Phase tree, analysis of crystallizing phases and description of chemical interaction in the three-component reciprocal system Ca,Ba| |F,Cl

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The paper analyzes the crystallizing phases in the ternary reciprocal system Ca,Ba | | F,Cl, describes the chemical interaction of ion exchange reactions and complexation reactions. The system is partitioned into simplices using graph theory. A tree of phases of the system has been constructed, on the basis of which a prediction of the number and composition of crystallizing phases in stable elements has been made. A 3D model of the phase complex of the Ca,Ba | | F,Cl system was built using the KOMPAS 3D v21 software. On the stable CaF2–BaCl2 diagonal, the presence of a quasi-binary eutectic and the stability of the crystallizing phases were confirmed by thermogravimetry and XRD methods.

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About the authors

T. D. Slavnov

Samara State Technical University

Russian Federation, Samara

E. M. Egorova

Samara State Technical University

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, Samara

I. K. Garkushin

Samara State Technical University

Russian Federation, Samara

A. V. Burchakov

Samara State Technical University

Russian Federation, Samara

M. A. Demina

Samara State Technical University

Russian Federation, Samara


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Development of the T–x–y diagram of the three-component reciprocal system Ca,Ba| |F,Cl and T–x diagrams of double faceting systems. *—predicted value.

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3. Fig. 2. Projection of the liquidus onto the square of the compositions of the three-component reciprocal system Ca,Ba||F,Cl. *—predicted value.

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4. Fig. 3. 3D model of the phase complex of the Ca,Ba| |F,Cl. *—predicted value.

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5. Fig. 4. Isothermal sections of the system Ca,Ba| |F,Cl at 1200, 1000, 900 and 700 °C obtained from the model.

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6. Fig. 5. Isothermal sections of the Ca,Ba system | | F,Cl at 800, 750, 650 and 600 °C obtained from the model.

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7. Fig. 6. Polythermal section of the unstable diagonal BaF2—CaCl2 of the Ca,Ba| |F,Cl obtained from the model.

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8. Fig. 7. Polythermal section of the secant CaBaCl4–CaFCl system Ca,Ba | | F,Cl obtained from the model.

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9. Fig. 8. Derivatograms of heating and cooling of a sample of composition  (CaF2 - 25%, BaF2 - 15%, BaCl2 - 60%).

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10. Fig. 9. Derivatograms of heating and cooling of a sample of composition  (CaF2 - 10%, BaF2 - 30%, BaCl2 - 60%).

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11. Fig. 10. X-ray diffraction pattern of a sample with the composition 22.5% CaF2 + 77.5% BaCl2 (CaF2 PDF 00-002-1302; BaCl2 PDF 01-072-0368).

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