Convergence of Formal Solutions to the Second Member of the Fourth Painlevé Hierarchy in a Neighborhood of Zero

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The second member of the fourth Painlevé hierarchy is considered. Convergence of certain power asymptotic expansions in a neighborhood of zero is proved. New families of power asymptotic expansions are found. Computations are carried out using a computer algebra system. Reference to a code that can be used for computing the Gevrey order of the formal expansion of the solution to the second-order differential equation in a symbolic computation packet is given.

About the authors

V. I. Anoshin

National Research University—Higher School of Economics

123458, Moscow, Russia

A. D. Beketova

National Research University—Higher School of Economics

123458, Moscow, Russia

A. V. Parusnikova

National Research University—Higher School of Economics

123458, Moscow, Russia

E. D. Prokopenko

National Research University—Higher School of Economics

Author for correspondence.
123458, Moscow, Russia


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Copyright (c) 2023 В.И. Аношин, А.Д. Бекетова, А.В. Парусникова, Е.Д. Прокопенко

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