Simulation of Emission Processes in Strong Electromagnetic Fields

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The problem of calculating the processes of electron emission from metal surfaces in strong electromagnetic fields is considered with allowance for relativistic effects. One of the methods of simulation in these processes is the particle method combined with grid calculation of fields on the basis of Maxwell’s equations. Similar techniques have been developed since the 1960s to the present. However, existing approaches have certain limitations. In this work, for an axisymmetric geometry of the generating system, a new numerical technique simulating the processes of electron emission from metal cathode surfaces is presented. The technique uses the representation of large smoothed Gaussian particles and implements the calculation of electromagnetic fields on Cartesian spatial grids. The software implementation is oriented to parallel computing. The aim of numerical experiments was to determine the parameters of electron emission. Diode and triode cylindrical systems were chosen as test problems. In numerical calculations, the spatiotemporal characteristics of relativistic electron beams generated by emission processes are obtained, including the reproduction of the Child–Langmuir current. The numerical technique developed has confirmed its correctness and efficiency.

About the authors

T. A. Kudryashova

Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences

1125047, Moscow, Russia

S. V. Polyakov

Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences

1125047, Moscow, Russia

N. I. Tarasov

Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.
1125047, Moscow, Russia


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Copyright (c) 2023 Т.А. Кудряшова, С.В. Поляков, Н.И. Тарасов

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