Electronic State of Arsenic endo-atom and indices of interatomic bonds in[As@Ni12As20]3-/0, As20, Ni12As20, As@C60, and As@C70 Clusters

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The DFT PBE0/SDD method was used to calculate bond lengths and bond indices in As20, Ni12As20, [As@Ni12As20]3-, As@C60 and As@C70 clusters. The degrees of oxidation and reduction of the endo -atom and the shell are expressed in terms of the populations of one-electron states localized in these components of the complexes. Each As atom in clusters has a entirely localized lone electron pair. The arsenic atom inside fullerenes retains the electronic configuration and spin of the ground state of the free As atom. Inside the [Ni12As20]6- shell, it has an oxidation state of 3+. There is no covalent bond between the endo -atom and the shell in clusters. The bond indices refute the opinion about the “onion” structure of [As@Ni12@As20]3-: the nickel atoms are not bonded to each other, the As-As bond indices are three times lower than in As20.

About the authors

S. G Semenov

B.P. Konstantinov Petersburg Institute of Nuclear Physics, National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute”

M. E Bedrina

St. Petersburg State University

Email: m.bedrina@mail.ru

V. A Klemeshev

St. Petersburg State University


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