Investigation of Physicochemical Characteristics of Lead Dioxide Coatings to Enhance the Performance of Reserve Quickly Activated Chemical Power Sources in the Lead–Perchloric Acid–Lead Dioxide System




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The relationship between the discharge characteristics of reserve chemical power sources of the lead–perchloric acid–lead dioxide system and the physicochemical properties of electroplated cathode coatings with lead dioxide, including phase composition and microstructure, has been studied. The study reveals that the discharge characteristics of power sources can be enhanced by employing a two-layer lead dioxide coating consisting of a porous outer layer and a denser inner layer. The findings have been validated through the production and testing of industrial prototypes of pilot miniature reserve power sources, which exhibit improved performance even at low temperatures (activation time, less than 30 ms; discharge capacity, ~200 mA min/cm2; discharge voltage per cell, 1.8–1.2 V at –50°C).


P. Shcheglov

Scientific and Production Association “Pribor” named after S.S. Golembiovsky

117587, Moscow, Russia

D. Samsonov

Scientific and Production Association “Pribor” named after S.S. Golembiovsky

119071, Moscow, Russia

A. Pavlenkov

Scientific and Production Association “Pribor” named after S.S. Golembiovsky

117587, Moscow, Russia

T. Kulova

A.N. Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences

119071, Moscow, Russia

A. Rychagov

A.N. Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences

119071, Moscow, Russia

V. Andreev

Investigation of Physicochemical Characteristics of Lead Dioxide Coatings to Enhance the Performance of Reserve Quickly Activated Chemical Power Sources in the Lead–Perchloric Acid–Lead Dioxide System

119071, Moscow, Russia

A. Skundin

A.N. Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences

119071, Moscow, Russia


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版权所有 © П.А. Щеглов, Д.А. Самсонов, А.Б. Павленков, Т.Л. Кулова, А.Ю. Рычагов, В.Н. Андреев, А.М. Скундин, 2023
