Bird population dynamics during the regenerative succession of mossy pine woodland in southwestern Belarus



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Disturbed forest ecosystems are characterized by significant spatial and temporal changes. As a part of the study on bird communities, changes in bird abundance during the secondary succession of a cleared mossy pine woodland in southwestern Belarus were investigated. The purpose of the work was to determine the inter-annual dynamics of bird species abundance and to assess the variability of individual species abundance during the secondary succession of the mossy pine woodland. The material was collected in 2000–2019. Line transects were set to conduct bird counts in ecosystems at different stages of succession. For the data processing, generally accepted methods of statistical analysis were used. The species diversity of birds was found to increase from 8 to 42 species, the overall abundance from 171.7 to 587.1 birds/km2 during the succession (6 stages, from 1 to 90 years in age). The abundance of species (birds/km2) and inter-annual variability during 11 seasons were determined. The coefficient of variation (CV) was the highest (71.00–82.50%) for species whose abundance did not exceed 1.0 birds/km2. The average abundance of species varied considerably, e.g., among passerines at the 80–90-year old stage from 1.1 birds/km2 (Little Flycatcher) to 153.7 birds/km2 (Chaffinch). Bird populations with high abundance turned out to be the most stable, for example at the last two successional stages the CV of the Chaffinch is 6.02 and 7.16%. For species with average abundance the variability is found to be low or medium (varies from 11.90 to 36.20%), for species with low abundance the CV varies from 17.68 to 82.50%. All six stages of succession were dominated by nesting migratory birds, which account for 75.0% of the species in the first stage of succession to 52.4% in the fifth and sixth stages. Near and distant migrants form the basis of the bird community at all stages. Populations of sedentary species and distant migrants are more stable than those of near migrants.

Sobre autores

I. Abramova

Pushkin Brest State University

Autor responsável pela correspondência
Belarus, 224016, Brest, Cosmonauts Boulevard, 21


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