Reactivity of olefin functions of dicyclopentadiene in the Diels-Alder reaction with thionylaniline




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The sulfonamide with a benzothiazine moiety was synthesized by a Diels-Alder reaction of thionylaniline with dicyclopentadiene. The prepared adduct was oxidized to the appropriate sulfonamide with a benzothiazine moiety. The molecular and crystal structure of the sulfonamide obtained was determined by the single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis. A higher reactivity of the the olefin function of the norbornene fragment was found; and the formation of two structural isomers was revealed.


E. Ilyushkina

I. Kant Baltic Federal University

Ya. Veremeychik

I. Kant Baltic Federal University


O. Lodochnikova

A. E. Arbuzov Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry, Federal Research Center “Kazan Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences”;A. M. Butlerov Institute of Chemistry, Kazan Federal (Volga Region) University

V. Plemenkov

A. M. Butlerov Institute of Chemistry, Kazan Federal (Volga Region) University


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