Optimal Boundary Control of a Distributed Heterogeneous Vibrating System with Given States at Intermediate Times

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The problem of optimal boundary control of a distributed heterogeneous vibrating system governed by the one-dimensional wave equation with piecewise constant characteristics is considered. It is assumed that each homogeneous segment is traveled by a wave over the same time. The control is performed via displacements of both ends. The cost functional is specified on the whole time interval. A constructive approach is proposed for finding an optimal control function that transfers the vibrations from an initial state through multipoint intermediate states to a terminal state over a given time interval. The results are illustrated by an example.

About the authors

V. R. Barseghyan

Institute of Mechanics, Academy of Sciences of Armenia; Yerevan State University

Author for correspondence.
Email: barseghyan@sci.am
0019, Yerevan, Armenia; 0025, Yerevan, Armenia


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