed for finding parameters of the Schwarz–Christoffel integral, i.e., the preimages of the vertices (prevertices) and the pre-integral multiplier. Special attention is given to the situation of crowding prevertices, in which case conventional integration methods face significant difficulties. For this purpose, the concept of a cluster is introduced, its center is determined, and all integrand binomials with prevertices from this cluster are expanded into a fast-convergent series by applying a unified scheme. Next, the arising integrals are reduced to single or double series in terms of Gauss hypergeometric functions F(a, b, c, q). The fast convergence of the resulting expansions is ensured by applying formulas for analytic continuation of  F(a, b, c, q) to a neighborhood of the point q = 1 and using numerically stable recurrence relations. The constructed expansions are also fairly efficient for choosing initial approximations for prevertices in Newton’s iteration method. By using the leading terms of these expansions, the approximations for the prevertices are expressed in explicit form in terms of elementary functions, and the subsequent iterations ensure the fast convergence of the algorithm. After finding the parameters in the integral, the desired mapping is constructed as a combination of power series expansions at prevertices, regular expansions at the preimage of the center of symmetry, a Laurent series in a semi-annulus, and special series near the preimages of the vertical segments. Numerical results demonstrate the high efficiency of the developed method, especially in the case of strong crowding of prevertices.


S. Skorokhodov

Federal Research Center “Computer Science and Control” of the Russian Academy of Sciences

119333, Moscow, Russia


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